Chapter 19~ Shelter

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Foxy's Pov:
After I left the pizzeria, I wandered around, passing neighborhoods, and parks. I saw schools, and sometimes burnt down houses.
Children playing with bouncy balls or hula hoops on streets or drive ways.
I wandered until my feet could bare no longer, and just to make matters worse, it had started to rain. I had become soaking wet in an instant, a few cars drove by, splashing water onto me as they passed. One of them actually threw some plastic cans at me. I looked around, somewhere I could sit and rest my aching feet.I then saw, a giant tree. Taking shelter, I ran under the giant tree with big think branches, stopping any rain from hitting the ground underneath it.
I sat down, hugging myself for warmth. Leaning against the tree, I closed my eyes, falling asleep.
I woke up to the sound of leaves being stepped on nearby, I noticed that it was already night time. I felt that my clothes were still a bit damp, and tried to get comfortable once more.
Until two hands pulled me up and threw me to the ground rather roughly.
"Beat it red head! Or I'll clobber you!" A male voice above me said.
I only shook my head, and stood up shaking.
"Did you even hear me? Are you f*cking deaf?!" He had said, angrily, gritting his teeth.
"Aye, I be not deaf. I can hear perfectly well scoundrel!" I said, dusting some mud off the side of my clothes.
"Well then get outta here!" The man said, suddenly grabbing a flash light from behind, and pointing it at me.
"Well..what do we have here? A costume lover! Well, that's a pretty sick costume man. And that face, looks pretty cute..." he said, suddenly walking very close to me slowly.
He turned off his flashlight, and grabbed my arms, pulling me close to him.
I tried to scream, but he covered my mouth with his hand, preventing me from doing so.
I kicked and tried to get away, but his strength was stronger than mine.
He finally pinned me up against the tree, tearing off a piece of his clothing, and tied it around my mouth, stopping me from trying to speak.
He then tied my hand and hook together tightly, and in the darkness, I could feel him smirk.
I kicked him in the side, and stumbled back and I ran, but he caught up, and grabbed me from behind, pulling me forcefully back to the tree, pinning me against it.
I felt his hot breath against my neck, and tongue licking it smoothly.
He used his knees to spread my legs, making them hang over the side of his, so I couldn't move them.
He bit me roughly, I groaned in pain, struggling to get free from his grasp.
"Hey! Don't struggle...I just wanna have a little fun with you." He whispered into my ear before licking it slowly.
I grunted, pulling my ear away from his tongue, glaring at him.
He ignored my glare, and kissed my neck multiple times, and I felt his hands move to my waist, stopping when he felt my privates.
"Mmmph! Grrrumph!" I said, failing at saying something negative towards him, only saying muffled words of fear and anger.
He kept his hand there, and he had suddenly squeezed it, and I banged my head against the tree, with his sudden movement.
I let out a muffled squeal, wanting him to stop.
He flipped me around, and pulled my pants down, and grabbed my butt, squeezing it.
He pulled something else down, possibly another piece of clothing I was granted after turning into a human.
And I felt something slip inside me, giving Me unbearable pain and agony.
I groaned loudly, jerking my head upwards every time he slipped the pain inside me again, and again.
One of his hands maneuvered their way to my..actually I don't know what it is, it was my very first time seeing something like that.
His hand grabbed it, rubbing it up and down.
I felt his head come next to mine, and he licked my neck, still filling me with pain when he pushed inside of me.
"You're mine.." He whispered, giggling quietly.
I belong to no one..
I had enough, I swung my head sideways, slamming against his head roughly. He stumbled backwards, I twisted my hook to quickly cut the piece of clothing he tied around my hand and hook.
I saw him trying to get up, and I quickly pulled the clothes he took off me back on, pulling off the clothing around my mouth.
He stood up, and grabbed me from behind again, pulling Me back to him.
"L-Let me go!!" I yelled, swinging my hook backwards, piercing into something fleshy.
He screamed in pain, letting me go, holding his eye that started to bleed heavily.
I knew it was my chance to escape, so I ran away from that sick man, until I made it to an abandoned small house.
I crawled through a window, and landed on a very dusty old bed.
I coughed and waved my hand to blow the dust away from me.
I looked around, in the room I was in.
The walls were much too old to identify its color, and pieces of the ceiling was torn away.
I yawned, not wanting to leave the beaten up, yet slightly comfy mattress. So I laid down, falling asleep.
This is still better than being with the others...I bet they're happy I'm gone.

Freddy's Pov:
"I am not happy that Foxy is gone!" I yelled.
Chica stood up quickly after I said that, And pointed us all towards the employees room.
She showed us the paused television, and then put it on play.


"The victim says the person who stabbed him in the eye, had a hook for a hand. He also stated that he had red hair. Of course, there are probably many people out there Like his description." The news lady said.


"So?" Bonnie said, crossing his arms.

"So?! So that guy was probably Foxy man!" Chica said, turning off the tv.

"Wait hold on! I'm still trying to comprehend all of this..What happened to Foxy and Why?" Gaby asked, rubbing her forehead.



"And that's why...Foxy left.." I said, finishing the long story.

"Wow...I mean..just WOW! You guys are all jerks to Foxy! No wonder he ran away! I would've too!" She said, slamming her hand against the table.

"We didn't mean to hurt him!" Bonnie said, raising his voice.

"No! You didn't hurt him! You killed him!" She said, shaking her head.

"We didn't kill him either!" I said, looking at her.

"Ugh, whatever. So how are you gonna find Foxy?" Gaby asked, rolling her eyes.

"We don't know yet, we still need to entertain the kids. Maybe we can look for him at night?" Chica said, putting her hands together.

"That's sounds like an idea, and maybe we can tell the kids and their parents to keep a close eye out for Foxy!" I said, trying to smile.

"It just might work. And, I'll try to figure out a way to turn us back to our normal selves. Does that sound good to all of you?" Golden said, crossing his arms, staring at each one of us for an answer.

We all nodded.
It was decided, we search for Foxy, starting tomorrow night.

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