Part 5

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The rest of the week flies by, and Adam gets better by the day. His cast on his leg comes off in five more weeks, then he'll be able to walk around more and drive.  

Adam is laying in his bed, trying to fall asleep. He turns onto his back and stares at the ceiling.  

"Hhhhhhhh..." He sighs. He grabs his phone from off the nightstand. It reads 3:49. He sends a text to Brielle, hoping she'll reply.  

Adam: "I wish you were awake. I can't sleep."  

Brielle: "I was just gonna text you the same thing." She replies right away.  

Adam: "No way? I'm sorry Brielle."  

Brielle: "It's okay. I know you struggle with insomnia, I do too."  

Adam: "Yup. Ever since I was a little boy. You know, last one asleep at the slumber parties?"  

Brielle: "Oh yeah, definitely."  

Adam: "Didn't do too good in school because of it." 

Brielle: "Aww really? I didn't really have to worry about that. We did my schooling around my schedule."  

Adam: "That must've been nice."  

Brielle: "It was for sure. I just wish my music would take off..."  

Adam: "Can you sing?"  

Brielle: "My parents say so, but idk."  

Adam: "You never sang for me, so I can't say much, but I'm sure it's pretty. Your speaking voice is nice."  

Brielle: "Thank you Adam. You're so sweet. Maybe when I come over tomorrow I'll sing for you. I'll be so nervous though :P"  

Adam: "You don't have to be nervous with me. I would love to hear you sing."  

Brielle: "I'll bring my guitar then :)"  

Adam: "Awesome :)"  

Brielle: "Now, what to sing..."  

Adam: "Who's your favorite band?"  

Brielle: "Oh wow, that's a tough one..."  

Adam: "Maybe I'd have something you'd want to sing?"  

Brielle: "Could I?"  

Adam: "Of course! I'd love to have you sing one of my songs :)"  

Brielle: "That would be amazing Adam :)"  

Adam: "I can't wait to hear you, Brielle."  

Brielle: "Thanks. I can't wait to sing. Do you have one of your songs in mind?"  

Adam: "Hmm... Yep ;)"  

Brielle: "What is it?"  

Adam: "Not telling..."  

Brielle: "Adam! Please?"  

Adam: "You'll have to see tomorrow :)"  

Brielle: "Fine! Haha can't wait to see what it is."  

Adam: "I can't wait to sing with you :)"  

Brielle: "Sing with me?"  

Adam: "Yeah! I wouldn't make you do a solo your first time singing for me."  

Brielle: "Aww thanks. Well, I'm gonna get ready I guess, 6 hours early. I'll be there around 11, okay?"  

Adam: "I'm gonna do the same I guess. 11 sounds good :)"  

Brielle: "Great! I'll see you then :)"  

Adam: "Thanks for talking to me, Brielle."  

Brielle: "No problem. Thank you :)"  

Adam sets his phone on his nightstand again and hobbles down to his studio. He cleans it up and gets the music for the song they're going to sing on his computer screen, and he prints off two sheets of lyrics. He gets two microphones and two headphones, and sets them on two chairs opposite each other. He goes back upstairs and grabs a bite to eat. He goes back downstairs and waits.

"Adam?" Brielle says, softly knocking on his studio door. He lifts his head off his hand.  

"Brielle." He says in a husky voice. She smiles and walks towards him. She sets a basket down on the ground and he stands up. She puts her arms around his neck and he wraps his around her waist.  

"How was your nap?" She asks, laughing.  

"It was great." He says backing up to look at her.  

"That's good! I brought a picnic." She says smiling.  

"Oh, awesome! What did you bring?"  

"Well, as you said to me this morning, we'll have to wait." She answers laughing.  

"Oh, I see how it is." He says laughing too.  

"So, Adam, what's the song?"  

"Oh yeah! That!" He says. He moves over so she can see the chairs. She walks over to them, bends down, and picks the lyrics up.  

"Honey and the bee?" She reads.  

"Yup! I wrote it a while ago. Eat or sing first?" He asks.  


Authors note:  

Hey guys! I apologize for this part being mostly texts. And I'm also sorry it was so short, and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update this. I've been SUPER busy and I'm writing this on my iPad so it's not edited correctly. My brother's computer is being fixed right now, so I can't use that and that's the only computer in the house. Plus, he hates me using it. But whatever. Anyway, I hope you liked this part! I loved writing the last two, as difficult as it was. I like the pace that their relationship is going. If you think I should speed things up, just let me know! If you think it's fine just the way it's going, again, let me know! Thanks guys, you mean a lot to me :)


I fixed it. 

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