Chapter 4-The First Meeting

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Suddenly she heard the sound of hooves close by. Acting on instinct, she ran up the branch into the thick foliage of the tree, and peered down. The horse appeared from the trees in front of her and cantered down to where she had seen it yesterday. Its rider got off and walked to the weeping willow, where she was hiding.

For a moment, she thought he had seen her and was coming to find out who she was, but then he walked past her hiding place and sat down at the sloping branch Ariana usually sat down on. Ariana shifted to get a better view and suddenly she heard a cracking sound beneath her. The next moment she was falling. Ariana hit a branch and rolled down it, coming to a stop after hitting something warm. Dizzy and shaking Ariana looked up and saw a pair of brown eyes staring back at her, with a puzzled expression.

It took Ariana a moment to collect her thoughts, and then she realized the eyes belonged to the rider. He was looking at Ariana with a look of polite puzzlement in his eyes. Ariana felt herself going red, wishing she could melt into the ground.

"Are you okay?" the rider asked, as he reached for her forearm and helped her up. Ariana nodded, unable to speak.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Aria..." Ariana shut her mouth as quickly as she could. Why should she tell him her name? For all she knew he could be anyone, a thug, an official, though he looked to polished to be a thug and too young to be an official. But, there was no telling who he was.

"Are you hurt, Aria?" he asked, gently.

Ariana looked into his warm brown eyes, filled with concern, and decided she could trust him, a little at least.

"My right ankle hurts," She said, wincing as she tested it.

"Here, let me see," He said, crouching down beside her foot.

"So uh, do you fall off trees often?" He asked, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Not really," Ariana replied, smiling.

"What's your name?" Ariana asked to turn the conversation to him.

"Aron," He replied. "You have a mild sprain, I'll bandage it, and then you can try to walk."

He went to his horse and took out some bandages, before turning to face her.

"Can I ask you something?"


"What are you doing here?" she asked, sounding her mind.

"Well, I came to this part for hunting, but I got lost and wound up here. I tried to find my way out of here but I wind up here every time. Why do you ask?"

Ariana hesitated, then said, "I can show you the way out, if you want."

"Really? You know this place that well? I have been here for two days and still can't find my way back." He sounded annoyed and a little surprised.

"Yes well, I've lived here longer," Ariana said.

"You live here?" He asked and raised his face to see hers.

Ariana felt like slapping herself for saying that. What should she say now? Should she tell him that she lived here or in the village? Feeling herself going red, she nodded, and then said, "Should I try to walk now?"

Aron nodded looking off into the distance, frowning slightly as if deep in thought.

Ariana walked and to her surprise, the warm bandage helped a lot.

"Can I tell you something?" Aron asked, quietly.

"Sure." Ariana replied turning to look at him.

"I think you're a dryad. You know, you fell off a tree. You said you lived here. You even look like one. Are you?" he asked.

"Have you ever seen one before?" Ariana asked, curious.

"No but I've heard stories from others I traveled with. Pretty crazy stories." Aron said, lost in thought.

Ariana bit her lip hard. Now what? She thought, Should I go with it or tell the truth? She decided to avoid the question.

"What is your horse's name?" she asked, desperate to change the course of the conversation.

"His name is Phil. Short for Phillip. Do you know how to ride?"

Ariana blushed. Her father had a stable full of horses but she had never tried to learn riding. Her father had made her learn some basic things and she had ridden a few times but didn't know much. She shook her head not wanting to say anything.

"Well I'd teach you how, but I really have to get back to my friends."

Ariana looked at the darkening sky and said, "I'd be happy to show you the way."

"Splendid. Lead the way," Aron said smiling at her.

So they set off. Ariana showed him the opening in the trees, which lead to the circular meadow, and then the specific turns. They went around the last turn and the trail stood twenty yards in front of them.

"Thank you. I remember this part of the woods," Aron turned to face her.

"Well now you know where the lake is," Ariana barely stopped herself from saying, 'Now you know where to find me'.

"Yes. Guess this is goodbye then. Thank you once again," said Aron, turning to go.

"It was my pleasure," Ariana replied. Then she remembered something.

"Wait you asked me who I was but you never told me who you were."

Aron turned back to face her while walking backwards towards his horse. The haughty look, which had been absent the whole time he had been talking to Ariana, was back on his handsome face.

"I'm the prince. Aron Maximilian Ivers. You must have heard of me. Wait you're a dryad so that must be a no," he replied, smiling haughtily, and then turned his back on her, before she could react.

Ariana stood frozen. Of course, she had heard of him! Countless times. Why hadn't she made the connection sooner? His perfectly tamed and groomed horse. His well chiseled face, and his arrogant look. Even the way he walked gave a hint of his royalty. Why hadn't she seen this before?

The prince mounted his horse, tipped his head towards her slightly, trying to hide his smile at her wide-eyed expression.

"Goodbye Aria. Maybe I'll see you around someday or maybe you'll see me," He grinned. With that, he rode off, disappearing quickly in the forest.

Author's note:

Hey people! i hope you enjoyed this chapter. its a personal favorite of mine.

anyway please vote and comment.


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