Golden's Pov:
After so much research, and watching things I looked on the internet, I think I have the answer to our human selves.. to go back to our animatronic selves.
Mixing highly toxic ingredients together was pretty easy, except when they disintegrated a table.
But hey! Nothing like that will happen to us.
Since their human bodies formed a little while after mine did, all I had to do was make one vile, and pour it onto myself.
When everyone was asleep, I poured it onto my body quickly, but my eyes soon widened realizing what I would lose after turning back to my old self.Gaby..
I held my head down, suddenly feeling pain all over my body, I was turning back. I screamed silently, feeling ny bones shrinking, and being replaced with my metallic arms, and my clothes evaporating, but metal soon covering my body, and I ran over to a mirror, sighing sadly.
"It worked.." I said, to the Golden Bear staring straight back at me.
Suddenly, I heard agonizing screams coming from Chica and Bonnie's room, I ran towards their rooms."Ugh...H-Hey! I'm back to normal!" I heard Chica say happily behind her door.
I went to Bonnie's door, listening.
"Aww man..I kinda liked being human!" I heard Bonnie say.
I smiled gently, walking back to where I was standing. But two more screams rang in my ears violently.
It was coming from the cove, and I ran towards it, pushing open the curtains to see Freddy and Foxy squirming in pain as they were changing back into their animatronic selves.
Freddy seemed to tolerate the pain more than Foxy, I watched as Freddy's skin peeled off, and metal popped out, quickly being furnished with Brown soft fur. He looked at his hands and feet, feeling his face."Huh?...I'm back? I'm..I'm back! Foxy lo- FOXY!" Freddy yelled, turning his attention towards Foxy, sliding to him.
Foxy was having trouble turning back, since he now had someone else to change with. He was squirming violently holding his stomach as his snout came back, hair disappearing and skin evaporating, showing his animatronic body. Except his stomach, it was being persistent, slowly trying to change the form from a human baby, to an animatronic one. His red fur finally cloaked over his stomach, and his stomach stayed the same size as he was in human form.
He panted, curling in a ball, trying to ignore the pain when it obviously wasn't."I..your welcome?" I said, suddenly feeling guilt that I hurt Foxy.
"Ye..Ye! Ye t-turned us back Golden?" Foxy asked, turning his head towards me.
"Uh yea, I did!" I said, placing my hands on my hips, feeling victorious.
Until a hand smacked me across my face."What was ye thinkin'?! Ye almost made me pop out me child ye stubborn son of sea monster's donkey!" Foxy yelled, swinging his hand and hook at me, but being held back by Freddy.
"Hold me back! Hold Me back!..NO LET ME GO LET ME GO!!" Foxy yelled, trying to make his way towards me forcefully.
"Foxy calm down! He was only trying to help!" Freddy yelled, suddenly picking Foxy up bridal style, which made Foxy blush deeply, calming him down.
"Freddy, get your Fox under control!" I yelled stepping out of the cove.
Well..there goes my chance of ever being with Gaby. But why am I worrying anyway? She'll never like me, just think I'm a transgender forever.
Foxy's Pov:
Freddy cradled me in his arms, sitting against my bed. I certainly did miss my old body, but I'm gonna miss Freddy's six pack. Freddy kissed my stomach softly, planting kisses everywhere.
"I..never imagined I'd be having a child with the one I love to be honest." He said, nuzzling the side of my face gently. I nuzzled back, loving the feeling.
" neither Freddy...but it be a dream come true.." I said, kissing Freddy's cheek.
"Dream come true? You've been dreaming of this Foxy?" Freddy said, smirking.
My face flushed with a light pink, looking into Freddy's icy blue eyes.
"W-Would it be wrong if I were to say yes..?" I asked, uncomfortably.
"No, in fact..I'm glad you had that dream. Now I can share that dream with you.." He said, rubbing my stomach gently.
I smiled, and laid my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.
He started to hum a lullaby, before I knew it, I was fast asleep.
I awoke to the sound of Freddy's quiet snoring, and tried to ignore them, closing my eyes. Unfortunately they weren't gonna go away that easily.
I yawned, stretching in his arms.
He must've fallen asleep, what time is it?
I rubbed my eyes with my hand, feeling Freddy moving. I used my hook to lift my eyepatch to see him fully. I smiled, my stomach started to grumble and got out from my cove, walking toward the kitchen, hearing pots and pans being slid against each other. I saw Chica putting unused pans in the stove, getting them ready for tomorrow.
She turned and saw me, and smiled brightly.
Its already been about three months, and my stomach has grown to a small bump, to a much rounder and bigger bump. Well, three months before turning back into an animatronic.
"Hi Foxy! What do feel like having?" She asked, smiling.
"Aye, somethin' simple lassie." I said, scratching my chin with my hook. It wasn't often my metal body would itch, but when it did, I always used my hook.
I rubbed my back, trying to soothe its pain.
"Ok, so pizza is good?" Chica asked, getting the ingredients out to make dough.
"Pizza be fine Lass." I said, smiling, watching as she mixed the ingredients in the bowl.
I walked out of the kitchen, where I saw Freddy yawning, standing outside my cove. He saw me and smiled, walking towards me. I thought he was going to kiss me, but he knelt down to my stomach, and began nuzzling it gently with his nose. I blushed lightly, smiling at his affection towards the life I was carrying. He kissed it, and rubbed it softly.
I held his hands, with my own hook and hand, careful not to poke him.
And he smiled up at me.
"Can't wait till the little one comes out, but I still have no idea what it's gonna be Foxy.." Freddy said, looking back at my stomach.
"Me neither Freddy.." I said, looking down at my stomach like him.(A/N: *cough cough* hint! *Coughs rapidly* boy or girl people? Choose! A name would be nice too! *coughs uncontrollably*)
~Time Skip~
Freddy's Pov:
Foxy and I shared the pizza, and he soon felt drowsy, so I carried him to his cove, laying him down on his bed.
I watched as his eyes closed, asleep.
I desperately wanted to see my child already. But I was missing something to the relationship, something I had watched on tv before. If I'm not mistaken, it was involving...a piece of jewelry.

The Feelings (A Frexy Fanfic)
FanfictionAt Freddy's, Foxy soon finds out that he's developing feelings for his best friend Freddy Fazbear. Confused by his feelings, he bottles them up, until the others soon catch what's wrong with him. In Depression, he stays in his cove, pushing everyone...