Chapter 29-Silence of a Thousand Words

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Salem was pacing outside the house in the garden. He knew he should go and see what had become of Markus and Ziluis, and give his opinion in what they had decided, for his uncle valued his opinion as much as anything, but he couldn't persuade himself to go. His mind was still replaying the previous conversation with Ariana.
He had an unsettling feeling in gut. He was feeling guilty, but also for some reason afraid. He knew Ariana would never tell her father about this, but now he knew he'd have to tell his uncle himself, and soon. He was afraid because of that. How would his uncle react? Would he give him his blessing?
He was still pondering over this that his aunt came to cal him in for dinner. He went inside, not having much of an appetite. Dinner was a quiet affair, with only the three of them (Rose had gone to sleep).
He kept glancing at Ariana every now or then, as if she'd suddenly run away to tell her father. She kept her head down, saying very little. If he hadn't been feeling so guilty he might have told her that she looked beautiful in the green dress. But of course, now he didn't have the right to say it.
Dinner end and Salem gestured for Ariana to join him for a walk outside. She got up and fell into step behind him. In the garden, he stopped to face her, and she looked up at him with an exasperated look. "It wasn't what it looked like Ariana," Salem said.
"But you like her don't you? Salem I can see it in your eyes so don't try to say otherwise," she replied.
Salem hesitated, then nodded. "Yes I do. But it wasn’t how I meant you to find out."
"It's better this way. It saved you the pain," Ariana said quietly.
Salem smiled a little, "I love your logic Ari. I always have."
Ariana looked down, and she was spared from answering as Dylan approached them. "Salem, Markus wants you at the stables. He wanted to know what took so long. He says you come immediately. And I would rather do as he says, because these older men have tempers like fire," Dylan explained as he neared.
Salem nodded. "I had a commitment. I'll come now."
With that, he and Dylan left Ariana, making their way to the stables.
* * *
After Salem and Dylan set off for the stables Ariana came inside to find her mother also preparing to go to the stables, with the food left, for her father. Quick as lightening, she too was made to grab a heavy basket and her mother set out for the stables, Ariana following in her wake. She tried to trudge carefully, but the path was full of potholes, which still contained water from the heavy shower of rain the previous night, and soon the hem of her dress was coated in mud, and her feet and shoes were soaked in freezing cold water, making her shiver uncontrollably the rest of the way.
Her mind wandered like it always did when she was trying to focus, and she began to ponder over Aron. The thought of him warmed her. His laugh, the way he looked at her when she was saying something, the intensity of his gaze when he thought she wasn't watching him, made her blush even now, when she was freezing in the cold wind.
Her mother stopped abruptly causing Ariana to bump into her. "Ariana, really!" her mother said, before turning away and marching inside.
Ariana peered over her mother's shoulder and saw her father standing just a few feet away, listening intently to something a man with a red beard and hair was saying. The man finished explaining his point, and leaned away, and Ariana saw him smile, at Markus. It wasn't a friendly smile, for it didn't touch his eyes, which were cold and piercing.
Her father who had his eyes on the ground, missed the look, and instead nodded. When he looked up, his gaze immediately travelled to where Ariana's mother was standing, as if he could sense her presence. He smiled at them, waving them over to where he was.
"Eloise, Ariana, welcome. George just told me you were coming," he said, and added, "You have to forgive me but I had set up a few men to watch over the village, just in case. What brings you here, then?"
"We brought you food. Well actually, what's left of it. You should eat," her mother replied.
Markus nodded. "You gave the rest of it to the women, and children I suppose then. I knew you would. Before I do eat, let me introduce you to Commander Ziluis, our ally."
The man with the red beard bowed, saying, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. and Miss Greene."
Both Ariana and her mother bowed in return.
"Commander Ziluis here is one of the most powerful leaders in the country. He as offered us aid for our rebellion," her father provided.
"The terms are still new, Markus," Ziluis reminded him, not gently.
