Chapter Nineteen

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It was a week before the doctors could let Blake out of the hospital. The whole time Blake was there, I would be there everyday. I've lost count of how many times we kissed but it was a lot. It's easy to admit that I was actually liking Blake more and more everyday. Maybe even love. The thing that made me nervous was that summer was almost over. I would have to go back to California and be back to my nonsocial life. Blake would probably go back to his player life and something about that just made my heart ache.

I shouldn't worry about that. I should worry about the date tonight. Even thought Blake had just been released this morning and I told him to stay home to rest, he still insists us go out on a date tonight.  I didn't really put up a fight considering how much I really wanted to go out on this date with Blake. Maybe I was even more excited than Blake. I told Emily about the date and she sped her way over to my place with a pile of clothes. We would've gone shopping if I hadn't told her that the date was in exactly one hour.

I was only going to wear some jeans and a t-shirt but Emily says that the only thing a girl has to wear to a date is a dress. Which I think is stupid. I mean a guy can wear whatever he wants. He doesn't have to dress up and wear a suit. Now I have to admit that I did wear a dress on my date with Lucas but only because he's a freaking football star. Plus he did wear a suit so we're even. But if I know Blake, he wouldn't even put on a dress shirt for that matter. Probably some jeans and a t-shirt. I wonder where we were going.

"So I was thinking maybe something yellow," Emily says holding up a short summer dress.

I shook my head, "I don't go good with yellow. It's just too... um bright."

"Fine," Emily reaches for another dress, "how about this blue long dress? It's Blake's favorite color."

"Blue's Blake's favorite color?" I asked.

She nodded, "yep unless you don't like blue. Then you can wear a green one to match Blake's eyes." she said dreamily.

"I don't know Emily," I said, "should I wear a dress? You know Blake's not one to be fancy."

Emily nodded, "who cars if Blake is fancy or not. Don't you want to look good for your man?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, "We're not even that exclusive. He hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend yet."

"Oh honey you're more than exclusive." Emily said, "You two spent a week together while he was in the hospital. I don't know about you but I think it's the girlfriend's job to take care of her man when he's hurt."

I sighed, " stop calling him my man. It's weird."

"Aha so you do admit that he's your man." she said a glint in her eyes probably happy that she had caught me.

"I never said that," I tried to defend myself.

"Sure you didn't," she said.

"Ok enough," I said changing the subject, "how about I wear a skirt?"

Emily thought about it for a while and then shook her head, "no skirts are not meant for first dates. You need something elegant and romantic. Something that will leave him speechless."

I sighed, "skirts leave men speechless all the time. I've seen it in movies."

"Who cares about movies, " she said pulling me to the pile of clothes, "try to pick something you like. And remember you're trying to impress Blake. The most popular guy in the whole wide world."

I rolled my eyes and started looking around. I wonder how she actually got all these clothes over here. There was a green dress that I liked. Except when I tried it on, I realized that it had a low cut back which was so not my style. I am not one to show skin. Then there was a red dress that was so short, I was pretty sure that with just one weak blow, you could really blow the dress up. Then a black one that was really long. Except the cut on the side looked just like Angelina Jolie's dress which was disgusting. I decided to look for a blue one since it is Blake's favorite color. There were so many long ones. I would wear one except that they were really poufy. Then I found a really good one. It was a blue short dress. There was bow around the middle and it was to my knees. I didn't want to say it was perfect but it was way better than the rest.

"Ooh the cocktail dress," Emily said after I tried it on, "I've never worn it but it looks really good on you. Do you have any boots? It would look really good with some boots."

I nodded and  grabbed some brown long boots. It was also thin so I wouldn't be so hot walking in it in the summer.

"Oh my gosh now that's what I call a good first impression," Emily said clapping her hands.

I rolled my eyes, "Blake and I know each other remember?"

"Who cares."


OMG two chapter in one day. That's going to be a first and probably a last. Or it might be rare that I do that. I just feel really bad about not updating for so long.

Charlie's dress on the side >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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