Golden Freddy's Pov:
Wow, never knew all this chaos would be caused because of a love triangle.
Shame. Foxy is gone, for now, But he's somewhere safe. He's in my special place, where I keep all disordered figures until they are ready. Instead of being alone like he usually was, he'll have company this time. And they have a lot in common, I can't wait to see his face when he sees her.
I hate to admit it, but the way Freddy mourned over Foxy's supposedly death, it showed me that he really cared about the Fox. And Bonnie, I don't really sense that strong of a connection between him and Foxy...interesting. Once Foxy is back, safe and sound, he will be able to choose.
And boy is this gonna get interesting."To choose!? I don't care who Foxy chooses! All I want is him back! THATS ALL I WANT!!" Freddy screamed, holding Foxy even closer to his chest.
Tears streamed down his face like a waterfall, never knew he could cry like that.
It hurt to see him like this. It really did. Well, kinda.
"Yo! I wanna go home you gold nugget!" Mike insulted.
"You'll go home in time Mike Schmidt. For now, talk among yourselves." I said crossing my arms, floating upwards away from them.Hmm...I wonder how our little Fox is doing.
Foxy's Pov:
I'm not dead?..but...Golden electrocuted am I still alive? Wait a minute...where am i?It's dark, and cold, and the air around me seemed heavy And unreal.
Even though it was black everywhere, I saw myself, as if I had a light wrapped around me. It was quiet. To quiet.
I've always wanted to say that!
It was weird, everything around me was black, even the floor, I was surprised I still had full control of my body. Some sort of Darkness..."Hmm...never knew he would put someone else in here besides me." A female voice had said, making me turn in all directions searching for the speaker.
"You're silly, I'm right in front of you." It said again.
"No ye aren't! All I see Is darkness." I replied, looking in front of me.
To my surprise, in the darkness, I saw two glowing white eyes open in front of me, then a mouth with glowing teeth, stepping towards Me, with the body figure of a bunny. A black one.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Bon Bon." It said, putting her hand in front of me for me to shake.
I grabbed it and shook it nervously.
Her hand suddenly twitched, turning a light blue, following up her arm, neck and chest, until all of the on her was gone, showing a female, blue Bunny.
Purple eyeshadow and red circles on her cheeks, a bowtie on her chest, like Bonnie, and green eyes and buck teeth, and she had eyebrows.
Unlike Bonnie
"And who might you be?" She asked tilting her head, smiling.
" name be Foxy." I said, shyly.
"Foxy huh? Well, welcome to....." she began, waving her right hand in the air trying to describe what 'here' was,"here."
"Where we be?" I asked, looking around.
"I have no idea, but hey, ya got me right? As long as we're together, we'll be alright." She said, turning to me.
"But I don't belong here!" I said, stomping my foot to the ground.
She stopped smiling and looked at the ground sadly, as if I just made fun of her.
"That's what I said when he brought me here..." She said, still looking down.
He?! Who's he?!
"He? What do ye mean he?" I asked, putting my hand on her shoulder, making her look up at me.
"Golden Freddy." She whispered.
Golden Freddy?! What?! He put us here?! Why?!
"Why are ye here?" I asked her.
"I was his creation, he built me. But something inside me had glitches, making me turn into a scary monster when I wasn't in control." She said, rubbing her arm.
"Why exactly are you here Foxy?" She asked.
"I don't really know....but we have to get outta here!" I said, looking at her with wide eyes.
"You can't..we can't.." she said, removing my hand from her shoulder.
"And why not?" I asked.
"Because..we aren't ready.." she said, looking back down.
"For what?" I asked her.
"To...choose.." she said, making my eyes widen in fear, remembering what happened not to long ago, holding my hands to my head, well my hook and hand, I started to breathe heavily.
"Foxy? Are you ok?" She asked, getting closer to me.
"I'm...I'm..fine....I just..something bad happened earlier." I replied, removing my hand and hook from my head, sitting down.
"You can tell me..." she said, sitting down next to me.
"I can''s too personal." I said, hugging my knees to my chest.
"Please? Maybe I can help." She said.

The Feelings (A Frexy Fanfic)
FanficAt Freddy's, Foxy soon finds out that he's developing feelings for his best friend Freddy Fazbear. Confused by his feelings, he bottles them up, until the others soon catch what's wrong with him. In Depression, he stays in his cove, pushing everyone...