Gaby's Pov:
Well, that was...extremely overwhelming.
My phone started to ring, and I tried to grab it with my broken arm, but I winced in pain, fighting back any tears.
Golden noticed and rushed over."Gaby? What's wrong? Are you ok?" He asked, looking at me with concern.
"Y-yea..well no.. that stupid puppet sorta broke my arm." I said, rubbing my arm.
"What?! And You still tried to fight Springtrap too?!" He yelled, panicking.
"Well duh! Cause I cared about you!" I said.
My phone started to ring once more, and I grabbed it with my other arm, answering it.
"Hey Gabster! How you doin' girl?"
"Uh, not that great why?"
"What? Why?"
"Long story."
"Well, you'll have plenty of time to tell me when I come in."
"No Ange- wait. Come in?! What do you mean come in?!"
"I'm at the door Gaby, can you let me in?"
I hung up the phone, looking towards the front door, and saw her leaning against it with her back facing us.
I groaned and walked over opening the door, and watching her stumble for balance when I removed the door from her leaning position."Angelica! How..Why are you here?!" I asked.
"Huh? Oh, I skate boarded over here bro, your mom told me where you were working and I sorta looked it up, and now I'm here! What's wrong with your arm?" She said, pulling out her skateboard from under her feet.
"Its broken." I said.
"Hmm...they have a first aid kit around here?" She asked, stepping back, but bumping into Golden Freddy.
Golden's Pov:
Who the fazbear is she?! She looks nothing like Gaby!
The girl had glasses, dark brown eyes, wore an oversized red sweat shirt, dark Brown hair in a pony tail, and She had bangs that were in front of her eyes.
She wore grayish like converse and She wore green leggings.
And there was a long pocket on the sweatshirt she was wearing, only one pocket! I thought jackets had two pockets! It didn't even have a zipper!
She turned around when she bumped into me, and her eyes widened."Whoa! What is that?" She asked.
"More importantly, who are you? Little girl?" I asked her, putting my arms behind my back.
"Little girl?! Please, I'm 14 man! The big 1 and 4." She said, putting her hands in the air for exaggeration.
"Yes, I can see that. But back to my question, who are you exactly?" I asked, moving towards her.
"Eh, my name is Angelica, but my friends call me Yolo." She said, brushing her bangs out of her face, only for them to fall back in her face.
(A/N: Anything Familiar? :3)
"Angelica? You related to Gaby or something?" I asked, walking around her.
"Yea, she's my cousin. Shes- ow!" Gaby stopped, grabbing her arm that had a few blood stains.
My eyes widened, I only noticed the blood stains now.
"Your arm is broken Gaby! Let me fix it! Is there a first aid kit around?" Angelica said, holding Gaby's other arm.
"Yea hold on." I said, as I went to fetch the first aid kit, and stumbled across the others with questioning faces.
"What?" I asked.

The Feelings (A Frexy Fanfic)
FanfictionAt Freddy's, Foxy soon finds out that he's developing feelings for his best friend Freddy Fazbear. Confused by his feelings, he bottles them up, until the others soon catch what's wrong with him. In Depression, he stays in his cove, pushing everyone...