Part 23

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Another week goes by and Brielle is well again. She feels and looks better. She and Adam wake up and smile at each other.

"Good morning beautiful." He says, kissing the tip of her nose.

"Good morning." She replies. She smiles and stretches. 

"So, how about we spend the whole day together and then go somewhere fancy for dinner?" Adam proposes. 

"Mmm, I'd love that." Brielle says kissing him. 

"Great. Well, I'm gonna go get ready." He says getting up.

"I'm gonna get a shower." She says. She goes in the bathroom and takes a shower as Adam gets ready himself. 

When they get dressed, they eat and head out. 

"First stop, Hot Topic." Adam laughs as they pull into a big mall parkinglot. 

"I love Hot Topic." Brielle replies. 

"Me too!" He says. They get out and intertwine their fingers together. 

After a few hours of shopping, they go back home with their bags. 

"I can't wait for dinner!" Brielle says putting her bags on the counter. Adam walks over to her. 

"Me either." He says wrapping his arms around her waist. She smiles and turns around, placing her hands behind his neck. She smiles and looks deep into his eyes. They dart back and forth and she leans her body into him a little more, craving him. She closes her eyes and he leans in, crashing his lips down on hers. They part their lips, deepening the kiss. Brielle places her hand on his cheeks, giving a small moan. Her tongue lightly traces his bottom lip, begging for acceptance. Chills run all over his body, and he slides his tongue out and they meet, dancing in their mouths together. Adam wraps his arms tighter around her, picking her up. Her legs wrap around his waist and he slowly walks up the stairs. He goes into her bedroom and they collapse down on the bed together. They part for a breath. Brielle starts to unbutton Adam's shirt, but he grabs her hand.

"No. I can't do this. It's not right." He says between breaths. She looks in his eyes and nods.

"You're right. I'm sorry." She says. 

"No, no, it's not your fault, my darling." He says rolling off of her. They catch their breaths and lay there for a few minutes. 

"When's dinner?" Brielle asks. Adam looks at the clock.

"Not for a few hours. Let me go check." He gets up and walks out of the room. While he goes downstairs and checks, she changes. She goes downstairs and Adam looks at her.

"You. Look. Beautiful." He says. She blushes.

"Thank you!" She answers.

"Yeah, the reservations are at eight. Three more hours." He says closing his laptop. 

"I'm gonna go change too." He says heading up the stairs. She sits down at the table and waits for Adam. He comes down the stairs after a few minutes in a nice tuxedo. Brielle stands up and walks to him. 

"Handsome boy." She says. He blushes and kisses her.

"Ready?" He asks. 

"For what?" 

"Dinner, of course!" He says.

"But it's not for another three hours..." She says confused. He takes her hand.

"Trust me." 

Author's Note: 

Woo! Hope you guys liked this part! It got a little saucy, didn't it? ;) I tried my best. I suck at scenes like that haha 

Anyway, I kind of know what the next part is going to be, I'm not intirely sure... just stay tuned! I don't think you'll be disappointed :) 

Stay beautiful! I love you guys <3 

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