Chapter One

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I look out the window of the plane as it was landing in the runway. So this was Hilton, Georgia. The place my mom lives. You could say it's pretty empty. I even think we're the only plane in this place. My mom said it was small but i never knew it was this small.

I got my bags and got out of that plane as fast as i could. I don't know how many hours it is from California to Georgia but it felt like a month i was sitting in that uncomfortable chair. Why did i have to do this every summer?

Ever since my mom and dad got a divorce, i 've been going back and forth. For instance i go to school in California but every Christmas i have to go to my mom's. The worst part about it is that she travels around. Before she was in Georgia, she was in New York.

When i got out of the airport, i looked around for my mom. I have to do this everytime i go to see her. You'd think that once a couple divorces, one of the parent would take full custody of the kids but not my parents. Nope they're the 'a kid grows better with two parents.'

When i finally saw her, she was in shorts and a tank top. She had dyed her hair blond. Wow mom nice going. She had black hair before but was always jealous of my blond curly hair. I take after my father. He also had blond hair. My blue eyes are the same color as his. My mom had green eyes though.

The real problem was that there was a man beside her with his arms around her waist. He looked like her age. Brown hair and blue eyes. He's in jeans and a t- shirt. Maybe he was just a pervert and she was too busy waving at me to notice. I better tell her before he tries to rape her.

I walked up to her and we hugged for about 5 seconds. I glared at the man who still hadn't left yet. What the heck did he want. My mom cleard her throat, "Rob." Rob? Who's Rob? It can't be that guy can it? "This is my 17 year old daughter Charlotte but she likes being called Charlie."

Ok stay calm Charlie he's probably just a friend of her's. She has so many friends. Then she looked at me, "Charlie meet your new step father." WHAT? Stepfather? That can't be true. I didn't even know she was even getting married. Just then i realized that i was just standing there like a crazy person with my mouth opened and my eyes almost popping out.

"S-stepfather?" I asked stuttering. She nodded, "I know it's a lot to take in but i wanted this to be a surprise. We were going to get married this summer when you were here," she looked at the Rob guy smiling, "but we couldn't wait so we eloped."

Eloped? Was she even my mom? I knew my 'real' mom would never get marry like this. She wouldn't do something so reckless like this. Who was this woman? Was this some kind of sick joke she was pulling on me? I know i tried to burn down her apartment the last time we were together but that was an accident. She can't be doing this because of that could she?

"So how about we go home and get you settle in." my mom said interrupting my train of thoughts. I just realized that this was going to be one of the worst summers ever. They turned around walking towards the car. I followed after them.

Suddenly i saw the Rob guy moving his hand down to my mom's butt. It stayed there. Yep this was going to be a very long and a very horrible summer.

We got to the house. First of all, my mom never really had a house after the divorce. Whenever i saw her, she'd be driving me a ten story aparntment. Looking at a yellow house standing in front of me, i doubt it was an apartment. Sure it was two stories but it was definitely not an apartment. We walked in and i was shocked.

Everything in the house was white. White couch. White pillows. White tables. White walls. White lamps. White chairs. The t.v was even white. "Come on honey let me show you your room." I followed her up the stairs. Let me guess everything in it is white. She opened the door and yep white bed, pillow, desk, drawers, and walls.

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