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"Oh my god." She gasped, staring at me, before quickly setting her laptop down and messing with it, she was obviously flustered.

"Viv?" I asked, making sure that she wasn't just an illusion my head was making up. I did hit it pretty hard.

"I'm Doctor Night." She extended her hand for me to shake.

I took it, I'm sure I looked crazy with the way I was smiling, she just looked nervous.

"What is the problem today?" She asked, she was being so professional. Did she even remember me?

"He fell off of a scaffold. Hit his head, needs stitches and a concussion test. You may have to numb him though. As you may remember Denis is a big baby." Ben chuckled.

"I am not!" I glared at him.

"Let me take a look." She said, putting on some gloves and holding up her finger.

"Follow this with your eyes." She instructed me. It went out of my vision multiple times. She muttered something to herself before typing into the computer, then picking up a light and shining it in my eyes, staring straight into them.

She grew up beautifully. Her hair was now shorter, just reaching her shoulders, she looked beautiful in an adult way now. Her eyes still shine like they did all of her life, and those perfect pink lips that I used to kiss had a smile constantly on them, even if she was trying to suppress it. She was serious, and looked strong, as if she was holding something back.

She murmured to herself, typing something into the computer, turning to Ben.

"How long are you all in town?" She asked.

"A few months, we are recording now."

"Good, because he has a concussion, and is going to need some serious rest. He will have to come see me next week to get the stitches removed, and if his concussion isn't cleared by then he will need another appointment to check up on that until he is healed. That means, no shows, and no practice until he is cleared. Got it?" She asked.

Ben nodded.

"I'm going to get pain pills for him because he's going to wake up tomorrow with a horrid headache, then I will be back to stitch him up." She smiled, leaving the room.

"Holy shit." I turned to Ben.

"Don't you dare start pulling extreme stunts to put yourself in the hospital and see her." He told me.


"No buts about it mister. You two lost contact for a reason."

"What would that reason be?"

"You suck at communication." He smirked.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes as she came back in with a shot of numbing stuff, and a needle and string.

I immediately stiffened.

"I'll make this as painless as possible." She reassured me. She knew about my fear of needles.

They sucked. They hurt. What is the fun in them.

She picked up the numbing shot.

"We are gonna count to three together okay?" She asked, pulling my hair out of the way.

"One." We said together.

"Two." She immediately stuck me with the needle, pulling it back out as I groaned.

"You said we were going to count to three!" I snapped.

"Well you weren't tense at two. It's easier giving a shot if you aren't tense. Besides, it didn't hurt that badly, and you are numb now." She rolled her eyes, picking up the needle and string, immediately going to work on the stitches.

"So how have you been Viv?" I asked her.

"This isn't the appropriate time or place." She bit her lip.

"Come on Viv, there's gotta be a reason you and I are back together in this room."

"Yes, it's called you were a dumbass on stage." She smirked as she worked.

"I've missed you. Please talk to me. Fill me in on everything." I asked.

"I am working. And that's all you need to know about me as my patient." She tied a small knot, cutting the string and putting gauze over the stitches, handing me two pills, which I dry swallowed.

"Take two every four hours for pain. Come in anytime next Wednesday to get your stitches removed, and remember no bright lights, no loud noises, just rest." She instructed me, grabbing her laptop. "You are free to go." He smiled at us both.

"Take care of him." She whispered to Ben as he got up.

He nodded.

"Come on Den Den." He chuckled.

"You will be the one in the hospital bed if you use that nickname again." I glared at him.

"I'll see you next week Viv." I said as she walked up out.

"Dr. Night." She corrected me.

"You will always be Viv to me little owl." I smiled softly at her.

"Goodbye Mr. Stoff. I'll see you next week." She laughed as a man walked in.

He was tall, blonde, and preppy looking.

"Hey Jake. What are you doing here?" Vivian smiled brightly.

"I came because I was worried, you were supposed to be on a date with me two hours ago." He kissed her lips softly.

My blood began to boil.

The thought of someone else kissing my little owl pissed me off.

"There was an emergency that required surgery. They called me in and I was in such a rush, I forgot to call." She explained.

"It's okay babe." He smiled. "We have time to reschedule."

She nodded.

"Can I walk you to your car?" He asked her.

"Yes I would love that." She smiled.

And just like that, she was gone again.

A/N: Yay for them awkwardly being reunited! I hope you all liked it!!!

The Road (Sequel to 'The Way We Were') [Denis Stoff, Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria]Where stories live. Discover now