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I woke up still on the bus I saw a sign that said

Welcome to Illinois

We are in Illinois I looked behind and the women weren't there i shook Luke who was asleep. He woke up quickly "what are we there yet?" "No but the women are not there anymore " I looked toward Paige and she looked scared. " Paige you ok?" She shook her head then looked out the window I looked out the window and saw a Chimaera I saw its lion face goat leg dragon wings and its snack tail. We all stud up and it was running towards us on the bus I pressed my necklace and it turned into my bow and arrow. It hit the window and the bus fell side ways I fell back on to Luke and he fell and his back hit the other window and it broke I got up and climbed up and smashed the window at the top and climbed out Luke and Paige did the same we stud at the top of the bus which would really be the side of the bus. The Chimaera was circling the bus I shot it in the neck it turned around and saw us, I pressed the button on my bow and it turned back in to the necklace ,I tuck off my bracelet and it turned into my dagger. I jumped of the bus and landed on my feet. Paige got her head band on .Then started shooting vines out and shooting them at the Chimera. I ran at the Chimera. The snack started to attack me I dogged it and cut off the tail the lion head cried and turned around and jumped it got on top of me and started to claw me it got my face , hip, stomach, and neck I screamed at the pain. I was losing so much blood that i was losing my eye sight. I saw the lion roar and then fell on top of me and fell it made me lose my breath then everything went black.

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