"Yes, yes. But the terms are binding Commander," her father said, chuckling lightly.
Ariana observed her father. He looked happy, happier than she had seen him for a long time. Is this why he had always been surly? Because he didn't have enough power to defeat the king? And now when he had it he was happy, peaceful, joyful? She didn't understand him.
If he had known they had no chance before, why had he wanted to fight in the first place. If it had been a suicide mission, why had he tried to attempt it, and on his own too. What had compelled him to do it relentlessly if he had already known the outcome?
But now the tables were turned, and they had a chance, and he was happy because of this. He was happy enough to tolerate his benefactor's taunts, and cold jokes.
Before she could ponder any more, Dylan and Salem arrived. Salem's gaze wandered over to Ariana, and as soon as their eyes made contact, he looked away, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another.
"Markus, the people want to know when you will hold the next meeting. Personally I think that the alliance needs to be announced publically as well," Salem stated flatly.
Ariana looked up in surprise. Had Salem called her father by his name? Why hadn't he called him uncle like he used to? Did he think since she and him were no longer bound together it cut off his relation with the rest of his family? Or did he not trust Ziluis enough to tell him that he was his uncle, if not by blood, but by ties?
Her father nodded, lost in thought. "Tomorrow night then. Commander was just expressing his wish to make the first attack as soon as possible. The King would not be expecting him or any serious news for at least two weeks from now, so the sooner we can use that time when they are most idle, the sooner and more effectively we can win. I need to make arrangements to shorten the days till the attack, and to re check everything. The people will also need to know that at the meeting tomorrow night. Spread the word. Tell George to do it. You come and eat," he said, at length.
Salem shook his head. "I ate not an hour ago. Dylan should," he explained.
Her father smiled a little. "Alright, you and George spread the word. Make sure everyone knows, and will come. It's tomorrow after sunset."
Then he turned to his wife and Ariana. "You will need to come too."
Ariana couldn't help but feel like a trapped bird. She had come here just to deliver food, and now she was once again forced into agreeing with her father on his regime, without a clear word to say against him. So she sighed, and closing her eyes nodded in agreement.
Salem looked at Ariana as she closed her eyes and nodded at her father's request. She looked unhappy, and he knew she was, being made to agree to do something for a cause she detested. His heart swelled with tender pity for her, and any notion that he still had about Ariana telling her father about what she had seen was swept away with it.
A thought emerged. Maybe Markus was asking Ariana to come to the meeting to prepare her for the life with Salem, to make her accept what she had to do, and also to celebrate what he had accomplished. If that was the case then he needed to clear the misunderstanding with his uncle. He didn't plan to marry Ariana anymore, so she shouldn't have to sacrifice anymore for him. After all, his uncle was bound to find out sooner or later and he had planned that if they won Ziluis over he would tell his uncle that very night. Now was the time.
He could easily extract his uncle from the group, and take him to a secluded place and tell him the truth before anything went wrong. Now was the time.
Salem took a step forward, breaking off the conversation Markus had sunk into with Ziluis again. Markus looked up, with a curious look.
"Uncle," he said, with a look of urgency, "I need to have a word with you."
A look of uncertainty flashed in his uncle's eyes so subtlety that he only caught a glint of it, and was unsure whether his eyes had actually displayed it. His uncle lifted his head and said, "We have a few important things to discuss Salem, before I can get the time to listen to you. I hope you understand."
"But, it's urgent," Salem found himself saying.
Ziluis spoke up, in his high cold voice, "If it is that important, it must be something concerned with the rebellion, and you should feel free to discuss it in front of me. After all I am your ally, and you need to display your trust, soldier."
Salem clenched his jaw, from anger at the Commander's comment. He raised his chin defiantly, and replied, "It is not related to the rebellion Commander. Have peace, if it was I would discuss it in front of you, without hesitation."
Markus frowned at Salem, telling him silently to not lose his composure with the Commander. "Then have some patience Salem. I will shortly be with you."
