Chapter 18

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Ally's pov-

"Get up!" Urged whispers reach my ears as I desperately try to go to sleep.

"No..." I mumble, turning over slightly and burrowing deeper into the covers.

"Ally get your ass out of bed. Now." I recognize the annoyance and urgency of the voice I know so well. I guess I should be wondering why Harry is in my bedroom... maybe I'll just go back to sleep. I choose the second option.

I groan and move away from the loud voice the awakened my peaceful sleep. I hear a annoyed sound from Harry and soon the blankets are completely ripped off of my body.

"What the hell?" I mumble, sitting up slightly. I rub my eyes and try to see in my room but it is way to dark.

"I don't have time to explain." He says quickly, but I can sense fear in his tone. My eyebrows furrow in confusion as he continues. What once was fear is now anger, and I find myself seriously questioning his mood swings.

"But Allie, you really should have told me. All you had to do was god damned tell me Ally. Now look what happened." His teeth gritted against each other and I am still trying to process his words.

He knows what happened. He knows that I lied to him. He must have heard it from one of the guys. He has an amazingly sexy voice when he's tired- Why the hell did I just say that!

I shake my head quickly and turn back to his figure.

"Harry I did it for your safety! He threatened me and the girls too!" I couldn't see his reaction in the dark but I could tell he did not know this piece of information.

"They threatened you?" He whispers, like he isn't sure if this is real or not. I nod noticeably enough so he can see through the dark.

"Why are you here?" I whisper and quickly lean over to check the clock. "At three in the morning?"

"Allie... you can't stay without protection anymore. I'm sorry but it's just not safe." His voice had turned to soft and gentle. The bed dipped slightly as he sat on the mattress.

"Who are these people Harry. What is going on with your family?" I whisper, feeling more scared than ever. Something big is happening. And it is not just the song by Shawn Mendez.

He sighs but doesn't answer me. I let out a muffled cry as few tears come down my face. Events from the past becoming suddenly more prominent. I was kidnapped. I was threatened. I have feelings for Harry. Ok so the last one wasn't that terrifying but whatever.

I hear him move around for a second before getting under the covers with me. I move over slightly and rest my head on his stomach, memorizing the pattern of his heartbeat.

Well I guess he didn't have anything that important to say.

It is not long until I fall asleep with strong arms wrapped around me.


Harry was gone when I woke up the next morning. Last nights events played through my head and I was confused as ever. It wasn't safe for me to be without protection? How did that even make sense? I had done nothing wrong, and barely interacted with Harry, so I had no clue why any of this was happening to me.

I slowly got out of bed and carried on with my usual morning routine. I quickly went out the door and into Harry's car.

"Explain." I say as I calmly buckle the seatbelt. His eyes widen at how forward I was. I looked over at him, my eyes telling him to talk.

"My family is not what you think it is." He whispers, barely loud enough for me to hear. I try not to let my straight face falter as I nod at him to continue. He looks at me frustration and gives me a 'really' face. I roll my eyes as he continues.

"Well you know how I never talk about my dad? Um...he has a lot to do with it." I search his face for any emotions but I come up with nothing. If anything, he looked betrayed. So obviously he doesn't have a good relationship with his dad. That doesn't explain why there is so much danger.

"I never really bring up my dad, as you have probably noticed. Basically, he's rich. Like really rich. He owns one of the biggest banks in America." Harry continues, analyzing my face periodically.

He looks at his phone and begins pulling out of my driveway. "We need to get to school, I'll tell you more later."

Saved by the bell.


I went throughout the day thinking about Harry. I was called on multiple times by my teachers, but I shrugged them all off. There was no way I was paying attention to anything they said.

I walked into lunch, my eyes searching for curly hair, but Harry wasn't at our table. I had been sitting with Harry's group for a while, and had grown to love all of the girls. I didn't talk to the guys much, aside from Harry.

I huffed, taking a seat next to Tess. She smiled at me and whispered.

"Hey, where's your lover?"

She winked and I burst out laughing. Harry and I were the opposite of lovers. Ignoring her comment, I tell her I had no idea.

Lunch went by normally until a student, whom I have never seen before, burst into the cafeteria. He was out of breath from, I am assuming, running down the hallways. Because of his dramatic entrance, most of the student body was watching the guy pant. When he finally caught his breath, he spoke in the loudest voice he could muster.

"There's a the courtyard...Harry...and Kian..." The poor guy was gasping for breath, but our entire table shot out of their seats.

We rushed down the hallways until we finally made it to the courtyard. I was out of breath, as well as the other girls. I don't even know someone named Kian...I am starting to think I don't know most of the people at this school.
Snapping out of my thoughts, my eyes focus on the fight in front of me.

Harry looks furious, even worse than what I have seen when he gets angry. The other guys looks semi frightened at the menace in front of him. I can't help but notice how nice the other guy's hair looks. It has a light rainbow dye going through his tousled hair. Hair goals right there.

Once I stop admiring his hair, I focus on the problem at hand. Thankfully, no one has thrown a punch yet, but if no one intervenes soon, there will be. I step in front of Harry before I know what I'm doing.

"Harry, calm down." I try to soothe him, but he simply moves around me. His eyes stay focused on the rainbow hair shooting daggers with his glare.

If looks could kill, Kian would be six feet under.

What is this even about? I think as I nervously run a hand through my hair. What did Kian do?

"Look man, I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Kian tries to reason with him.

Although, Harry doesn't change his stance as he advances.

"Harry please stop." I whimper, almost beg. Anything that will stop him from causing a fight.

As if something clicks inside him, he slowly begins to retreat towards me. I sigh, thankful that it is over. However, Harry quickly turns around and sends him a menacing look.

"If I ever hear you talk about my sister like that again, you are dead."


HEY!!! *awkwardly waves* I know you guys are probably confused as hell... but I promise it will make sense. I will probably be updating more bc it's SUMMER!! So that's good. Anyway... I hope you guys are enjoying it so far, and I love reading your comments. I love you guys sooooooo much and remember:

And of course...

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