Chapter 6

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Ally's pov-

"Why does it feel so good but hurt so ba-"

I slapped my alarm clock violently, as much as I love that song. Feeling a little bit more lively today, I picked out a cute outfit and took my time with makeup. When I finally finished, I headed downstairs and grabbed a banana. 'I really need to get a car,' I thought to myself as I was walking out the door. I have been told I am exceptionally slow walker, so I really shouldn't be walking to school. When I finally arrived, I saw my 'group' and began to make my way over there.

"Ally! Why didn't you tell us Harry claimed you, what the hell?!?"

I shook my head, "No you see, he said I was 'his', whatever that means, but I said he didn't own me. Case closed." I said with basically no emotion. It was too early for this. I looked around at their faces, which all held the same expression; disbelief.

Jamie finally spoke up, "Ally, you can't just decline what he said. When one of those guys," she pointed to the intimidating people across the parking lot, "wants you, you don't have a choice."

"Look guys, I know your all just trying to save me from getting hurt," I looked around at them, "But nothings going on, I'll be fine." They simultaneously sighed and started heading inside the building of doom.

When I arrived at my locker, I noticed people keeping their distance from me. I shrugged it off and grabbed my books before leaving for homeroom.
Me being me, I clumsily bumped into a nice looking boy.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" I apologized and dropped down to pick up my books. He immediately followed suit and began to help me. "Are you ok?" I asked he looked extremely pale and scared.

"I'm really, really sorry I bumped into you. It was a total accident. Please don't tell Harry." He was speaking really fast and linking his sentences together.

"I'm fine" I assured him and stood up. Then I realized what he said. "But why would I tell Harry?"

He looked at the ground, "well I just thought since he claimed you, that he would get mad. I know how he gets when he's ang-"

"That's why people are avoiding me today", I said to myself and cutting him off. Without saying another word, I stomped toward homeroom.

Once I got there, I went to the back of the class and slumped in my seat. Unfortunately Harry wasn't in any of my classes for a while, so I'll have to wait to confront him.

I sighed softly and got out a notebook and a pencil as people began to file in. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Niall reluctantly sit in his seat. If I can't get mad at harry, might as well get mad at him.

"Can you tell Harry to leave me alone? I can't go two days at my new school without getting claimed and avoided. If you have anything to do with this I swear-"

"Listen", he cut me off turning towards me, "Harry always gets what he wants. And when he gets something he does not share." For a second he actually seemed sympathetic, but then he added a smirk at the end.

"Ughhh" I said loudly and turned back in my seat. A few of my peers heard that and turned around, but when they saw it was me they quickly turned back. Really? They're that scared? I sighed and prepared myself for the rest of the day.

I walked into the class right before lunch. AKA: The class I'm gonna yell at Harry. I strutted down the aisle and took my seat. Harry wasn't here yet, but he better show up, I am beyond furious at him. Finally I saw a mop of curly brown hair walk down the aisle. Once he sat down I immediately tuned to him.

Just as I was about to ramble/yell at him he spoke. "There's nothing you can do to get me to stay away from you, and I already heard your speech to Niall" he said looking towards me.

"But-" just as I was about to argue the teacher walked in and began class. I huffed and turned toward the front. The entire class, like yesterday, Harry's eyes were boring into the side of my head. At one point, I had enough.

"Would you stop staring at me!!", I whisper screamed.

"Now why would I do that?" he questioned teasingly.

"It's extremely uncomfortable, and I can't focus"

"Well that's your problem isn't it" he smirked.

"I give up" I muttered under my breath, and turned around. When the class was finally over with, I headed towards the cafeteria for a hopefully relaxing lunch.

I have never been more wrong.

A/N- hey my unicorns!!!!!! Sorry for the wait but, this chapter was longer! I hope you enjoy, and thank u guys so much for 70 reads. Don't forget to comment, vote, and do whatever unicorns do!!!!!

I LOVE U!!!!!!!!😃😃

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