With that, he directed Ariana and her mother to lay down the baskets in a stable, which had a long table laid down its length, and told Salem and Dylan to accompany them.
Dylan cast him curious looks while they were walking towards the stable, and once they were inside, he saw that Ariana was doing the same too. She looked worried, and pale for some reason.
They settled around the table, Ariana and Dylan opposite each other, and both glancing at Salem every now and then. They sat waiting, and finally after long minutes of silence, Ariana's mother stood up.
"I should get back home. I cannot leave Rose alone for any longer. Ari, you should come too," she said, stroking her daughter's hair lovingly.
Ariana shook her head. "I'll come back later. I need to do something first."
"What is it, honey?" she asked.
Ariana raised her head to look her mother in the eye. "It concerns father," she said and smiled a little. Salem felt a jolt. Was she saying this on purpose? To hint something to him? He kept quiet, and watched as her mother smiled a little, nodding at him and Dylan,  went out the stable.
Then he turned his eyes on Ariana, who was sharing a meaningful look with Dylan.
"Ariana, is there something wrong?" he asked casually.
She smiled a little wryly and answered, "Not at all. I was just wondering what you had to say to father and I want to stay to know what it is."
Salem felt a jolt run through him. So she did know, and she was telling him something. That she was going to be there when he did tell her father the truth. Or maybe she was really curious?
Either way it was not going to work out tonight, if she stayed, Salem thought grimly. Dylan, who had been staring between the two of them confusedly, spoke up. "Salem, what exactly do you plan to tell Mr. Greene?"
Salem sighed. He should tell Dylan. He had a right to know, and that way he could also snuff Ariana's curiosity, and make her leave so, he could discuss it in peace with her father. Plus he should have some practice of breaking the news, so he wasn't easily manipulated by his uncle, who had a knack of doing that.
So he cleared his throat and said, "I have already discussed this with Ariana. The thing is I do not plan to marry her anymore, and I think she agrees with my reasons."
Dylan and Ariana again exchanged a meaningful look, but this one was more surprised, whereas the first one had been grave. Dylan spoke up, his voice with a little quiver in it, "But, Mr. Greene does not seem like one to go around accepting things so easily. He will demand a reason for this sudden declaration."
Salem looked down at his hands clasped on the table. "I know he will. But I have to tell him before he puts his full trust on me. I have to tell him that Maryse."
Dylan sucked in a breath, and fell into a wide-eyed silence, before smiling bitter-sweetly. "That's your reason Sal. I told you that even before you knew that you like her. I know you even better than yourself, don't I."
Salem smiled at his friend warmly. "You sure do. Do you have any suggestions on what I should do?"
Dylan cast a glance at Ariana who nodded, then shook her head. Confused by this Salem turned back to Dylan, who said, "Yes I do. I don't think tonight is a good enough time to tell him this. He is already under a lot of pressure, and Ziluis is not helping ease it either. He's demanding a lot of your uncle's attention, and he has to stay in his best behavior with the Commander due to their newly formed alliance. He's under a lot of strain right now.
"Admittedly the victory we have won, has undoubtedly put him in a good mood but trust me, it is fast depleting because of the Commander's cold remarks and taunts. He would be in a bad mood by the time he listens to you and it would result badly for all of you. The whole family. Don't tell him today."
Salem nodded, before saying, "When do I tell him then?"
"When the right time comes," Dylan said vaguely.
Salem cast him a sarcastic look, and said agitatedly, "And when will that be?"
By now Ariana had sat watching the whole conversation unfold, but now some of Salem's agitation seeped through her and she got up to face the two boys. "Salem, father is happy today. He's in a much better mood than he used to be when you hadn't come home yet. He has started believing in his cause. Don't you see? He never believed in it before, and now he's counting on you. If you break the news to him, he will lose his faith in you, and in turn in the rebellion. If that happens, do you think anything will stop Ziluis from reporting us to the King, to win his trust back and to get in the clear. The only thing stopping Ziluis is father's belief that they have a chance against the King. The rebellion is essential for our survival now, and father's faith in you is essential for the rebellion. Please I beg you, do not make this mistake."
