Gaby's Pov:
My phone buzzed, alerting me to grab it, and saw it was my cousin Angelica.
Here's what it said:Angelica: oh, I forgot to mention, your mom has been looking for you for over a week. She thought you ran away or was kidnapped, but she never told the police.
Me: Holy Cheetos.
I put my phone back in my pocket, and sat up. After the whole Springtrap incident I totally forgot to go back home.
Instead I helped Foxy and Freddy on their first date. can a whole week pass? I was only here for 2 days! Unless..
"Goldie! Goldie! I need You!!" I yelled, calling for Golden.
He suddenly appeared next to me in a flash.
"What's wrong Gaby?" He asked me.
"Its been a whole week!" I said, panicking.
"That's impossible! We just came back from that place 2 days ago! How has it been a whole week already?!" He said, confused.
"I have no idea! But I think it has something to do when we traveled to battle those other guys. It must have taken time away so quickly! That's like the only answer!" I said, standing up.
"You may be right..but I have to check." He said, disappearing.
When he left, I walked around, and decided it was already time to go home and rest.
I grabbed my car keys, and left.Golden's Pov:
Were we really there in that place for a whole week? It can't be! Can it? But it is..and the worse part is...we have to start working again.After I found out that a week had surprisingly passed, I gathered up the rest of our squad, telling them the news.
"No way!" Chica said, shocked.
"We were gone for that long?!" Freddy asked, putting his hands to his head.
"Surprisingly yes Freddy." I said, with a steering voice.
"Aye, that is quite boggling." Foxy said, putting his hand on his hook.
"Tell me about it! Not only did we waste time there, but now we gotta go back to entertaining those rotten kids!" Bonnie said, slamming his fists against the table.
"Calm down Bonnie, we'll get through this." I said, looking at him.
"Yea, like how you'll go through the friend zone with Gaby. Forever!" Bonnie said, giggling.
The others caught on, starting to laugh as well.
My eyes narrowed in anger, and I did my famous Golden Freddy scream, frightening them, causing them to stop laughing at me."THAT IS ENOUGH! You've all been in love right?! Freddy and Foxy! Bonnie loving Foxy! Chica loving her pizza! And me! In love..with a human..."
I said the last part quietly, realizing the real reason they were laughing at me."Oh.." I said quietly.
"Calm down there Golden, we were only playing alright? And you're right, we've all been in love. It doesn't change anything if you're in love.." Freddy said, trying to calm me down.
"But..But...I'm in love with a human!" I yelled.
"And I'm in love with an animatronic Fox!" Bonnie and Freddy said in union. Making Foxy blush and sink in the chair he was sitting in. And Bonnie and Freddy glare at each other.
"Aye, love is strange for this ol' pirate.." Foxy whispered.
I still wasn't so sure, but decided not to worry about it.
I stood beside the front window, staring at the gray sky, as it started to rain.
"Why must I fall in love with someone I can't be with?" I asked myself, looking as the rain drops started to land on the glass window in front of me.

The Feelings (A Frexy Fanfic)
FanficAt Freddy's, Foxy soon finds out that he's developing feelings for his best friend Freddy Fazbear. Confused by his feelings, he bottles them up, until the others soon catch what's wrong with him. In Depression, he stays in his cove, pushing everyone...