Chapter 15

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Ally's pov-

"What are we gonna do 'bout them? Huh? Can't just keep 'em in our van!"

"Yeah, well do you have a better idea?"

"Just ask boss, he gotta know what to do."---

I heard the faint noises in the back of my mind. I picked out two voices, though I didn't recognize them. My brain tried to get my limbs to move, my muscles to work, or at least wiggle a finger. It seemed the only thing that was working, was my head. I tried to come up with reasonable reasons to what had happened. That literally got me no where, seeing as though you can't exactly kidnap someone on accident. I urged my eyes to open, but they remained shut tightly, and I could almost feel a fabric covering them. I tried to listen more to the conversation around me, but they had seemed to stop talking. I started to get some feeling in my hands, and successfully moved a finger.

Just as I was doing better, a small voice called out next to me.

"Tess? Perrie?" She sobbed quietly to herself, and I tried my hardest to comfort her. Not being able to move made that pretty difficult. I recognized the voice as Leah's. I used all my energy to slightly move my hand across the cold surface I was rested on. Next came my arms, and my legs. Once I could move I took in the situation.

There was a blindfold on my eyes, rope on my wrists and ankles, but surprisingly no gag in my mouth. I called out to Leah, hoping she would understand that she was not alone.

"Leah, its me Ally. Were gonna be ok, don't worry." I tried my best to sound reassuring, but she knew this wasn't looking good.

"Ally? Oh thank god! Can you see anything, there's something on my eyes, I see nothing." I sighed and pulled as hard as I could in the ropes tied tightly around my sore wrists. I gave another sigh of defeat and leaned back on whatever was behind me.

"I'm tied up too", I responded my voice cracked and tired, which led me to the question of how long we had been here. "And I have something on my eyes."

I heard her let out a faint sob as she yanked in the ropes, causing the metal of the floor to make a loud noise. She finally gave up and I heard her slump back to the beginning. She faintly sighed.

"They really did it this time didn't they?"

I had no idea what she was talking about. Who was they?

"L, what do you mean?" She simply sighed, a void of silence between us. I heard rustling next to me and heard Tess's voice in the distance. We told her what we knew, which was not much. To be honest, I don't even know how long we were passed out. The two other girls awoke after, as confused as we all were.

We sat in silence with no sight, and no ability to move. I was losing hope in general. We had no idea who had taken us, where we were, how long we have been here.

"Alright time to get up!" A loud voice boomed into the space we were in, the raspy command echoing off the walls. I jolted, surprised by the sudden voice.

"I said get up!" The voice said louder, obviously not understanding we were tied down.

Two arms came down and roughly untied the ropes from my aching wrists. I let out a short sigh of relief from the material. I was pulled up and moved with my feet dragging on the floor. It was no use to struggle. My energy was drained, and this person seemed to be strong. Not to mention I had a blindfold on still. I heard heavy footsteps behind me, most likely the other girls.

When we finally reached our destination, we were sat down on what seemed like an old rickety chair. We were tied down once more, but this time the stranger took off the blindfold.

Light seared into my eyes, causing them to squeeze shut. I slowly opened my eyes to figure out where the heck we were. I saw a faint horizon of dusty red mountains in the distance. My eyes adjusted enough to see the dried ground beneath me.

Oh crap.

We seemed to be in the middle of the desert, like the actual desert. The sun burned into my unprotected shoulders as the seconds passed. The other girls were sitting in chairs next to me, also with no blindfolds. We're screwed.

The menacing figures circled us under the sweltering heat. I could feel the sweat dripping off my body, and my mouth slowly getting drier and drier.

"What do you want?" My scratchy voice managed to squeak out. The men chuckled and put his face close to mine, causing disgusting breath to drift my way. I coughed lightly and turned my head to the girls. They gave me questionable looks, confused as to why I was talking to our kidnappers.

"Let's just say", the rough voice began, "Your little friend is getting you in big trouble."

"What?" I blurted stupidly. What friend? Dina, Jamie, maybe Erin. They would never have anything to do with this.

"Yeah, the one with the curly hair. He's in a lot of trouble, him and that sister of his." The man got up and began to pace around us once again.

Oh course. This is all about Harry. But he never mentioned having a sister, although I guess we don't know each other that well. What the hell has Harry gotten us into?

My voice was to dry to talk anymore and I kept my lips sealed. There was no information I could give these horrible people, even if I wanted to.

"Now", the other man began, "You will tell us all you know about Project T.S.F."

We all looked around and each other completely confused. What is Project T.S.F? I searched the girls faces for anyway they knew about this. They were as confused as me. Either they think we know something, or they have the wrong people. We stayed silent, hoping the kidnappers would get a hint that we knew nothing.

One of the men whispered something into the other's ear, causing him to nod. He sighed and searched our faces.

"Ok, since it seems like you know nothing, maybe this will ring a bell. Does the name Dina mean anything to you?"



Hello everybody!!!!! This is a pretty late update and kind of confusing so..... I hope you liked it. 1.18k is amazing and I can not thank you enough. Thank you sooooooooo much and remember:

And of course...

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