Ariana finished, feeling heaviness in her chest. She was submitting against the idea she most loathed. Violence was now essential for survival. But she knew what was important, and it was important that they stay safe for now. And she was willing to sacrifice her ideas for the safety of the people she loved.
Salem looked surprised, staring at her as if she was a ghost. Finally, he managed a light smile. "When did you get so grown up?" he asked affectionately.
She smiled crookedly in return. "I was always like this. You just didn't see."
Dylan slumped back in his chair, all the tension gone from his posture, a lazy smile taking its place. "Well now that we have that settled, how about some food? I'm starved. Salem didn't let me eat before Ziluis's arrival."
Salem frowned lightly at his friend. "Me? You refused, because you were turning green!"
Dylan made a face. "That was just because I was feeling sick of Ziluis's presence," he said, making Ariana laugh.
Salem turned grave. "Dylan," he warned, "you need to hold your tongue around the Commander. Don't make jokes like that when he is around. We can't risk anything now."
Dylan widened his eyes with childish innocence. "So I can't tell him he makes me sick?"
Salem pinched his lips into a tight line, not falling for it, and shook his head slightly. Ariana grinned at Dylan, who shrugged and pulled the basket closer to him.
Salem got up, and walking up to, the stable's doors peered outside. "I can see uncle," he said turning back to the two. "He's alone. I'll go join him. You two stay here."
Ariana nodded, and Dylan made a noise of agreement through his stuffed mouth. Salem walked out, but not before a chuckle could escape him.
Ariana watched him go, with a worried look. Dylan managed to swallow and said in a raspy voice, "Don't worry. He won't tell. He loves your father."
And then with a thoughtful look, he added, "Though probably not as much as he loves Maryse. You have to prefer a young girl to an old bearded man. Rule of nature."
Ariana managed to give him a look of disdain, even though she felt laughter bubble up in her chest. Leave it to Dylan to lighten everything up.
"Love's in the air today isn't it?" Dylan said, sniffing the air ominously.
Ariana cast him a confused look. "What do you mean?"
"How did it go with your prince?" Dylan asked winking.
Ariana blushed furiously. "He's not my prince!" she replied.
Dylan cocked his head to a side. "But you are marrying him aren't you? You said yes?"
Ariana nodded. "I said yes."
Dylan grinned. "Love really is in the air today isn't it? And with that the phase three of the plan is complete."
Salem strode purposefully towards his uncle, but with the very recent conversation with Ariana and Dylan still branded in his mind. He had never felt so double-minded in his entire life. Should he save his uncle's trust now just to shatter it later or should he tell him the truth now to make everyone suffer the fate they were striving hard to protect themselves from? What should he do? It wasn't fair have to choose between lies and truth, and peace and suffering.
His uncle's eyes glinted in the light of a lantern hanging by the door of a distant stable.
"Salem," he said, smiling a quiet smile. He looked so untroubled. So peaceful.
The thought of shattering his uncle's peace pierced through his heart and he felt a bout of self-loathing rise inside his chest. Why hadn't he just chosen what his uncle had wanted? How did you betray your uncle who had taken you in and provided for you ever since you were five and orphaned. Who had loved you when you had no one else left in the world? Who had given what was dearest to him, without a second's hesitation to him. He knew what would have made him happy, didn't he?
No, a voice spoke up, in absolute defiance. He was happier than he had ever been. The heaviness of the decision was something to balance out the happiness and bliss he felt, and yet his happiness still won out clearly. He loved Maryse, more than he thought it was possible to love someone. It was an unsure feeling, with an unfamiliar feel, like foreign spice, but addicting all the same. He knew he would grow used to giving his whole heart, scars and all to her, eventually and he wanted to.
