Chapter 22

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Ally's pov-

My mom has been on my case all morning. After we got back from jail, she sent me straight to my room and took away my phone. I had assumed rumors had gotten out, but there was no way I could talk to Dina, Jamie, or the girls.

I already knew school would be hell.

Harry picked me up again, but we didn't talk much. Honestly, I was pretty pissed that I got in this much trouble and it was mainly his fault. He stayed quiet too, obviously sensing my bad mood and didn't want to argue with me.

After an uncomfortable silence, we made it to school, both of us getting out without a word. We walked side by side attracting every wandering eye and talkative mouth. Rumors were flying everywhere around us about what happened.

Harry seemed slightly annoyed by the attention we were getting, but I brushed it off and kept a straight face.
When we finally got to our lockers he began to speak.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles, almost whines as he distracts himself by giving glares to our fellow classmates.

I rolled my eyes, shutting my locker hard, but Harry didn't even flinch.

"You got us in jail Harry! That's gonna be on my permanent record, do you know how big of a deal this is? Not to mention my mom an my case since I got home." I ramble quietly, noticing the hallways were slowly starting to clear.

"I told you I was sorry what else do you want?" He grumbles, teeth tightly clenched together.

My jaw slightly dropped, my eyes looking at him in surprise. He can't be serious.

"I just need some time away from you right now." I shrug, gently brushing past him to my first class. He didn't follow me, leaving me to head off to class by myself.


I was overreacting in the beginning. I'll admit I have a small problem with blowing things out of proportion. That didn't make me any less mad at Harry though. I just need some time to myself, so I could hopefully have a normal life here.

Harry didn't talk to me all day, which I was thankful for. However, I didn't see Dina in any of my classes, which was a shame because I wanted to talk to her about what's been going on. Maybe she has some answers to the strange things going on ever since I got here.

Lunch came around finally, and I chose to sit with Jamie. Surprisingly Harry didn't have me move, in fact I haven't seen him all day as well.

Shrugging it off I talked to Jamie, but she agreed she hasn't seen Dina since yesterday. We decided we would stop by her house to see what was going on after school.

The rest of the day was boring as usual. I was in a bad mood as it is, and school didn't help.

When the last period of the day finally ended, I shot out of my seat ready to get out of this hell, and Satan for a teacher.

I couldn't find Harry anywhere in the parking lot. Jamie had to walk to school, since Dina is usually her ride, so we both ended up walking to her house.

Jamie is really oblivious to people's moods, which she made obvious when she would not stop talking. My face must have shown how much I wanted to walk in peace but I don't think she picked up on that.

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