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You think running into your Ex at the grocery store is awkward?

Try running into your Ex everywhere you go.

For the past six years the ghost of my relationship with Denis has haunted me.

His face was on billboards, magazines, shirts, the Internet. He was everywhere.

It was awful to think that I could still possibly be with Denis. If I hadn't been so insecure that night and blown up on him. If I hadn't blamed him for not visiting, when I could have visited as well.

I was just as guilty as he was.

His fans kept asking questions, which ultimately led me to delete all social media and change my phone number.

All ties with Maddie had been severed. She had just as much fault for not staying in contact as Denis had.

My mother had passed away last year after a long battle with cancer, the worst part was that I was her primary doctor, along with an oncologist by the name of Jake.

Jake and I had bonded over treating my mother, and as of right now we had been dating for three years. He stood next to me at the funeral, letting me cry and taking care of everything I needed.

I couldn't have asked for anything better.

But my mind always wandered to What if.

What if Denis was still in the picture?

Would we be married?

Would we have kids?

Where would we be living?

I tried not to read the articles about him, but I couldn't help it. He seemed happy.

A part of my heart wanted him back in my life, while another part told me to stay far away and not be heartbroken again.

But I couldn't be happier at the moment. I had my dream job as head doctor in the emergency wing of the hospital here in New Jersey.

My boyfriend was sweet and I got to spend a lot of time with him.

My dad and I were in a great place.  He had stayed at my home when my mother was sick, helping me take care of her here in Jersey since medicine would be cheaper with me working at the hospital full time.

I currently loved my life, and nothing could change that.

But every time I saw an Asking shirt, or his face on a magazine, I felt my heart hurt.

Part of me still loved Denis. And if I saw him I was afraid that I would jump into his arms and my life that I had built up after him would crumble away piece by piece until I was solely dependent on him.

I picked New Jersey to live in because they rarely toured here, and Denis wouldn't think to look for me in a suburb of Jersey.
I was safe.

I would never have to hear him speak to me. No chance of him breaking my perfectly built up life.

Until he showed up in my hospital.

I was driving home after a long day of work when my phone rang.

Hospital. It read.

I groaned. They only called me to extend my hours.

I picked up and immediately heard Nova on the other end of the line.

"Doctor Night, we have a patient here who was just in a car crash. Horrible bleeding. Needs surgery now. Can you get back? We need you."

"I'll be right there." I said, turning the car around quickly and speeding back to the hospital.

Surgeries were stressful but I loved doing them. It fascinated me how the human body worked.

I ran in, scanning my card to let me get into the surgical wing, then I quickly changed into scrubs and a mask, making sure everything was sterile.

I entered the operating room and began my work.

It was a highly stressful surgery, and we lost the patient twice before they were steadied to go into recovery.

That's what I loved most about this job. It always kept me on my toes.

I quickly changed into my pencil skirt, blouse and heels, putting on my white doctors coat and going to leave the hospital when Nova stopped me

"Can you just check one patient? They have been waiting for an hour and need assistance." She asked.

"It's my off time Nova!" I groaned.

"Please. They are cute!" She grinned.

"Nova, I have a boyfriend." I rolled my eyes.

"That doesn't mean you can't window shop." She laughed.

"Well what looks to be wrong with him?" I asked.

"Head injury, definitely needs stitches."

"Will he be okay with me sticking a needle in his head."

"That man didn't look to be afraid of anything." She laughed. "But his friend came out and told me that he was scared of needles so we may need to numb him first." She explained.

"Okay." I sighed. "I'll call you if I need anything."

"Thank you Vivian! You are a godsend." She yelled after me as I walked away.

"No need to thank me, just pay me for overtime." I winked jokingly.

She rolled her eyes at me.

I made my way down to room 615, checking my emails along the way.

I knocked on the door, opening it, not looking up.

"I'm so sorry I made you all wait so long, I was on my way home and then they called me in for an emergency surgery." I explained, my head snapping up to meet the gaze of the man sitting on the bed.

"Oh my god." I froze in place.


A/N: Already getting some awesome feedback! I'm so glad you all are liking this. So now you know what's up with Viv. ;) next chapter should be fun.

The Road (Sequel to 'The Way We Were') [Denis Stoff, Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria]Where stories live. Discover now