It's been at least 3 days since that whole incident with Freddy and Foxy. Freddy was still too blind to know how Foxy really felt, it seems he wasn't ready to see it. Chica and Bonnie discussed over and over again at what happened, and they still can't get over it. One way or another they'll find out.
Foxy's Pov:
I was in my cove, alone, still thinking about me and Freddy's moment in here. It haunted me, he also rarely talked to me now. Which kind of hurt. We talked, but I mean, only if we were with the rest of the gang. Which was rare. I stayed in my cove most of the time. Until I found a Freddy Fazbear plushie a child left behind. I didn't tell anyone else about it, so I kept it with me and slept with it every night.
Tonight I went to sleep with it in my arms, and I cuddked it. But I guess Bonnie was spying on me, because he swung open my curtains and pulled me out, still with the plushie in my arms. I was embarrassed. I didn't know what to do or say...Bonnie's Pov:
I pulled away the Freddy plushie and examined it. Foxy tried to reach it and take it back. But I kept pushing him away. I started to realize why Foxy was always in his cove now. He was in love with Freddy, and I couldn't wait to tell everyone. I started to laugh and I said,"Foxy! I can't believe you love Freddy! This is Priceless!!" I laughed more and started to run towards the kitchen with Foxy chasing me. Freddy was talking with Golden Freddy about things to be done. So I just started looking for Chica instead. I burst in the Kitchen and saw Chica there putting pots away. Foxy was right behind me, I thought he was gonna cry when I showed Chica the plushie of Freddy.Chica's Pov:
I looked at The Freddy plush, and then back at Bonnie, with a confused face. He smiled at me and gestured towards foxy, indicating it was his. But if it was his, then that means, Foxy admires Freddy...maybe even more. I knew it! He did have a thing for Freddy! I looked at Foxy smiling, but my smile faded when I saw a tear run down his face. I looked back at Bonnie who started to laugh. "Can you believe it Chica? Foxy actually loves Freddy! Freddy Fazbea-" Bonnie was cut off, by me. I slapped him. Slapped him so hard that he dropped the plush and it landed on the floor. I was furious. How could Bonnie do such a thing? Especially to Foxy, he's been through so much lately. Now this? Foxy looked shocked. He could not believe what I just did to Bonnie. He picked it up carefully and held it close. Bonnie was touching the part where I hit his face. I walked over to Foxy And grabbed his Hand, I held it tightly.Foxy's Pov:
She...She stoop up for me. Well at least I think she did. Bonnie looked over at us and I got behind Chica. Bonnie got a little angry and walked over to where we were. Chica grabbed his Bowtie and yanked it towards her, making Bonnie lean Forward in Chica's Face. Chica was as mad as ever. Bonnie's angry expression turned into a merciful one. He was scared of her. "How could you do that Bonnie?! Making fun of your friend?! Just because he likes some one of his same gender doesn't give you the right to mess with him! If I didn't have Foxy to worry about, I would have clobbered you!!" Chica said. She was sticking up for me. Chica understood me, just like Freddy had said that day...She let go of him and he stumbled backwards.
He shook his head and walked out. When he was finally gone, or out of sight, Chica threw her arms around me tightly. I hugged her and thanked her. I didn't actually think all of this would happen. And, I actually didn't want to go through it ever again.
But I'm not so sure Bonnie will leave me alone just yet. The way he looked at me, still gives me the creeps. I don't get it, how come Bonnie found entertainment in my suffering?! I took a deep breath and I left the kitchen and held the plush to me tightly again. But I saw Bonnie in the corner of my eye, and before I knew it...he had me against the wall. I couldn't get free and I was more than just scared, I was petrified. Bonnie was never this mean, especially to me.
I struggled a bit and he put his face closer to mine. I thought he was gonna strangle me...where was Chica when I needed her?! I wanted to push him off and slash him with my hook, but he held back both my arms. I couldn't take it anymore. I started throwing kicks, I even tried to head butt him. But, I was clearly at an disadvantage. I gave up.
"Bonnie, please don't hurt-" I couldn't even finish my own sentence..he cut me off with his lips. This has never happened before, and I mean never! It was the most awkward, yet slightly satisfying moment I've been through.
His lips finally made me give in...I started to kiss back. It was alright...but I still didn't know why he did it. He separated his lips from mine, and I saw him blushing. He wasn't the only one though, I was too. He let go of me, and before I could say anything, he ran off.....I squeezed my plush tightly and ran into my cove. Trying to comprehend why Bonnie had just kissed me. The kiss was nice I admit but I wanted Freddy to kiss me! But...why did Bonnie do that? Should I confront him? Or just wait till I die? I don't know...All I knew was that Bonnie didn't hate me...but...I started feeling very sad...and depressed....I stayed in my cove for the rest of the night...not even bothering to come out when the night guard came. It felt like my heart was being toyed with....ever had that experience before..?
I felt tears go down the sides of my cheeks. I started to cry like I never had before, I knew I shouldn't be crying since I could short out or electrocute myself with all these tears. But I couldn't stop, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't. I kept rubbing my eyes, I would take a short break from crying to take all the air I could take in, then go back into crying like a maniac. I felt like dying. I cried myself to sleep that night. I'm pretty sure the rest heard me, but I'm more than sure they didn't care. So....why should I?

The Feelings (A Frexy Fanfic)
FanfictionAt Freddy's, Foxy soon finds out that he's developing feelings for his best friend Freddy Fazbear. Confused by his feelings, he bottles them up, until the others soon catch what's wrong with him. In Depression, he stays in his cove, pushing everyone...