Chapter 34-Hope Restored

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Dylan was taking Ariana for a daylong practice near the stream. The day was sunny but cool, gentle winds blew with the promise of rain later. Dylan was in a cheerful mood because he kept whistling tunelessly, as if they were going on a picnic instead of archery practice.

Salem and Maryse were to join them after an hour, since they had suspended their practice when Maryse’s father had arrived. Ariana and Dylan started practice, careful not to say anything about the plan they were brewing, in case there were spies around. She kept shooting-missing a few targets-while Dylan scouted around, exploring the new clearing keenly.

Maryse and Salem arrived and greeted them before starting their own practice a few feet away. But Ariana caught whispers and giggles coming from them so she doubted they were doing much practice.

“Dear love birds, we would much appreciate if you concentrate on your work. Also we just ate so try not to make us nauseous,” Dylan said after some time.

“You’re just jealous, Dyl,” Salem taunted.

Dylan stiffened, looking at him with narrowed eyes. “Not really,” he said, slowly. Salem cast him a look, but turned away to instruct Maryse on how to disarm the opponent.

Dylan stood close behind Ariana and watched as she lodged an arrow in the shaft. “I still have some concerns about the plan, you know.”

Before Ariana could turn around Salem called, “Look who’s not concentrating now!”

“Oh, shut up,” Dylan grumbled in a low voice.

“We’ll talk about this later, Dyl,” Ariana said without turning around. They practice for an hour or so before she turned towards Dylan who was looking around at the trees, frowning as if something troubled him. She caught his eye and nodded towards the exit, and he nodded back, and they left unnoticed by the other two.

“What were you saying?” she asked as soon as they were out of earshot. She did not expect Dylan to say anything too revealing, as they were still in the forest but she asked anyway, and to her surprise Dylan answered, “We aren’t being watched today. It’s strange, but I don’t think they know about this place, or if they do they don’t think it’s that important to watch over.”

“Sounds reasonable,” she replied.

“About the sabotage we are planning, I was thinking that we should decide a place close enough to the stables so we can hide the wagons there first, and then take them later to the lake.”

“And you’ve thought of a place, right?” she asked.

“Yes,” Dylan nodded. “That place,” he said, pointing back from where they had just come. “It’s big enough; the wagons can be kept there. Unfortunately, the river is too shallow or we could dump them there. However, it will provide a perfect temporary hiding place.”

Ariana smiled, “I forget sometimes that you are clever too.”

“And extremely handsome,” Dylan added, “Don’t forget that.”

She laughed, “I don’t see it.”

“We need a horse, too,” Dylan said suddenly.

“To prove you are handsome?” Ariana asked, momentarily confused. Dylan cast her the same exasperated look she sometimes gave him. “No, princess, I meant to transport the wagons here.”

“Oh,” she said, “Well, we could just use one of the few horses left in the stables.”

“No, they could lead the others back to where they were taken to hide the weapons. It’s too risky; horses are very smart,” Dylan objected.

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