-Dunkim // Duncan and Kim-

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-Dunkim // Duncan and Kim-


-Duncan's POV-

I swirl around in my chair as I wait for Kim to take a seat beside me a start recording.

"Hey Duncan, I'm back!" Kim says excitedly, taking the seat beside me.

"Hey Kim! What do we have planned for today?" I ask, smiling.

"Well, Duncan!" She claps her hands as she speaks, "I was planning truth or dare!"

I laugh, "Why not? It'll be fun! Are we recording it?"

"Ehhh, no..." Kim says biting her lip, "We'll just do a practise round and if it goes well then we shall.."

I shift in my seat, God, I hate when she bites her lip. It's amazing.

I nod.

"I'll start." She says, "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." I grit through my teeth.

"What did you first think when you met me?" She asks.

Oh shit, I have to lie, my real opinion was that she's the most Qbeautiful girl I've ever met and I want to be more than her friend.

"I thought you were a nice person who looked cute." I say chucking and blushing.

"Aww, that's cute!" Kim smiles.

"Truth or dare?" I say smiling widely.

"Dare." She smirks.

Hmm, what shall I dare her to do?

"I dare you to, go to your best friend in this building, not me, and tell them who you like." I say slowly.

She nods, "Hannah's not in today soooo, eh... I know!"

She walks out the room.

-Kim's POV-

The only people I trust, as much as Hannah, are Hatfilms. But am I willing to tell them who I like?

Fuck it. Yes.

I walk to the Hatfilm's office and knock on their door.

"Come in!" Ross yells.

I walk in.

"Hey Quim! What do you want?" Smith says.

"Eh," I take a seat, "can I tell you something?"

"Sure thing, Kim, What seems to be the problem?" Trott asks.

I take a seat near Ross.

"Well, I've been dared.." I start off.

"Oh god!" Smith whines.

"Carry on Kim." Ross urges.

"To go to my best friend in this building, as Hannah's not in its you guys, and tell them who I like..." I whisper the last bit.

"Who is it then?" Trott asks.

"It's---" I whisper.

-Duncan's POV-

I'm so nervous! Ahhh!

She walks back into the room and takes her seat.

"Done?" I ask.

She nods, "You're turn. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare. Only to make it fair." I say.

"Fair enough.." She thinks a bit then speaks, "Tell me a secret."

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