Chapter 10

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Ally's pov-

I was awoken by a loud crashing noise from the kitchen. Alarmed, I shot up from the couch, and ended up on the floor.

"Ow" I muttered, holding my possibly bruised, elbow. I stood up slower this time and headed toward the kitchen. I wasn't exactly sure what had happened before, but the last thing I remember is Harry coming to the door.

My feet padded their way into the tiled kitchen, and halted when I heard a commotion to my left. I took in a sharp breath and turned to the cause of the noise.

"Hey..." The one and only Harry Styles is sitting on the ground, surrounded by millions of tiny glass shards. "You kind of, um- passed out so..." He nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh of course." I nodded sarcastically, "That's why you're on my kitchen floor, it all makes sense now." I said using my hands for emphasis.

"Haha very funny, now help me get up." He held up his arms and awaited my presence. I sighed and chuckled softly as I headed toward the curly idiot.

Hours later, we had finally cleaned up all of the broken vase. I took a seat on the couch with a sigh and let the couch comfort me. My eyes slowly closed and sleep slowly invaded my thoughts.

"Are you sleeping?" I slowly opened my tired eyelids. Curly hair and green eyes that I knew so well, were right in front of my face. I sighed and slightly pushed his head away from my face and closed my eyes again.

"No," I answered his question, "I'm just resting my eyes." I stifled a yawn and reopened my eyes, awaiting his reaction. He got up from next to me and snorted.

"Ha, I bet you'll be asleep in five minutes." He smugly crossed his arms and leaned on the chair.

"Yeah, I don't think I will be taking that bet anytime soon." I yawned and stretched as I got up from the comfy couch. He chuckled and caught me as I almost fell from being temporary blind. That always happens to me when I get up to fast.

I gently pushed myself away from his toned chest and muttered a thanks. I put on my iPod and began to clean the sink and dishes, because my mom would be home soon. I always work better when I have music on. I'm not really sure what Harry was doing, probably just wandering around looking at all the pictures on the wall.

I quietly hummed along as I finished the last dish, and dried my hands. Harry would come in and out, sometimes just watching me clean. Believe me, it's just as creepy as it sounds.

I headed into the living room and took my thick brown hair out of the bun. Harry was sitting on my couch, doing who knows what on his phone. I cleared my throat.

"So yeah," I played with the ends of my hair, "my mom is gonna be home soon, you might wanna go."

Harry turned around with a big smirk on his face and rose from his comfortable position.

"Kicking me out already?" He joked and made his way to my location.

I scoffed. "Already? You've been here for four hours!"

He shrugged, "Eh, same thing. Well anyway, I'll see you at school tomorrow yeah?" I mentally screamed as I realized that it was Sunday.

"Yeah, I guess." I mumbled and pushed him out the door.

He smirked at my feeble attempt to make him move. "See ya babe" He called over his shoulder as he made his way down the driveway.

"Don't call me that!" I screamed. I could tell that he was smirking as he drove away.

The next day

I awoke to a annoying screeching in my ear. "No!" I screamed loudly as I forcefully hit my alarm clock. I sighed softly and laid in bed for the next five minutes, mentally preparing myself for the rest of the day.

After I had finally woken up, I got ready for the day, completely skipping breakfast as usual.

The cool December air hit me right in the face, and just then I realized I would have to walk in this cold. As I was about to start my walk, a familiar Range Rover pulled into my driveway.

I put a hand on my hip and looked at him in shock. "You know styles, if you keep being this nice, it might ruin your reputation." I smiled at him as I made my way to the passenger side.

He laughed lightly and spoke as I got in the warm car. "Only for you." He smirked, and we started out journey to the dungeon. Also known as school.


Look who updated??? This girl! *awkwardly points to self*

Anyway...... I realized I haven't been updating that often, but I'm trying to write whenever I can.

Also..... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! I luv every single one of you. (I wrote that in Marcel's voice hahaha... carry on)

416 reads is amazing and I really want to thank all of you.

Please vote, comment, and of course....
BE A UNICORN!!!!!!!!!!

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