Chapter Eighteen

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I sat there in the hospital playing what had just happened over and over in my mind. They had just carried Blake into the E.R or whatever it is. I wasn't really noticing. I only saw Blake's weak face laying there. It took me a while to finally get his blood off my hand. I just couldn't believe it. Everything just went by so fast.

The police man who arrested Harry and his men said he would stay with me until my parents got here. So far it's been 30 minutes and no sign of my mom or any news from the doctors. Then the doors slammed opened and a strange woman who was in Daniel's arm came in crying. Followed by my parents.

"Oh my gosh Charlie what happened?" my mom asked sitting down next to me and pulling me into a tight hug.

I sighed, "He's going to be ok right?"

My mom nodded, "of course honey. Blake's a strong boy. He's going to make it."

The strange woman who I suspect is Blake's mom sat down next to me, "what were you two doing at the zoo? I thought you two were at the fair?"

I bit my lips, "well we wanted to um see the animals."

I wasn't going to tell her that I heard Blake having sex with someone in his car and I went to the zoo alone just to find out that the person who was killing innocent animals was Harry, their chef for I don't know how long.

"Oh," she said, "It's weird cause Blake's not one to just go see animals. We had to give him some money sometimes to just go with us."

"Really?" I asked shocked.

She nodded, "yeah maybe he really likes you to have to 'endure watching boring animals do nothing'. How do you two know each other anyways?"

"Um I work at your restaurant," I said.

"She also lives right next to us," Daniel said.

"Really?" she said, "how come you've never came over? And it's strange how Blake never talks about you. Maybe you're his little dirty secret." She winked.

I felt the blood rushing up to my cheeks forming identical red circles on my face. Then my mom saved me, "Delilah how could you think something like that? Charlie's not that type of girl."

"I was joking," Delilah said smiling, "I'm glad Blake's finally got a serious girl like you. I hate it every time I came home and there would be a different girl."

I rolled my eyes jus thinking of what had happened that night in Blake's car. I can't believe I was actually falling for him. Boy now I feel really stupid. Then the doctor came out and we all came rushing towards him.

"How is he doctor?" Delilah asked her smile gone and was now replaced with a worried look.

The doctor nodded his head, "the surgery's went great and Blake could be waking up anytime soon. Only time would tell. Although he will need to stay at the hospital for quite some time due to the injuries."

We all started sighing at the same time. Wow was everyone holding their breaths?

"When can we see him?" I blurted out.

 The doctor looked at me, "you can see him now if you want."

We all ran down the empty hallway. It's strange because there's usually a lot of people at a hospital. Clearly not this one. It smelled like antibiotics or something. We finally got to his room and he looks worst than what the doctor was saying. There was a pipe in his stomach and he looked really pale. There's were bandages on the places where he was punched. He was wearing the hospital clothes and there was a tube on his nose and mouth. I was the first to walk in and the others followed after me. I grabbed his hand and sighed. Something told me everything was my fault.

Suddenly I felt a twinge of guilt. I mean maybe it was my fault. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have went to the zoo to look for me. Then he wouldn't have gotten punched and everything. Then we wouldn't have tried to escape and he wouldn't have gotten shot. Man I feel really horrible. Maybe everything he said back there was right and I was really pushing him away. The only question is who was the person in the car then if it wasn't Blake?

Just then Blake's eyes fluttered open. It was like a miracle even though the doctor did say he was going to wake up. But what if he had died? Had I taken him for granted the whole time? he squeezed my hand and smiled weakly up at me. I smiled back at him.

"You two look so cute," I hear Delilah said.

I turned around and blushed. That was when I realized that we weren't alone. I moved aside so that Delilah could come up to hug her son. She hit him softly on the shoulder and then hugged him.

"Why do you have to make me so worried all the time?" she asked about to cry.

Daniel came up to her and pat her back, "Well think on the bright side. If Blake hadn't gone there, they wouldn't have caught Harry and we'd still be eating illegal meat."

"I guess," Delilah said wiping away her tears.

"We'll leave you two," my mom said pulling everyone outside.

"I'm sorry," I said when they left.

Blake looked at me confused, "what are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry," I said, "for getting you shot and everything. If it wasn't for me going into the zoo without you, you wouldn't have come looking for me."

He laughed, "are you kidding? This was the only thing this summer that wasn't actually boring."

I sighed, "what about all those girls?"

He smirked, "are you jealous?"

"Yeah right," I lied.  

He sighed, "so wanna go out with me some time?" he asked.

I blushed, "w-what? Like a date?"

He nodded, "yeah a date."

"Oh," I said.

"So what do you say?" he asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know isn't it too soon?"

He looked at me confused, "what are you talking about? Do you remember anything I told you last night?"

I nodded, "I remember it's just... um what day are you thinking of?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "maybe once I get out of this hospital."

I nodded, "I'll think about it."

"Hey Charlie?" Blake said.


"Can you kiss me?" he asked smirking.

I rolled my eyes, "you wish."

"Come on I can't sit up and all you have to do is lean down and touch my lips with yours. It's easy." he said.

I sighed, "You're the first person I kissed ok. And I didn't kiss you back. I want to warn you that I am a really bad kisser."

Blake nodded and before I could stop him or push him away, he sat up and kissed me. On the lips. It was a soft lips only kind of kiss. Then it got passionate and I started leaning into Blake. It felt so good and amazing. I didn't want to stop but then Blake pulled away laying down again with a pained look on his face.

I gasped, "did it really hurt sitting up?" I asked worriedly.

He shrugged, "kind of but it was totally worth it."


So so so so so sorry for the long wait. I promise I'll try updating faster. These chapter are going to be kind of short. Sorry about that.

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