Chapter 5-Lady Greene

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Ariana took a deep breath as Ethel pinned the last lock of her hair to the back of her head, and she hands unconsciously straightened the creaseless dress she had been dressed into for the ceremony.
Ethel cast her an apprehensive look, her own nervousness just below the surface. "Well, Miss?" she asked.
"It's perfect," Ariana said, casting a look at the mirror in front of her, which reflected a young woman, wearing an extravagant deep blue dress. Blue was the color of the military soldiers.
Ethel read her expression reflected in the mirror and said, "It will be alright."
Ariana nodded slowly at the reassurance, before walking down the open door. Guards flanked her from the moment she stepped outside the room and she could hear Ethel's light step just behind them. They led her to the throne room, and Ariana who had been mentally preparing for this moment since weeks, sucked in a breath, her mind unable to process the transformation; when Ariana had first seen the throne room it had looked cold, intimidating and bare as compared to what it was now.
It was still intimidating as always, but rich tapestries and carpets covered every surface. The guests were seated with their backs to her, backs erect. The entire hall was dead quiet. Ariana took a deep breath, her mind buzzing; she had been taught what to do, and she walked straight down the middle of the hall, keeping her head high. Two guards flanked her as she walked straight up to the throne, where the King, Aron, an attendant and a dozen soldiers stood.
She bowed and kneeled like she had been instructed to, and the King moved forwards.
"Ariana Greene of Eastwood, we are indebted to your services during the rebellion, and afterwards."
Ariana continued kneeling at the King's feet and peeked up from beneath her lashes to see the King taking a sword that had been lying on a cushion held by the attendant.
The sword blade touched her left shoulder in a swift and feather-light movement, and then her right, and the King announced, "Therefore, by the power invested in me, I hereby proclaim you Lady Greene, a knight of Idelia. You may rise."
Ariana rose quickly and bowed to the King, before moving to stand to a side, facing the audience sitting in the hall. She caught Aron's eye and he gave her an encouraging smile from where he stood, on the other side of the King.
She gave him a faint nod and turned her head to the audience, scanning the faces; the King had moved on to give a speech indicating the importance that the kingdom stayed united in these difficult times. Ariana barely heard what the king was saying, as she had caught sight of a face as familiar to her as her own amidst a sea of unfamiliarity. The storm gray eyes caught her looking and the soldier gave her a smile.
Ariana wanted to go talk to Salem at that moment; she had not expected to see anyone from her family any time soon, but then she remembered where she was and that thousands of eyes were resting on her and the impulse faded.
The King's speech ended soon and the solemn atmosphere broke, giving rise to chatter and scraping of chairs as the guests got up to bow to the King as he left, leaving Aron and Ariana to handle the event.
Ariana started to make her way towards Aron, when she felt a presence by her side.
"Ariana," Salem said, by way of greeting and Ariana turned to hug him.
"Salem! I didn't think you would come!" she exclaimed as they broke apart.
"Well I had to, I wouldn't miss this for anything," Salem replied.
"How is everyone?" Ariana asked, and heard the worry heavy in her own voice.
"Everyone is fine. Your mother is better now: she is improving every day. Rose is good, a little quiet and serious than she used to be, I think."
Ariana nodded understandingly. "And Maryse?" she asked.
Salem's eyes lit up at the sound of her name and he smiled a smile more comprehensive than a thousand words. It was obvious he was happy; happier than he had been in a long time, and more.
"Ariana listen," Salem said, leaning towards her. "Maryse-"
"Ah soldier West," a voice said cutting him off, and both Ariana and Salem turned to see Aron walking towards them. "You got my letter in time then?"
Salem bowed a little, "Yes, Your Majesty. I did. Thank you."
"Letter?" Ariana echoed.
Aron glanced at her briefly before saying, "I sent soldier West a letter of invitation. I would have extended it to your family, Lady Greene, but for security reasons I was forced to refrain from it."
"It was quite alright. We understand," Salem cut in smoothly for Ariana who was frowning slightly.
"Of course, I had other urgent matters to discuss with you as well," Aron said, his tone implying that they talk right now, in private. Then he turned to Ariana, "If you desire to return to your room, Mrs. Henley can take you there."
Ariana bowed, saying, "Yes, Your Highness." She turned to see Mrs. Henley standing in the midst of the people, who were now being served refreshments, staring intently at her.
"Ariana," Salem said, and she turned to see that Aron was already moving away, greeting a guest enthusiastically.
