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I woke up the next morning to someone pounding on my door.

I groaned looking at the clock 8 AM.

It was my day off and I didn't get to sleep in.

I groaned, trudging downstairs throwing open the door and rubbing my eyes.

"What?" I groaned.

"Good morning to you too." Jake laughed.


Shit I didn't text him back.

"Sorry I had a long night last night."

"I figured since you didn't ever reply and.....what are you wearing?" He raised his eyebrow.

I looked down to see that I was still in last nights outfit.


"Oh it's a shirt of my friends band. Come on in." I opened the door. "Don't worry, Luna is fast asleep in my bed and won't attack you." I smiled.

He nodded, walking in and handing me a coffee.

"Here you go." He smiled. "Exactly how you like it."

"Thank you." I smiled, taking a sip.

"Now I'm going to cook you breakfast, you go get ready, we have a big day." He smiled.

"What's today?" I asked.

"Nothing special. I just wanted to have a special day with the most beautiful girl." He smiled.

I felt sick to my stomach.

I used to think I loved Jake. But if I loved him how could I be thinking about Denis.

Denis and his tattoos and nose ring. He was perfect.

Jake was the opposite. Perfect in his own way. But just not the one for me.

They always said that opposites attract.

Denis was definitely my opposite.

Maybe that's what I liked. He pulled me out of my comfort zone.

I quickly assessed my appearance in the mirror.

I wore a white sundress that reached my knees along with some sandals and my hair was in a loose side braid.

After collecting my thoughts I decided on what I needed to do today.

I had to break it off with Jake. Having these thoughts about Denis wasn't normal for someone who was in a serious relationship.

I felt horrible even considering ending things with Jake, he was my rock when my mom died.

But I knew how much my mother loved Denis. He was like the son she never had. She loved him.

I sighed, going downstairs.

How was I going to do this. I couldn't just walk downstairs and say 'get out of my house we are suddenly done after two years. Sorry, I know you had no reason to expect it, but it's happening.'

I couldn't do that.

So what did I do.

I sat down at the table with him and ate breakfast.

He looked so happy.

My heart was breaking thinking about breaking his heart.

God I was a horrible person.


"What?" I snapped out of my daze.

"Are you alright? Something seems weird with you." He noticed.

"No I'm just tired that's all."

Damn it Vivian. That would have been the perfect time to tell him.

"You're barely eating. That's not like you." He raised his eyebrow.

"Like I said. Tired."

"Oh okay then. Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Go where?"

I didn't want to go anywhere with him. I couldn't take an awkward car ride home.

"The park. Only about a block away. I'll drive." He smiled.

I could walk home a block.

God Vivian you are such a mess.

I nodded, getting up and getting into his car.

I didn't like his car.

It was too small on the inside, too flashy on the outside almost as if he was trying to get noticed.

Why could I only see the negatives in Jake now?

I'm horrible.

He pulled up to the car and parked, taking my hand as we walked.

I had more fun walking with Denis when I was seventeen.

"Viv we need to talk." He sighed.

"Yeah I've been meaning to talk to you. You go first."

It couldn't be worse than what I had to say to him. There was no way.

"I got a promotion." He smiled.

"No way! That's great!" I faked a smile.

Maybe a promotion was good. He would be busier with less chance for me to run into him. 

"In Utah." He paused. "The job is in Utah."

Holy crap! Could fate be any better? He was leaving and was breaking up with me! I wouldn't have to break his heart at all. It was a win win situation. He was happy and so was I. And here I was thinking today would be horrible.

"It's beautiful there. You will be really happy." I smiled.

"But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about."

This was it. He was going to break up with me.

"I want you to go with me."


I stared blankly at him as he began to talk quickly.

"They have a job opening that is similar to your job now that would pay more. And we could live together. Viv this is the greatest opportunity we could ask for."

Oh my god this couldn't be happening. Not only did he want to stay together e wanted me to move across the country with him?

Curse you fate. You just had to go and kick my ass.

"But that's not all,"

Oh dear lord there was more. Why? Why me? I've tried to be good in my life and I get put in this situation.

"Vivian Marie Night, you are the light of my life. I have never loved anybody as much as I have loved you. You make me laugh, smile, cry. I have experienced every emotion with you. I don't want to spend my life with anybody else Vivian. I love you to the moon and back, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, Vivian Marie Night," he paused, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a tiny box, getting down on one knee.

"Will you do the honor of being my forever and marrying me?"


A/N: 5 chapters in one day. Bam. Shit is getting intense. What is our Viv going to do? She's quite awkward so her reaction should be fun. As always give me your feedback. I love chatting with you all.

Fun fact: this chapter was exactly 1000 words, which is my minimum word count that I will publish. I had to string this chapter out. It was awkward.

<3 -aNon

The Road (Sequel to 'The Way We Were') [Denis Stoff, Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria]Where stories live. Discover now