Meeting a goddess

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We go to Kansas we got out and a sign says

Kansas " there is no place like home" - from Wizard of Oz.

We got out and walked to the restaurant ' Grams House' we walked in it hade a old country scene from a movie ,we tuck a set the waitress came she hade dark night blue eye and pitch black hair that was braided back in a ponytail. She wore a navy blue short shirt and dark Jean pants she looked about 20 or 19 she was really pretty and I noticed she hade no makeup on ether. " Hello welcome to Grams House what would you like to drink " with a small smile she looked at all of us individually when she got to me her smile grew bigger like she knew me. " I would like a root beer please " Paige ordered " I would like a Pepsi please " Luke ordered I tuck a deep breath " I would like a sweet tea please" Luke looked at me weird " what ?" I asked " what is a sweet tea?" I sighed " it is a southern drink it is like a unsweetened tea but with surged in it. " " oh ok thanks for that" the waitress nodded and tuck my order " bye the way my name is Luna if you need anything " " wait like the name Luna like the moon" " yes child and have you noticed the sun has not came up yet Apollo must be lazy the past days. " I was in shock no one normally talk about the gods unless " oh excuse me but how do you know about the greek gods do you believe in them ?" She looked scared for a second then did a fake smile " yes I have to believe in them " " so who are you really because what I think is that your name is not what you say it is" I looked at her and then she sighed and stopped smiling. " fine you got me Ariel " " wait how do you know my name " she looked at me like I was stupid " dah I know all your names you are Luke son of Hermes my annoying little brother,you are Paige daughter of Demeter , and you are Ariel daughter of my twin brother Apollo how as I may add is fracking out as we are speaking running around screaming the sun is missing the sun is missing my precious sun my little symbol is gone and crying and rolling around like a baby and having a tantrum and I now Zeus has had it with his little crying and being a big baby and as for me I am the mature one from me and my brother " I was in shock she was "Artemis yes yes I know the goddesses of hunt and the moon and your aunt " it tuck a minute to get all this information in my head " ok so why are you here shouldn't you be in Olympus comforting your brother?" Paige asked" no he is fine he will get over with it if I hade to go back to Olympus every time he hade a tantrum I would never leave and never have time to be with my hunters. "Luke started to laugh " so wait what you are telling me is that Apollo the God of sun music, poetry, and the arts is a big Baby " " yes he is and if he ask who told you that tell him I did I like him get mad at me cause it only makes me laugh " " ok so any way why are you here " she waited then told us " I am here to help you guys get the sun and what to do when you get it " "
Ok so tell us" " so right when you find the sun you have to say '
Sun oh sun shine your light across the land. '
"After the sun will rise and go to Olympus and Apollo will retrieve it and get his chariot and get the sun back in order then you must go to Olympus to tell them you brought it back then the war will stop but if you don't go up to Olympus after you gave the sun back war will still range and earth will crumble to ash" I nodded and stayed good bye to Artemis and we went on our way.
Picture of what Artemis looks like at the top.

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