His uncle just didn't see that it was as much as Salem's choice as it was his. Maybe even more so. So he shook his head and drew on the bliss he felt inside, to smile a very genuine smile. One he had forgotten long ago on that eventful day. Now he felt like his old self again.
"Uncle. Are you tired?" he asked, placing a hand on his uncle's shoulder.
His uncle smiled back, and shook his head in return. "No. In fact, I feel as if I could fight a thousand foes today. But let's get to the point. Is something bothering you?"
Salem widened his smile. "Not at all. I was just hoping to get a word with you away from the Commander. He looks like he scorns at everything we offer him. Are you sure we can trust him?"
Markus blinked, startled for a moment, before answering, "Why of course! He is a Commander. It's their job to scorn and to push the soldiers to their limit. It's not his nature. It's just grown on him. And now he is our greatest ally, and the only person we can really hope to help us in our cause. Don't mistrust him. If he gets to know, he might change his mind."
"And what if things go badly? Do you think he will stand with us and face the punishment or save himself and run away?" Salem challenged, unable to let go of Ariana's words that had chilled him to the bone.
Markus's expression darkened. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that. If it does, we'll know. For now, I am fully content with him. Do not try to change my mind. I know what's best for the people," he said in a grave, warning tone.
Salem nodded, and fell silent, mulling over his thoughts.
"I have decided," his uncle said at length, "that the time before the attack needs to be shortened."
Salem lifted his head, not sure, if he had heard correctly. "What?" he said sharply.
Markus turned to face him, his face serious. "I was thinking of making the first attack early. Ziluis gave me the idea when he said he had to report back to the castle by the end of the week. Well what if we accompanied him? The castle guards will have the gates open and ready, and they won't be expecting an attack. It would be the perfect time."
Salem shook his head. "Uncle, this isn't a sound decision. We are not nearly ready for the attack. And the King will probably have his guards poised, not for security but for show, to intimidate Ziluis into submission. They will not hesitate to step into the battlefield when they realize what's happening. We will be outnumbered. It'll be suicide!"
Markus grimaced. "I'll discuss this in the next meeting, tomorrow."
"Which," he added, "also reminds me of something important I have to discuss with you. Ziluis is a man of competition and he doesn't like it when a younger person is in a greater position than him. He expressed the fact that he doesn't like taking orders from you or Dylan, not so subtly. So I am pressed to make him my second-in-command. You'll have a special position and power, but as my nephew, and that will be almost equal to his power, but it'll satisfy him. It'll also give you time to train the young soldiers more than you could otherwise, and it'll remove the burden you've been shouldering since you came here-which you have been bearing very well, but now you don't have to."
His uncle looked at him uncertainly, as if he didn't know what Salem's reaction might be. Salem smiled a little and nodded his submission.
Markus broke into a broad smile. "You are just like your father!" he said slapping Salem's arm in a fatherly manner.
"I gave up the burden because there are much heavier burdens for me to bear," escaped from Salem's mouth unintentionally.
The smile dropped from his uncle's face as if it had never been there. "Salem," he said sighing, "You understand fully about it. The past resurfaces but it doesn't always have to repeat itself. It can be kept where it belongs. But it takes strength, and will, to conquer it."
Salem shook his head. "The past will resurface, because it will repeat. I wish sometimes you hadn't told me."
Markus's face grew graver. "I wish I hadn't too. But you had wanted an explanation, and you needed it. And you were so serious, so mature for your age even then. And I had to tell someone. Or I would've...gone insane with what I kept from everyone. You took the place of your father in my heart that night, and I have considered you my equal since then."
Salem nodded, pressing his lips into a thin line. "I don't want to discuss this. I'm going home. I'll tell George to tell everyone about the meeting tomorrow night."
With that, he walked away, leaving a silence as heavy as a thousand words around his uncle, and the same silence echoed inside his head, with the words he had never spoken, only heard. It had been his secret to keep, and it still was. Nothing could change that. Yet.

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