Chapter Seventeen

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I heard the door open and close. Suddenly a light came on and the one person I didn't expect to see was staring down at me. Harry was smiling this really evil smile and had a gun in his hand. I swallowed hard. I never thought I'd die this way. I always thought I'd die in my sleep.

Chapter Seventeen

"What the heck are you doing here Charlie?" he asked angrily.

I swallowed hard, "um I just wanted to see the animals you know." I said laughing nervously.

Harry sighed, "listen I have to kill you now because if this gets out I'm in huge trouble. You hear me?"

I shook my head, "please j-just let me go. I promise I won't tell anyone. Please."

"I don't want to kill you either," he said, "but this is something I have to do. I can't let this slip out or I'll die.

I sighed, "please Harry I'm begging you just this once. Can't you trust me? It's not like I have a lot of people to tell."

He shook his head, "please I know girls like you. You say you won't tell anyone and when we let you go, you tell everyone who would listen to you. I know exactly where you would go first. Blake's gonna help you I'm sure of it."

I rolled my eyes, "Me and Blake are nothing ok. And I won't even go to him ok. I'll even quit my job at the restaurant."

He thought about for a while and without saying anything just walked out. When the door slammed, I started looking around for anything that would get me out of these ropes. Maybe I should just accept my fate. This was really how I was going to die. There's absolutely nothing in this stupid place. The tables are empty and the floors didn't even have a speck of dust on it. What is this place anyways? It looks so new and fancy. It shouldn't be that far from the zoo right. But then who has a freaking mansion or whatever this is at the zoo? And the smell. It smells like cologne and it's so familiar. Except I can't put my finger on it.

Jus then the door opened again and I was expecting to see Harry. Instead Blake was standing there, well more like limping with a guy dragging him in. His face was beat up pretty badly and it looked like he was about to faint. The guy threw him into a chair but didn't even bother tying him up. Instead he just walked out. Blake looked up dizzily at me. He looked really confusing.

"Oh my gosh Charlie are you ok?" he asked worriedly, "I've been looking for you everywhere."

I snorted, "like you care?"

"What are you talking about?"

I sighed, "I saw you Blake with that girl in your car? I can't believe you think I'm just going to one of your little toys. Well guess what I'm not like those other girls. I know you're a player Blake but I really thought we had something."

He was looking at me still confused, "what are you talking about? I swear I was never with any girl. I was waiting for you by the gate. When I went to asked Cassandra where you were, she said you already left so I went looking for you. When I got to the zoo, these two guys attacked me. That's it ok. And we do have something. You just have to stop pushing me away every time I try to get close."

Part of me wanted so bad to believe him but the other part knew he was player and he knew how to get girls. And I really wanted to believe him. To know that he honestly wanted to be with me. But the other part didn't want to risk getting hurt. Didn't want to know how this would end.

"You know you can't stay on the safe side forever," he said.

Now it was my turn to be confused, "What are you talking about?"

Blake laughed, "I know every time we finally find some ground, you push me away. You find a reason whatever the reason is without listening to whatever I'm saying. Like that time at the beach when we were in the shed. I really thought we had something. Then when you saw Cassandra you suddenly assume that it was a prank and run away. You can't just assumer stuff anymore Charlie. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere but when the summer is over where will you be? Back in California? If you go back I just know you're going to regret not risking your heart."

I swallowed hard. That was the longest speech I've heard anyone say. Well except politicians and stuff. But what do I say to him? I clear my throat, "well maybe you're right but at the end of the day we know it's not going to work. It never works out even if we get married there's no happily ever after. That's only in fairytales. "

He sighed, "is that what you think? That just because your parents didn't work out that you won't ever find love?"

"I'll find love," I said, "it just won't last."

He stood up and untied my hands and feet, "come on we have to get out here. We'll talk about this later."

He pulled out his phone and called 911 and told them where we were and what was going on. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the place. It was too dark to see so I still didn't know where we were. We made it to the zoo's gate, when we bumped into Harry.

"Well well well," Harry said evilly with his gun still in his hand, "if it isn't the couple of the year."

Blake looked at him confused, "Harry? What the heck are you doing here? Don't tell me you're part of this?"

Harry nodded, "I'm sorry Blake but your father wasn't giving me enough money and this is the only way I'm going to get rich. Sorry."

Then without any warning of anything, Harry pointed the gun at Blake and shot him. In one quick motion. I can still hear the boom in my ears. I saw Blake falling down to the ground and breathing hard. He was trying to apply pressure to his stomach where the bullet went. I knelt down beside him and he grabbed my hand. Putting it over his wound, he pushed my hand down. I knew what that meant.

All I could see was Blake. He was laying there dying. I didn't see the police coming. Not when they arrested Harry and his guys. I only saw them when they walked over to us and carry Blake into the ambulance. By now Blake was unconscious. Will he be ok? I don't know but I wished I told him I loved him. After all the things he said to me.


I am so sorry I didn't update earlier. It took me about a month to update and i am so sorry. I understand if you've already given up on this story. I would too. But if you're still here what did you think of the chapter?

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