Chapter 16-Midnight strolls and Second Thoughts

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That night after dinner when Salem was getting ready to go to bed, Dylan decided to start phase one of his plan. He looked over at Salem's tense shoulders as he walked into the room holding a spare blanket.

"Ariana's a great girl, Sal. I can see why you like her," he said carelessly, from where he was sprawled on a spare mattress, beside Salem's bed. He looked over at him and smiled as he dumped the spare blanket on top of Dylan, saying, "You don't even know the half of it."

Dylan ignored his comment and continued, "I also met Maryse."

Salem didn't even look up. Dylan tried getting his attention, "Was Maryse with you people when you were little? I don't remember you ever mentioning her."

Salem looked at him frowning, "I must have. She was our best friend; Ariana's and mine."

Dylan shrugged, "I don't remember."

Salem sat down on the bed, still frowning. Dylan smiled to himself: he knew he had his attention now and whatever he said would affect him.

"She's really pretty, you know. I'm surprised you never considered her, or did you?"

"Don't be ridiculous Dylan," Salem said shortly, and pushed a hand through his hair, as he did when he didn't want to talk about something. It was the time when he was at his most vulnerable, and anything could get to him.

"There must be reason why you never told me about her. What is it Sal? Or did you never notice her until now?"

Salem looked at him warily, his eyes looking tired, but his jaw was clenched, as it was when he didn't want to talk about something.

Dylan decided to pry a little further. "What is it? You know you can tell me anything. I'm your best friend. You shouldn't keep secrets from me."

Salem lay back on the bed, and stared hard at the ceiling. "It's nothing Dylan. I was just thinking about why you are suddenly taking interest in me not noticing Maryse."

Dylan's heart sped up: Salem knew what he was trying to do or at least he had a good inkling. He tried to sigh warily and looked at Salem. "I'm asking because I want to know if you are okay if I say that I'm starting to like Maryse."

Salem's eyes lightened. "Of course I'm okay. Do you really like her or is it just temporarily?"

Dylan could tell that Salem was worried about Maryse. Maybe it was because she was an old friend or maybe it was because she was Ariana's friend now, or maybe it was something else entirely.

"I don't know for sure, but she's very striking. Her violet eyes are so...unique," he said, affectively telling him something he knew Salem was bound to notice the next time he saw her.

Salem nodded, "I know." Then he shifted so he was facing Dylan, "So about Ariana. Did you really like her? What did you do all day?"

Dylan shrugged carelessly. "She's nice. She showed me around and talked about everything."

Salem's eyes brightened and he propped himself up on his elbows. "Did she mention me?"

Dylan frowned, realizing that he shouldn't have mentioned talking to her.

"Not exactly," he lied.

Salem let out a sigh and dropped down disappointedly. He was clearly not in the mood to hear Dylan ranting on about someone other than Ariana, so he decided to leave it here for tonight. He rolled over and turned his back to Salem, who was staring at the ceiling with empty eyes.

* * *

Ariana crept out of her bed. She hoped no one would come into her room in the night or they would find it empty. She ran down the stairs and bumped into someone. Her breath caught and she looked up. It was Dylan.

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