"Yes, Salem?" she asked.
"I will try meeting you once before leaving the castle. I have some things to tell you," he answered, and turned away without waiting for a reply, moving after Aron.
Ariana walked to Mrs. Henley who guided her back to her room in silence, while Ariana wondered what Salem might have to say to her.
A knock sounded on her door a few hours later, and she put the book she had been immersed in, down. She opened the door to see a maid, who bowed and spoke in a whisper, saying, "Soldier West is waiting to speak to you in the gardens. Follow me, please."
Ariana nodded once and closed the door behind her, following the maid through the maze of corridors. She should spend her free time trying to learn the ways, so she would not have to rely on maids to get everywhere, she thought reprimanding herself.
The maid stepped out into a walled garden, through a set of doors. Ariana looked around; she was sure she had not seen this place before. The walls surrounding the garden were high with ivy patches here and there. The garden itself was spacious enough, and dotted with cherry trees, while paths winded around them at random.
Salem sat on a bench under a nearby tree, and upon seeing her; he stood and straightened his dark blue uniform, the lapels glinting in the afternoon light.
"Ariana," he breathed, smiling.
"I take it the talk with Aron went well," Ariana stated, moving forward. She stopped and looked over her shoulder to see that the maid had already vanished. It was a safe place as any to talk, since they could not see anyone closely.
"I requested a private place," Salem said, noticing the worry on her face. "This is probably the most private place. We won't be overheard, I assure you."
"Of course," Ariana breathed, waving her worry away. It had been stupid of her to worry about being overheard. It wasn't like they were plotting something.
"So what did you want to tell me?" Ariana asked, biting down her other questions; she wanted to know more about her mother and Rose, about what Aron had said to him, and if he was alright himself.
Salem smiled at her. "I think I should answer your first question first. The talk with Aron went well. He is determined to stop any rebellion brewing in the kingdom: I'll give him that. But it's not just about the determination. He needs to have the people's support, which incidentally lies with you at the moment," Salem said, stopping so his words could sink in.
"Me?" Ariana asked, "But I-I haven't done anything. Why me?"
"Ariana the news of you stopping the rebellion spread like fire. And now this; your knighthood. The people are starting to know you. And Aron hasn't failed to see that. The people's support lies with you and if you declare your loyalty to the King, it makes them support the king," Salem explained.
"But...what did Aron want from you?" she asked, confused.
The boy shrugged. "The same thing: support. He wants me to rally troops, spark loyalty in them. He needs the western regions by his side if worst comes to worst."
Ariana kept silent, before asking, "And the North?"
"Total chaos. There are killings every day, fires, deaths. Ziluis's supports are gathered there and they are adding fuel to the unrest," he replied, before hesitating and saying, "He also talked to me about something else..."
"What was it?" Ariana asked; her curiosity piqued.
"He wants me to take...Ziluis' place as Commander-in-Chief, after his death sentence has been carried out."
Ariana stared at him, flabbergasted. "Th-that's great!" she managed.
"I refused, Ari," Salem said gently.
"Refused? But why?"
Salem looked around, before saying, "I had a lot of reasons but the major one is that I don't want to be part of nepotism. If he favors you that does not mean that, I should be given power that I have no right to. So I refused."
"Salem," she sighed, sitting down on the bench. "It's not like that. Like you said, he needs your support. His father is sick most of the time, and Aron is more or less running everything from behind. He needs to make sure that his father thinks he's worthy."
"Then why do I get the feeling that Aron is not proving himself but trying to gather an army of his own?" Salem said, sitting beside her.
She looked up, shocked. Aron's words rung in her ears when he had told her that he thought his father thought he would overthrow him. "He wouldn't!" she hissed.
Salem shrugged. "He might. You haven't exactly known him long."
Ariana huffed a breath. This wasn't going well. "Salem is that all you have to say?"
Salem looked at her, and grimaced slightly. "I'm sorry Ari. I didn't want you to doubt his actions. It's just...politics is a hard game to play."
"I don't want to talk about this," she mumbled.
"Okay, I'm sorry," Salem said, getting up. "There is one last thing, though."
"What is it?" she asked without the wish to know anymore.
"Maryse and I are getting married. In two months. And you're the maid of honor," Salem said, calmly. It looked like he had practiced saying it a lot of times beforehand.
"In two months?" she exclaimed, getting up as well. "Congratulations! But are you sure I am the maid of honor?"
