Chapter 30-Not Undone

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Ariana walked back home with Dylan, and surprisingly he was very quiet. No teasing about Aron, no complains about Salem, Markus or Ziluis escaped him, and by the end of the walk Arian was worried and agitated by the ongoing silence. The village around them was dark, and silent too, and she felt as if everyone was like that today. Dark and silent.

She opened the gate, and Dylan followed in her wake, silent as ever. She put her hand on the handle of the main door, but hesitated. Dylan made a move as if to follow her in, but stopped.

She turned to him. "Are you alright? You seem quiet and frankly, put out today."

Dylan smiled crookedly. "At this time, one can be little than put out. It's late night, when candles are snuffed and men tired."

She cocked her head to a side. "But you aren't tired. Something's bothering you," she stated.

Dylan smiled genuinely. "Always so inquisitive. Too much knowledge has a price, you know. Curiosity can be a bad thing sometimes."

She shook her head. "Its price is bearable. But enough about my obsession of knowing everything. Tell me what's wrong!"

He shook his head. "Nothing's wrong. Everything's perfect. It worked out exactly as we had planned, didn't it?"

She bit her lip. "It did," she said slowly.

"And now, that we have reached our goal, what about us? Do we part ways and pretend to be strangers?" he asked, his eyes searching hers.

She shook her head. "No. It can't be undone just like that. We've seen, shared, laughed together. We've fought with and for each other. It won't be undone."

Dylan broke into his trademark smile that turned his sky blue eyes a warm hue, and made them glitter even in the dim light. "You are a true friend Ariana Greene. And a true friend knows the other's heart like the back of their hand. You've come to know mine."

She smiled a little, proud to be called a friend. "I have. And I know you'll take up the idea I have with relish, and help me with another plan."

She could see Dylan's excitement and eagerness, so she added, "We're going to sabotage the rebellion."


Salem had slept fitfully that night, in a series of dreams, each one ending to another that made his heart hammer in his chest with fear, and knowing. He had finally shook himself awake, to find that it was still night.

He didn't care anymore. He got out of bed, quietly, careful not to wake Dylan who was sleeping on a mattress on the floor nearby. He crept quietly out the door, and made his way around the house, his ears perking at the slightest sound, his eyes darting about, and a chill running down his spine. Feeling his way around the empty, darkened house at this hour felt akin to the nightmares he had been having minutes ago.

Salem opened the back door and breathed in the fresh air, before walking out into the garden.

The sky had started lightening up at the eastern horizon, hinting that dawn was about to come. The fragrance of roses lingered everywhere, and he found himself smiling a little, and his dreams seemed like a far-off thing, insignificant even. He decided to walk to the back gate, and out into the village where people would be getting up after an hour or two.

His gaze caught at the den, which was actually a garden shed, but served the purpose for the den. It had a tiny window which was glowing from the light inside. Puzzled, he changed his course and went down to the shed.

He paused, hesitating. He had no right to go in there, and considering how he had stormed off the last time from his uncle, he had even lesser right to disturb him now. He bit his lip, torn to check and yet not disturb.

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