Chapter Nine

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Hey everyone I hope you like this chapter and any type of feedback is appeciated!!!





So I'm sitting on the beach somewhat away from the party with Ian in my lap. I seriously don't know where Nancy is. When the car stopped she just disappeared. Call me a bad babysitter or whatever but that girl is fast!

Then when i was trying to find her, i caught sight of Blake. And yes i'll admit it, i'm kind of a coward. So when i saw him, i ran as far away from there as possible. Confrontation is not my kind of thing.

I checked my watch. It was already 8:30. Shouldn't Nancy be getting bored by now? Cause i'm like really hungry. And yes this party has food but i wasn't going to go over there and get some food and risk getting caught by Blake.

Suddenly a song called Change my Mind by One Direction was blaring. Mostly everyone was slow dancing. I do like that song too. That was when my stomach growled.

Ian laughed and said, "when are we going home? I'm really hungry and scared."

Then he started crying. Great what am i suppose to do now? Somebody's bound to hear him crying and stare over here. What if Blake comes over? I wrapped him around me trying to calm him down.

I sighed, "Don't cry Ian it'll be ok."

Suddenly someone cleared their throat behind me. I turned around and there standing in front of me was none other than Blake Preston. He was holding a plate full of chips and other things.

"You ever trying feeding him?" He asked.

I swear chills ran down my spine just hearing his voice. He sounded so sincere and nice. But could i really trust him? He's probably just looking for something else to make fun of me about. But he had food so guess he could stay.

"I kind of don't have any food with me at the moment." I said trying to sound cool. Maybe he'll like me or something.

He laughed and handed Ian the plate of food. Ian instantly quieted down and ate the chips. Then he did the unthinkable and sat down beside me. Yep Blake Preston is actually sitting beside me. I could feel my heart beating really fast.

He sighed, "why don't you join the party?"

I shrugged, "not really a party person. Plus i don't really know how to dance or whatever they're doing over there." When i looked over to the party again, this time i was positive they were grinding against each other.

I looked back at Blake to see him smiling at me. I felt my face getting really red. What was wrong with you Charlie? Why are you letting him do this to you? He bullied you for goodness sakes. But why is my hearbeat racing? And why are my hands sweating?

"You know you look really pretty," He complimented.

I started twirling a strand of my hair and my blush got even redder. If that's even possible. I looked over at Ian and saw that he wasn't even paying attention to our conversation. Man that boy can eat. He's almost done. Thanks for sharing Ian.

And as if he can hear my thoughts, Blake said, "i can get you some more food if you'd like."

I shook my head, "it's ok."

Suddenly a breeze fell over me and i felt my curls tangling. Great now he'll think i'm ugly. And this will be another thing he'll tell Casssandra. Then they'll team up to bully me again.

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