"Yes, of course you are. May insisted. We moved the wedding ahead two months so you could be there to attend and there won't be much to do. She promised that."
Ariana smiled. "Of course. Tell her I'm 'honored'. And to write to me."
Salem chucked at her joke and nodded. "I will. Goodbye Ariana. I'll drop in from time to time, don't worry."
"Okay," she replied, and watched him walk out of the garden, before sitting down again and putting her head in her hands.
She thought about everything he'd said, and her worries increased tenfold. Aron couldn't be planning to overthrow, could he? He would have told her something about it if he was. The people saw her as a hero now, and she was a lady. She had to help stop the rebellion her father had helped start. She had to prove herself worthy of being the next queen, and she had to make it back to her village to arrange a wedding. She thought about missing out on the lives of the people she loved, of never being there when they needed her, and that thought along with the immense pressure made tears come easily.
A few minutes later, she got up, straightened her dress, looking around, before walking out through the same doors she had come through. It was time to be a Lady of the kingdom.
Ariana decided not to let what Salem had said bother her; Aron must know what he was doing. But of course, that was easier said than done. She was alone in her room, and she sat to watch the sunlight filter through the vines outside, the beams lighting up the room, but failing to lighten up her mood.
She thought about how the people now saw her as a hero, loyal to the kingdom. Was she loyal? She had just been trying to save those she loved. If Aron overthrew the king, would she support him or be loyal to the king? Would she do the right thing?
She got up and peeked out of her room. The corridor was deserted like always, save for a guard at one corner. She caught his eye and he nodded at her.
"Can you send my maid Ethel to my room, please?" she said, hoping the guard wouldn't laugh at her request.
He bowed formally and left, and Ariana came back in. A few minutes later there was a knock and Ethel came in.
"Yes, Lady Greene?" she asked, curtsying.
"Ethel," Ariana smiled, glad to see a friendly face. "I need to see Ar-His Highness the Prince. Can you make sure he gets this?"
She handed the other girl a folded piece of paper. Ethel smiled and took it. "I will get this to him," she said and went out again.
Ariana opened the window and stepped out into the balcony. She didn't know if Ethel would read what she had written so the letter was short, saying, "I'm ready to feign my surprise for you." If anyone except Aron read it, they probably wouldn't understand but she knew he would.
The sun was setting and a light breeze blew, rustling the curtain of vines. She waiting there, trying her best to think about how she would confront him.
The door opened and Ethel came in, and rushed towards her. "His Majesty is asking if you want to see him in his room instead."
Ariana nodded and replied, "Of course, I would. Let's go."
She and Ethel were making their way to the third floor, when the sound of chaos disrupted their progress. The sounds sounded far off, but were getting louder.
Ariana glanced at Ethel in surprise and saw a look of terror on the maid's face. Before she could ask what the matter was, Ethel grabbed her hand-an uncharacteristic move for her-and began to lead Ariana away. Both of them fled away from the noise, but reached a dead end.
"Oh no," Ethel moaned.
The corridor was empty, with no doors, only paintings and statues.
"We need to go back," Ariana said, her heart thudding. "Why are we running?"
Ethel looked at her in distress. "They trained us to know when trouble struck, miss. I think we're under attack."
Ariana stood staring at the girl in disbelief. "How do you know?"
Ethel shook her head, her bottom lip trembling. Just then, a group of soldiers rushed past where they stood, weapons drawn. It was clear they were running into battle.
As soon as they disappeared, Ariana stuck her head out. The sounds were getting louder; shouts, cries, the sound of running feet, and the unmistakable sound of metal clashing with metal. She would never forget that sound after the night of the rebellion, for as long as she lived.
"We can't stay here. They'll find us," Ariana announced, though she was unsure as to who they were.
She thought of Aron. Where was he right now? Was he caught in the crossfire? She couldn't sit, tucked away in a safe corner while the people she loved, were out there. She couldn't consider herself loyal if she cared about her safety while other people sacrificed their lives. She needed to know whatever was happening. It was her duty now.
"Ethel I need to go," she said in a state of daze, and started to move into the main hallway, when Ethel said, "Lady Greene, I was instructed to keep you safe and find a place to hide until it's over, if a situation like this arose. You need to stay here."
Ariana peered back over her shoulder and shook her head. "No, Ethel. I'm sorry. I need to know and I need to help."
Though she knew it was crazy and suicidal, she ran off, straight in the direction of the noise. Towards her duty.

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