Chapter 29~ Foxy's Appetite

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Foxy's Pov:
I awoke in Freddy's bed, with a slight back pain. I turned my head, expecting to see Freddy, But he wasn't there. Instead, there was a small note that read:
'Morning sugarcakes! I hope you slept well with me last night. Whenever you're ready to get up, I'll be over in the kitchen. See you then my special pirate!
Yours, and yours alone, Freddy~'

I smiled at the note, setting it down, and stretching, leaving his room to go towards the Kitchen. Seeing Freddy with his arms behind his back.
"Oh Good morning Foxy." He said, walking towards me.
"Aye, would never be a good mornin' without ye Freddy." I said, kissing his cheek.
"Heh. Hey Foxy, how would you like if you did your shows again?" Freddy said, smiling.
"Aye, Freddy, that would be wonderful laddie! I have been feelin' much better than before. I'll do it!" I said, hugging him tightly.
I let go, and he moved his arms to the front, and held a wooden like sign, it read:
'Back In Order'
I realized Freddy switched out my 'Out Of Order Sign' for this one, tears of joy filled my eyes.
And I smiled, taking the sign in my hand.
"Do you like it?" Freddy asked, smiling at me.
"I love it Freddy!" I said, looking back up at him.
"That's good..because I have plenty of splinters to take care of now." He said, showing me his hands, which were indeed covered in splinters, letting out a small chuckle.
I laughed with him, and we walked over to my cove, placing the sign in front of it, smiling happily.


I finally had my pirate clothes back on, not only that, but I was finally entertaining the children like I used too, before'87 and running away. It was wonderful! I told them stories of fighting a 50 foot giant, battling over the same desired treasure.
Moving my hands within the story, deepening my voice whenever I had to reenact the Giants's lines.
At closing time, it was such a sight to see them leaving happily.
Freddy walked over to me, waiting until the last child left, when he carried me bridal style to his room, kissing me with much passion. Until he had that glimmer in his eyes, knowing what he wanted, I giggled, pulling him closer.
Me and Freddy were cuddled up against each other, napping after another bed quest.
The same slight pain came back to me, jolting me up.
"What's wrong?" Freddy asked, worried.
"'s just. I be really hungry. Are ye?" I asked, as I quickly put my clothes on.
"Well..sort of..hey! We can go to the fair!" Freddy said, getting off the bed, putting his clothes on as well.
"The what?" I asked, not knowing what a 'fair' was.
"The Fair, it's a place where people go to have fun, eat and play games! Sounds like fun right? And I guess you could call it another date." Freddy said, putting his pointer finger and middle finger on the bed, making them look like they're walking legs that walked onto my lap.
I smiled, and nodded.

~Time Skip~

We arrived at the so called 'fair' and bright lights were everywhere. It was already night time, so they looked even more intriguing. I looked up at the sky, seeing bright stars above.
Surprisingly so, the fair we went to was on a dock, above an ocean.
I felt the nice refreshing breeze go through my red hair, I loved it.
My nose was filled with different of aromas of fried foods. Some of them looked so delicious!
I grabbed Freddy's hand, and bubbles where in the air, coming from a man, selling some sort of bubble gun to children.
There were rides that people were riding in, having fun. I smiled, never knowing that this place existed. We walked over to a concession stand, I wasn't eating much.

