-Hannah and Kim-

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-Hannah and Kim-


-Kim's POV-

I wait nervously at the door, not knowing what to expect.

The door swings open revealing a rather dashing young man.

"Kim." He says.

"Yeah, are you Lewis?" I ask.

"Yes I am." He smiles.

He lets me in.

When I step in, I can tell there's others in the living room.

He points me to the same room. I take one step into the room and I'm confronted by many people greeting me and saying how it's nice to finally be able to meet me.

Lewis enters after me, "guys listen up, so you know this is Kim and she's joining us, but she also needs protecting because she is new, any volunteers?"

One of the two girls in the room holds her hand up, "me."

I rest my eyes on her tall figure. She has blonde, long hair with faded blue tips. Her blues eyes are striking and her smile is contagious.

"I was hoping so, Hannah." Lewis grins and then turns to me, "enjoy."

Hannah makes her way over to me as Lewis leaves my side to join the others.

"Wanna leave this place?" Hannah asks, "I can tell you're uncomfortable here."

I gratefully nod. She leads me out of the house and we start walking down the road.

"It's normally safe to walk down these roads so don't worry." She glances over to me, "I assume that Lewis already told you the rules?"

I nod, "half-heartedly."

She scoffs, "well okay, don't go anywhere without at least another person, make sure to always carry a defence weapon, keep an open eye on your surroundings and don't forget to have fun!"

She laughs at the end of her sentence causing me to chuckle a little.

"So were you born into this or chose to do this?" I ask, resting my gaze on her.

She looks down at her feet then up again making sure her chin was high, "chose."

"They say the ones who chose to do this are the weakest." I mutter.

Hannah stops in her tracks and let's out a small growl, "they're wrong. Ask every other person here and they will tell you how I am a courageous, fearsome, bold, and an intelligent fighter!"

I lift my hand and place it on her shoulder, "I know."

She lets out a sigh of relief, "how about you?"

"Well I was born into it but I chose not to pursue taking my families path until after like 4 years, I changed my mind. So I'm here now." I say.

"Local or international?" She asks.

"Local, I live in the city." I reply.

She nods, "handy."

I agree.

"It's weird, I mean, someone not wanting to pursue in what their family once did. Help make others live good life's and to make sure they were happy. For one to change that after a long period of time is confusing, why? May I ask?" Hannah asks casting her eyes on my face. 

I look up at the sky, "I never knew if I was going to live a good life or be happy because I always got told you never got to pick for yourself but as someone who had nothing to do with all this, you had all the free rights you could have. I was happy, you know. And now I'm happy, I want others to share this happiness with me."

I rest my eyes on Hannah's.

She grins, "heroic."

I playfully punch her arm. She lifts up her fists in defence. I lift up my hands, "I'm being playful! It's a joke! It's a joke!"

Hannah nods in realisation, "sorry."

"It's fine," I say lowering my hands, "you didn't grow up the way I did. But I'll teach you."

She grins widely, "partners in crime then, deal?"

She holds out her hand.

"Deal?" I say, accepting her hand shake.

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