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A/N: Thank you all so much for your support a few nights back. I have gotten the issue cleared up :) Also NEW COVER! This was made by Heliphobia (sorry if I spelled that wrong) if any of you would like to make me a cover for any of my books feel free! Just message me and I will put it up :)

I clutched Denis's hand excitedly as the plane landed in Donetsk.

"Denis we are here!" I squealed.

"You excited?" He chuckled at my enthusiasm.

"Of course!" I smiled up at him.

"I'm so excited to show you everything little owl." He kissed the tip of my nose.

"I'm excited to see where you grew up." I smiled.

"I truly grew up with you."

"Yes but you spent eight years here. That's a long time." I pointed out.

"True. This is where my love for music started. Which reminds me, you will get to meet my old band mates." He smiled.

"Sounds like fun."

"I also plan to take you with me to the tattoo parlor, meet the artist who gave me the owl." He smiled.

"Sounds like you have some big plans." I giggled as we exited the plane.

"I'm always prepared." He smirked, taking my hand

I laughed as we exited the plane, making our way through the corridor quickly.

"So where are we going to first my handsome tour guide?" I smiled as we got into the rental car.

"I was thinking we could go see my old home, show you where I spent my teenage years, and then we can meet up with Kiryll for dinner if that's alright with you." He smiled.

"That sounds great." I smiled as he drove off.

I gazed out the windows as we drive around Donetsk.

It was beautiful.

He parked in a suburban street and smiled.

"This is it." He said, getting out of the car.

We couldn't go in because it was somebody else's home now, but we looked at it.

I could picture Denis here. Sitting in the yard, the roof, jamming on his guitar.

It looked like the type of house that the Stoff's would live in.

"I can see you growing up here." I smiled, leaning against his chest as we stood next to the car.

"It was perfect here. Except for one factor."

He bit his lip.

"What was wrong with it?" I asked, looking up at him, puzzled.

"I was missing my best friend." He bit his lip.

"You're cute." I laughed at him.

"I try." He chuckled.

"Well you've seen it. Ready to go meet up with Kir?" He asked.

I nodded.

"I'll fix my hair a bit while we drive." I giggled.

"Your hair looks fine little owl. You always look great." He kissed my forehead opening the door for me.

"Very flattering. But I can see right through you." I rolled my eyes, laughing as he closed the door.

As he drove I adjusted my hair, pulling a few pieces back and putting on a beanie and putting on a bit of mascara so I wouldn't look as tired as I was.

I kept fidgeting and fixing my hair in the mirror as Denis drove, as much as I didn't want to admit it, I was nervous about meeting Kir.

He was one of Denis's best friends after all, and I was nervous that he wouldn't like me.

"Little Owl what's wrong?" He asked, gripping my hand in order to help calm me down.

"What if he doesn't like me?" I bit my lip.

"He will love you. It's impossible not to love you." He chuckled.

I sighed.

"But what if he does. I'm not exactly the type of girl the people in your crowd hang out with." I bit my lip.

"Viv that's what I like about you, you are different. And that's what I love." He smiled.

I sighed.

"I'm still nervous."

He kissed my hand.

"Well you don't have to be much longer because we are here."

I gulped.

"Do I look okay?" I asked gesturing to my outfit; a simple white sweater, with jeans and boots.

"You look stunning." He said kissing my hand once again, getting out of the car and running around to open my door before I even could.

"You're sweet." I pressed a tiny kiss to his cheek.

"Look at Shaforostov getting some action!" I heard Ukranian voice call out from behind us.

Denis closed the door and turned around with me as a I saw the man I recognized to be Kir walking up to us.

"Kiryll!" Denis smiled, hugging him.

"Missed you man." Kir smiled as they released each other.

Kir turned to me and smiled.

"I'm Vivian." I smiled, extending a hand to him to shake.

"I know who you are." He smiled. "Denis never shut up about you." He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me into a hug.

He released me, a smile on his face.

"You were right Denis, she is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen." He smiled.

Denis hooked his arm around my waist possessively.

"And she's all mine, so don't get any ideas." Denis rubbed my hip lightly, as if to claim me and keep Kir away.

"Don't worry Stoff, I wouldn't even think about touching your childhood sweetheart, especially since you talked about her so much when we were younger. 'I wonder what Vivian is Doing. I want to go back to York and see Vivian. I love her so much. Guys I'm moving back to York, it's fate'" he imitated Denis.

I laughed.

"He really talked about me that much?" I looked over to Denis, who was blushing profusely.

"Yeah." He laughed.

"I think it's time for us to go and eat." Denis quickly changed the subject.

"Oh come on, I like hearing about the years when you were gone."

"You will have plenty of time to hear about them." Denis chuckled ushering us into the restaurant.

This was going to be a fun night.

A/N: Thank you for all of the support the other day. As I said in the beginning everything was cleared up. I am going to start another book soon if you all would be interested in reading it. It's another Denis book, but if you guys are kinda done with my writing I totally understand if you don't want me to write it. Just let me know :) <3 -Anon

The Road (Sequel to 'The Way We Were') [Denis Stoff, Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria]Where stories live. Discover now