-Martyn & Toby-

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-Martyn & Toby-

-Christmas Cheer-

-Martyn's POV-

"Honestly Toby! Have some Christmas cheer!" I yell happily over the microphone.

"Well, I can't." Toby grumpily replies.

We're both just finished the advent calendar day 6, and Lewis and Eliot have both left the group chat leaving me and Toby alone. 

"Why not?" I complain.

I turn on my cam, showing myself wearing a green t-shirt and my blonde messy hair.

Toby reacts with turning his cam on too. He's wearing a grey t-shirt and his hair is pretty tidy.

"Because, I just can't really." He claims, looking down at his desk.

"Why?" I ask, his non-Christmas cheer starting to wear off on me.

He picks up a pen and writes something.

He picks up the paper and shows it to the screen, aka me.

It reads: "because I'm alone :("

"But I'm here," I frown, "well, not exactly but I'm on this side of the screen."

He frowns and writes something else down.

He shows me the paper again.

-Toby's POV-

I found the words so hard to say, my throat was dry and I just couldn't push them out. The words that I've been dying to say for the last couple of days, I just want him to know the truth.

I write down "I miss you Martyn :(("

I hold it up to him.

He scans it and looks past the paper at me, "Toby, I'm sorry, you know I want to visit you and you know I'd love staying with you, it's just, it'd be a pain, not you but getting to you because it's such a busy month!"

Please Martyn say something that I like the sound of, please, I beg. 

I write something down again which is: "I'm sorry </3"

I hold it up and get ready to disconnect from the call.

He scans it and just as I get ready to click, he says my name, "Toby."

It makes me stop. Not because you know, it's a naturally reaction because it's from him.

"Maybe, just maybe, I could visit as a Christmas gift, and maybe spend Christmas with you, as I'm also alone this year." He smiles.

His smile makes me smile widely.

-Martyn's POV-

I would honestly love to spend Christmas with Toby and putting the idea out there might have been one of my better ideas.

"I'd love that," Toby smiles, "but when?"

I hum, "maybe next week, and then I'll spend time with you until it gets to Christmas and then on Boxing Day, maybe I'll come back home."

He nods, "that's a good plan, I'm noting that down."

I smile, "I'm looking forward to it."

"It's a date." Toby winks.

"Of course my lovely!" I wink back.

As we both chuckle away, we end the call on a happy note.

Because happiness is key.

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