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I was setting there ever one was starting at me then a bright light blinded every one expat me I looked down and saw a white greek dress with golden Suns at the top of it and brown sandells and looked at my nails they were golden and I hade a golden bracelet on a had golden earrings on too then I looked above me saw a golden sun above my head and my hair was braided from the right side all the way to the left side then braided down. Then I heard Chirone say " hail Ariel Hue daughter of Apollo " everyone bowed then went back to normal I sat back down in the spot I was I saw Luke coming over he stopped in front of me and said " you want me to go back to my cabin to get you your stuff and then I could walk you to the Apollo cabin " " sure Luke thank you I never seen you so happy for helping me get my stuff out of your cabin "we walked to his cabin and I got my things and Luke carried them to the apollo cabin right when I walked into the Apollo cabin I was stunned.

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