Part 19

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Adam wakes up to the rain pouring down on them. The lightning flashes and the thunder cracks. 

"Brielle, my darling, wake up!" Adam yells, picking her up. She wakes up and panics. 

"Adam!" She yells.

"I'm right here. Hold on." He says jumping down with her in his arms. He runs inside and runs upstairs with her. He places her on the floor of the bathroom and grabs some towels out of the closet. He frantically wraps the towels around the shivering Brielle. He wraps a few around himself and sits down next to her. She closes her eyes and chatters her teeth. Adam puts his arm around her and rubs it to make her warmer. 

"I'm sorry darling." He says to her. Brielle doesn't reply or open her eyes.

"Brielle? Brielle please wake up." Adam says in a panic. He picks her up and runs out to his car. He lays her down in the backseat and gets in the driver's seat. He starts the car and turns the heat up high. 

"Okay Brielle, we're almost there darling." Adam says to Bri. He pulls into the hospital parking lot and he carries her inside. 

"Help! Help me!" He cries out. Nurses rush over to him and one has a gourney. He lays her down and they wheel her into a room. They get heated blankets and lay them across her. A doctor walks in and shakes Adam's hand. 

"Tell me what happened, son." The doctor says writing on his paper clipped to a clipboard. Adam explains what they did, and the doctor nods and listens. 

"I woke up and it was pouring and it was freezing." He says.

"Hmm...okay. Well, we're gonna do some blood tests on her." The doctor says. Adam sits down beside her bed and grabs her hand. She's regaining her warmth. They doctor starts to uncover her arm, and she wakes up. 

"Adam?" She mumbles. He sits up. 

"I'm here darling, I'm here." 

"I feel like I'm going to die Adam. Help me." She mumbles again, shifting around. Adam looks at the doctor. 

"Brielle, the doctor is going to take some blood tests to see what's wrong, okay? I'm right here." 


The doctor takes some samples of her blood. 

"Okay Mr. Young, we'll be back in a while with your results. For now, I gave her something to make her sleep." He says. 

"Thank you." Adam replies. He softly strokes her hand with this thumb, looking at how beautiful she is. 

"I love you Brielle." He says giving a shy smile.

After a while, the doctor knocks on the door and wakes Adam. 

"We have the results. It looks like Brielle has caught a bad case of mono." He says. 

"Oh, okay. I had that when I was little. What can and can't she do?" Adam asks. 

"She has to stay in bed. No more sleeping out on the trampoline. She most likely won't want to eat much, so just feed her foods that will go down smoothly. You know, applesauce, pudding, those types of food. Keep her warm at all times, I'd suggest keeping the air very low. You might not be too comfortable, but it's for her own good. Any questions?" 

"No, thank you. When can I take her home?" Adam asks. 

"Soon, oh and, no fun, you know." The doctor says giving Adam the look. 

"Oh, of course not! We're not married yet." Adam replies, tomato red. 

"Oh, looks like she's waking up. Don't make her talk more than she needs to, okay?" 

"Okay. Thank you so much." Adam says sitting down next to Brielle's bed again. 


"I'm here my darling. I'm here." He says taking her hand. 

"She's free to go." The doctor says, leaving the room. Adam waits a few minutes before he helps her get up. A nurse brings a wheelchair and Brielle sits down in it. Adam wheels her out to the car and carefully helps her in. He drives her home and carries her up to her room.

"Can you help me change?" She whispers.

"Sure." He replies. He gets some pajama's out of her bag and helps her change. He lays her in bed and covers her with the blankets. 

"Need anything, love?" He asks. She shakes her head and closes her eyes. 

"I love you Adam." She mumbles. 

"I love you too, darling." He replies. He starts to walk out of the room, but she calls out to him. 

"No, please don't leave me." She whispers.

 "I'll be right back. I'm gonna go change." He sprints to his room, quickly changes, and goes back into her room. The little clock on her nightstand reads 5am. He turns the light off and crawls in bed. She searches for him and wraps her arms around his waist. He wraps his around her shoulders.

"I don't want to make you sick." She says.

"Shh it's okay. I don't care." He replies closing his eyes.

"I love you." She says again.

"I love you too." 

Author's Note: 

Okay, I know what probably a lot of you are thinking... "What???" Let me tell you a little story...

In 5th grade, I got mono. No, it didn't come to me over night, but I did feel like I was going to die. No joke. It was horrible, and I don't wish it on my worst enemy. It took about a month and a half to get better, so don't mind if I kind of skip over the next month or two in the story. (Not in the next part). But yeah. Oh and I hope you go a kick out of that little joke the doctor said ;) I don't believe in sex before marriage and I'm sure Adam doesn't either.

Now then you guys are probably wondering why I have them sleep in the same bed sometimes. I don't have a problem with that, honestly. I think it's sweet to be wrapped up in the arms of someone you love, not necessarily doing anything. Okay I'm getting uncomfortable so yeah. Hope you guys liked this part! :D 

Stay beaitiful <3 

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