Freddy's Pov:
He was eating a lot!
I watched as Foxy finished two corn dogs at the same time, then to a jumbo sized burger with chili fries.
He finished those in a second, while I was still eating my corn dog that I originally got. He walked around, asking the workers for even more food, like caramel apples, tacos, fried milkshakes, and funnel cake. I caught up to him, seeing him with a giant turkey leg through his hook, and cotton candy on a stick in his hand, eating them both. He took a bite of the turkey leg, then the cotton candy, then swallowed. He repeated the process until he was finished with both of them, he dropped the turkey leg, with nothing left on it, leaving just a bare bone.
He then started eating pizza, and drinking soda. I stood next to him, watching him eat quickly.
"Uh, Foxy? You ok?" I asked him, taking the empty plate that used to have pizza on it and threw it in the trash.
"I be just fine!" He said, gulping down the rest of the drink in his hand.
"I'll go get you some napkins.." I said, leaving him to retrieve napkins.
When I returned, he was gone, I looked around, and began to panic.
"Attention! The Food Competition is about to start!" A man's voice nearby yelled through a megaphone.
He wouldn't..
I ran over, and looked at the contestants, and saw Foxy with a bib on, sitting between older bigger men.
"Foxy! What are you doing?!" I asked frantically.
"Aye, I be just fillin' me tummy Freddy, that be all." He said smiling.
Three plates were placed in front of each contestant, that were towered with burgers.
I held my hands to my head, worrying Foxy will get sick.
"BEGIN!" The man said.
I watched as they quickly ate the hot dogs, trying to beat the other.
Foxy actually stood up from the chair he was sitting in, and put his face in his first plate, eating them quicker then the men next to him, eating them like a dog.
He finished the first plate in a few seconds, then moved onto the second plate stuffing three hotdogs in his mouth at a time, chewing them in his mouth, and swallowing.
The other men were shocked at how Foxy was going, he was actually smiling when he gulped down the last one in the second plate.
He then placed the second plate on top of the first plate, and quickly started to eat the hotdogs on the third plate.
Holy Cow! Foxy sure does have an appetite!
The men started to panic, and went back to eating as quickly as they could, still on their first plate.
Foxy stuffed his mouth with hotdogs, until they couldn't hold anymore, then ate them quickly. He finished the entire plate in under 3 seconds.
The man blew an air horn, stopping the contestants from eating.
Foxy was looking at the other contestants with a grin on his face, and burped in one of the contestants faces, asking them for their leftover hotdogs.
"Alright! Last Food Round!" The man yelled, as he placed a stack of multiple pizzas in front of each of them, and then telling them to begin.
Foxy grabbed one full pizza, and rolled it into a giant taco, and ate it like that, he then grabbed more two pizzas folding them into giant triangular slices before eating them whole.
One by one, He finished them faster than you could blink.
An airhorn stopped the other contestants from eating more, and confetti fell around Foxy.
The Man gave Foxy a trophy, and held his hand in the air highly.
"We Have A Winner! Give it up For this lucky fella!" He said, as Foxy was eating the other contestants pizza from their plate. People around me cheered loudly, praising Foxy for eating the most and fastest.
Foxy smiled, as he slurped a slice of pizza into his mouth, and waved at me.I waved back, feeling unsure about how much Foxy was eating.

We soon started to play some games, I won Foxy a giant teddy bear with a black bow.
"Aye, thank ye Freddy! It be adorable!" He said, as he kissed my cheek, thanking me.
We went on roller coasters, screaming in fear and excitement as the cart we were in sped around on the tracks.
We even went in 'The Tunnel Of Love', a roller coaster meant for couples, it was really dark inside though. Which frightened Foxy, making him hug me tightly, and we had a few make out sessions here and there in there.

Right now, we were riding on the Ferris Wheel, I paid the controller of the ride to make sure me and Foxy stop at the top for a few minutes.
Foxy was staring down below, but then a sudden boom made him collapse into my arms, scaring him.
I looked up to the sky, and bright lights were exploding in it, making it a wonderful sight.
I looked to Foxy, who seemed memorized as they exploded before him.
"They' beautiful." He said, holding onto the rail of the cart we were in.
"Yea..but they're nothing in comparison to you." I said, smiling at him.
Foxy looked at me, and blushed lightly, rolling his eyes playfully.
I moved closer, and tilted his chin to meet my gaze. I looked into his brown-goldish eyes, and began to kiss him gently.
He kissed back, moaning a bit in the kiss. I licked his teeth, and felt him shiver when I did so.
I pulled away, pulling him close to me, cuddling him.
The Fireworks soon stopped, and the Ferris Wheel moved again, and we got off, heading home.

~Time Skip~

Foxy's Pov:
He carried me inside, and laid me on his bed, where he put my giant teddy bear to the side, and kissed me gently.
He laid next to me, and pulled me close to him, snuggling me until I fell asleep in his arms.
I'm still hungry..

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