Chapter Five

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Today i was suppose to go to a meeting with Emily. Apparently all the teens in Hilton go to the meeting and from what i've seen there aren't that much.

I walked outside to see if she was there. Just at that moment, Blake walked outside too. Oh crap! I ran back inside. Ever since that incident at the restaurant, Blake's been extra mean to me. I'm guessing i stole his best friend or something.

After a few glances outside, i saw him walking back into his house. I took a deep breath and decided to wait inside until they came. They usually honk right? They wouldn't ride on without me.

Just then i heard a honk outside. I ran out and suddenly realized that Blake had ran out too. We looked at each other. Well i looked at him and he glared at me. What the heck is going on? Isn't it obvious? He's going to be riding with us in the back seat with me!

Ok calm down Charlie he's just going to be sitting with you. It's not like he's going to kill you with Nate and Emily in the car right? Or did he think it was worth it? He's probably more mad right now that he has to ride in the car with me. Why do i have such bad luck?

He climbed in and before i could even step inside, he slams the door. Oh i hate him so much. I open the car again and climb in. Nate smiles at me and Emily looks between me and Blake wondering what was going on.

Blake put hid head back in the seat and spread his legs. Even though we were a seat apart, his legs touched mine. I swear there was a tingle that went through my body.

Ok maybe i have a little crush on Blake. But he would never go for a girl like me. He's too busy sleeping with girls like Cassandra to even look at a girl like me. And when he does look, it's always because he wants to bully me.

The other day, i saw a complete strange girl in his room with him. I'm not a creeper ok. Just to make that clear, it's just that i can't help it. How can he just do that and never call them again? He reminds me of Barney in How I Met Your Mother. Except Blake's way meaner than Barney. At least Barney's funny.

"So Charlie do you guys have teen mettings in California?" Emily asked. Probably sensing the awkwardness in the air. I sighed, "no this is the first time i've heard of a teen meeting. Maybe becasue this is such a small town."

She nodded and i hear Blake snort. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. I still can't believe a human can be that mean. It's like everything that comes out of my mouth is stupid. I don't understand what i did to piss him off so much.

Last night, he actually threw eggs at me when my window was open. I was trying to put a flower pot on my balcony when suddenly i hear a splat right on my face. I heard about 5 more after that and i have to admit it really hurt. Plus my flower pot fell to the ground and cracked into pieces.

The worst part was trying to get the egg out. It really stuck to my hear and i had to take about 4 showers for it to actually come off. The car finally stopped and i climbed out. I was tempted to shut the door on Blake like he did to me but something stopped me.

I saw Cassandra and her group walking into this building. When he saw me and Blake climbing off the car after me, she gave me the dirtiest look i've ever seen. And trust me, i've seen a lot. Everytime i make eye contact with a cheerleader in the halls, they give me a dirty look.

I scratch the back of my neck and follow after Nate. Maybe he could save me from Cassandra and her mean friends. I know i'm acting like a little girl but it's just that this isn't like home.

Sure they bully me at home too but not like this. Dont' get me wrong it's not that i don't like attention, it's just i'd rather not get the type of attention Blake and Cassandra are giving me. I'd rather stay on the sidelines then go into the field and get beat up.

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