Chapter 14

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Ally's pov-

The next few days went by quickly. It mainly consisted of me trying to avoid Harry. I can't let these feelings develop anymore, or all hell will break loose.

I have been in a few relationships, sure, but nothing major. I just have a feeling that being in a relationship with Harry would be one problem after another.

I sighed and stared at the blank ceiling above me. Saturday is usually my happy time, my way to get away from problems. Of course, I can't escape my problems, and end up in an even worse situation then before. This Saturday has been different.

I stayed home the entire day, basically laying in bed. Thoughts raced around my head about everything. Harry, my dad, life, ect.

I rolled off my bed, emotionally drained. I decided to call Erin, who was an old friend from the last place I moved from.

"Hello?" I heard her familiar voice on the end of the line, obviously confused who it was.

"Erin! Its me Ally, I haven't talked to you in forever!" A large smile spread across my face. Erin and I used to be really good friends, definitely one of my closest. When I had to move, we were heartbroken. I guess we never really tried too hard to stay in touch.

"Ally? Oh my god how are you? Still shorter than me I presume?"

I laughed. Erin had always been way taller than me, so she always bugged me about it. It's not really me though, Erin has been tall since she was like ten. Which is the main reason she excelled so much at basketball, unlike me who couldn't play a sport for my life.

"You're teasing me, but someday when I'm rich and famous, you'll wish you were nicer to me." I smirked knowing she would see right through me.

"Yeah right, I'll believe that when I see it. So, how's your new school, any hot guys? God knows there are zero in this crappy town." I couldn't disagree with her, you were more likely to win the lottery than find a decent guy in Lambert, Louisiana. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating.

I have to admit, living in a small town in Louisiana was fun, but got old fast. I much more of a Cheshire kind of girl. Even though I have only been here a couple of weeks.

"Not many boys here either I guess. Unless you would count punks, jocks, and nerds. Not many normal guys." I sighed, knowing that there was actually a guy, but I was trying to push those feelings aside.

"Aw... Just wait till we get to college. We'll be partying all night!" she screamed the last part into the phone, almost blowing out my ear in the process.

Erin and I made a plan that we were going to go to the same college and party all the time. Of course, this was a while ago, and is most likely not going to happen. After rambling on and on for a while, we said our goodbyes. Leaving me all alone with nothing to do. Again.

I fell on my bed and returned to my position staring at the ceiling. Wow, this is what life has come to. After a while, I got the energy to make plans with someone. I decided to call Leah, she gave me her number the day I sat at the lunch table.

After I had talked to her, she said that she and the girls were going shopping, and asked if I could come. I happily accepted. At the moment, anything is better than nothing.

I got up and threw on an oversized sweater over my head. My head got lost in the thick fabric and I walked around trying to find the head hole. I wandered around with no sight, most likely looking like a chicken with it's head cut off. Right when I thought I had found it, my legs hit something hard and I fell face first on the bed.

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