"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced.
Live your life so that when you die....the world cries and you rejoice". White ElkChapter 20
It was a solemn group that trudged into the woods. The team leaders who had followed Commander Callum faithfully, carried his body with stoic honor.
Dmitri would not touch the body of the traitor that was his former commander. Instead he cradled Lincoln's cold form against his chest. His mate and the rest of the young walked beside him. Periodically their silence was broken by a soft sob.
Too soon, it seemed, they arrived at the altar of the dead. Faith could feel the ancient power pulsing from the ground. This was a good place to send Lincoln's soul off into Sheol. The power would protect it from those wishing evil.
Zypher looked back in query as they arranged the body upon the stone alter. Dmitri shook his head in refusal. Lincoln would not burn next to his murderer. They would wait for Callum to be turned to ash before they began the ceremony for the young warrior.
Dmitri motioned for the young to sit before he too rested on the ground in respectful silence. Though he no longer respected the male their leader had become, Dmitri still respected the senselessness of a life lost.
As the flames died down and the wind began to blow the ash into the darkening sky the Warriors filed back down the hill and out of the woods. The only people left in the clearing besides Dmitri, Faith, and the young, were the trainees and Dmitri's team.
Dmitri approached the alter and solemnly laid Lincoln out after Gauis had swept the last of Callum's dust from the stone. Leaning in, Dmitri rested his forehead against that of his young.
"I am so proud to call you my young. You gave your life to protect our female and our young.
There is no greater honor for a warrior. And you, Lincoln are a great and honorable warrior. Be at peace for you will be remembered." Dmitri whispered.Straightening he went and stood by Faith as each of the young said their goodbyes to Lincoln. Alex, still trapped in kitten form, was carried to the alter by Jamie. They sat for a moment, Alex upon Lincoln's chest next to where Jamie had rested his head.
Rafe tried to appear stoic, but sobs racked his gangly frame as he knelt by the alter.
"I'm sorry Linc, I should've stayed and helped you. I should've run faster. How? How can I go on without you brother? You were my strength. I don't know if I can be what I'm supposed to be without you."
When it was Faith's turn, she handed Jaden to Dmitri and then carried a shimmering opalescent fabric up to the alter. Luch joined her as they reverently wrapped his body in the sacred fabric. Lowly singing a Fae dirge, they began with his feet, when they reached the head, Luch placed a harrow seed in Lincoln's mouth. This was to protect against soul harvesters. Faith then took a crown of Rowan leaves and placed it on his head to show his bravery and honor. The last thing they did was wrap his head tightly. As they finished the dirge they both leaned forward and placed their hands upon his cold, still, body.
A bright glow engulfed the young warrior and surrounded the alter. As the two mixed siblings stepped down from the alter to join the others Lincoln's body began to burn in a blinding rush of white. The light slowly dimmed as his body disintegrated and with a stiff breeze in the still night his ashes rose into the air, swirling joyously. Just as the dimming light reached the tree line, the breeze died down and the light blinked out.
Sitting in silence as the dusk turned to night, the small group said their last goodbyes and then began the trek out of the forest and back to the compound.
Once Upon A Fae
Lupi mannariFaith was always on the outside looking in, in her pack. Being half Shifter and half Fae she has had to deal with being discriminated against or just plain ignored. Through it all though she had her family at her back. All that changes when her A...