Chapter 20

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Ally's pov-

I never thought I would get involved with Harry Styles. I never thought I would end up in the community jail either. Yet here I am, in a jail cell with the idiot.

Apparently we had been trespassing on a private property, and the owner had noticed our car. So of course the little snitch called the cops on us.

We hadn't been given our phone calls yet, so we were stuck in a cell by ourselves. That I was thankful for, being in a small space with a convicted criminal is not on my list of things to do at the moment.

However, I took that as an opportunity to glare at Harry every chance I got. We were on opposite sides of the cell. I sent him rude looks while he tried to contain himself from smiling. The little shit had the nerve to think this whole situation was hilarious.

I narrowed my eves slightly and rolled my eyes when he immediately burst out laughing.

"Harry! This is not funny, do you realize how much trouble we are in?"

When he finally composed himself, he smiled slightly at my nervousness. "We will be fine babe, this has happened before, the owners love me. They just like playing with me a bit sometimes and call the cops."

He laughs, as he reminisces the other times he has been arrested. My lips form a straight line as he sobers up.

"Well then they will bail us out right?" I say expectantly, watching his face contort in amusement.

"Obviously you have not been arrested here yet," He smirks, a dimple in view. "A guardian has to bail you out love, not a random person you have never met."

I glared and huffed before falling back on the uncomfortable bench. This sucked.

Minutes went by without speaking, and we both sat awkwardly in our own veil of silence. I looked through the bars when I heard footsteps approaching.

"Hey Harry!" A young cop said, giving him a small smile. "Decided to get your girlfriend in trouble too today." I frowned slightly at the word girlfriend but Harry didn't seem to notice.

"Nice to see you too Shawn." Harry smiled, standing up from the metal bench.

Shawn laughed and looked over at me. "I haven't seen you around here before, are you new to town?" He smiled before putting his hand through the bars.

I giggled and shook his hand. "Yeah, I just moved here, I'm Ally Jarvis. And you are?"

"Shawn Mendes."

He smiled and clapped his hands in front of him.

"Well Harry, you know the drill, come out to have your phone call." Harry nodded and was soon ushered out of the cell leaving me alone.

My life has turned around so many times since I came to this town, and I honestly don't know what to think of it. Harry almost kissed me for crying out loud! And even worse I wanted him to.

Not to mention all of the craziness that comes along with getting kidnapped. But even with all of this happening, I could surely say I would rather be here than where I was living before. Even with all the ups and downs this small town would bring me.

Before I knew it Harry was back and so was Shawn. Both of them were laughing as he walked back to his side of the cell. It made me happy, seeing Harry laughing like that, I wish he was like that all the time.

"You're turn miss" said Shawn in a posh British accent. He was one of the only people here who was American like me.

I giggled slightly and nodded, standing up and following him down the hallway. I gave Harry one last glance and a smile before preparing myself to face my mother.


"YOU WHAT?!" I pulled my ear away from the phone quickly, not wanted to go deaf by my own mother. Shawn must have heard because he shot me a sympathy look from a distance.

"Mom, look it's not that big of a deal-"

"Not that big of a deal? You got arrested, while skipping school! Explain to me how that is not a big deal." My mother's angry voice cut me off before I could finish. I am going to get my ass whooped when I get home, let me tell you.

"Mom, Harry needed me okay? He took me to a place that happened to be a private property. But it's ok, the owners love Harry they just like giving him a hard time." I tried my best to reason with her, praying to god she will understand.

"I am coming to get you right now young lady, but you are most definitely grounded!" She spat before quickly hanging up. I sighed and brought the phone from my ear and leaned on the wall. I am screwed.

Nevertheless, I turned around and headed back with Shawn. We were almost there when he leaned down and whispered.

"If I were you I would kick him in the balls." He says with a smirk before straightening up and continuing down the hallway.

I smirked. "Don't worry, I've got something else in mind."

He laughed and let me into the cell.

"What's so funny? Harry questions suspiciously. I just shrug and sit back on the bench.

"My mom's coming to get me what about yours?" I mumble, trying to get rid of my aching headache.

"She's coming." He says, before coming over and sitting next to me on the bench. By now Shawn had left and we were all alone. And I was literally trapped with him. I inwardly groaned, but I can't deny the fact I was slightly excited we were finally alone.

Just then I had the perfect beginning to my long plan of revenge.

I whispered in his ear, "So, where were we?" My lips lingering slightly next to his ear. I heard his sharp intake of breath, as he quickly straightened out his posture.

He quickly covered it up however, and casually put a smirk on his face, turning toward me. "My pleasure." He took my fave in his hands gently and slowing began leaning in.

"Ah ah ah..." I mumbled, pulling away quickly. I shook my finger in front of his puckered lips. I pouted slightly. "You don't think I'm that easy do you?"

His face was priceless, his now wide open eyes staring back at me in shock. I laughed at his reaction and stood up swiftly. Making my way over to the other bench.

"You have to stop doing that!" He said exasperated, once he had regained his dignity. I shrugged indecisively before waiting for my mother to get me out of this hell.


"Mom!" I groaned as she dragged me to the car. Harry had still been in the cell when I left and I was to tired to wait for him. And to angry for that matter.

Not that I had the choice, seeing as though my mother thought it would be a great idea for me to immediately begin my punishment. Starting with cleaning basically the entire house. It's official I'm going to kill Harry.

"No! I am not the bad guy here and you know that." My mother says sternly, starting up the car. I sighed in defeat and leaned against the window. 2 weeks of being grounded here I come. Fan-fucking-tastic.


HI!!!! Guys omg I am so sorry it's been like a month or something since I last updated... School just started for me so yeah... That sucks. But I honestly never thought I would get this far, so plz give feedback. Thank u guys sooooooooooo much for 3k reads ily!!!! I love u guys sooooooooo much and remember:

And of course,

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