-Alstrippin // Strippin and Smith-

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-Alstrippin // Strippin and Smith-

-Through Hell-

-Smith's POV-

It's been a while since me and Stripping have met. We've both been through hell, together and apart. It hurts being away from him, or it doesn't hurt, but it's weird almost scary. 

He protected me and looked over me while I was with him. Now it's just me.

My phone starts ringing, i pick it up and answer it.

"Yep?" I ask. 

"Hey, Smith, it's me, Strippin, Sam, eh hi." Strippin hesitates.

"Sam." I say, sadly.

"I was wondering if you still live alone?" He asks.

"I do." I say.

"Is there any chance I can stay over?" He asks, hopefully.

I sigh, "yeah, sure."

"Thank you honestly Smith." He says, ending the call.

So Strippins back in town. He has no where to stay and I was the first person to come into his mind. That's, cool.

After a bit there's a knock on the door. I open it and see Strippin standing there with a bunch of bags.

I invite him in.

He steps in and wonders into the living, placing his bags in the floor.

I close the door, following him.

As I enter the living room, he's standing there awkwardly.

"You can have my bed and I'll sleep on the sofa." I say.

"Are you sure?" Sam asks.

I nod, "of course, it's already getting late so you can go unpack your things."

He nods, taking his bags to my room.

I head to the cupboard and grab a spare blanket and pillow, placing it on the sofa.

As I sit down, I hear Strippin sigh from my room.

I head to my room, "what's up?"

I pop my head around the doorframe.

"I forgot some of my things." He sighs.

"You can borrow my things if needed," I say leaving the room, "goodnight."

I settle on the sofa, pulling the blanket over my head. I remove my t-shirt while under the blanket.

I soon fall asleep.

-4 Hours Later // Midnight-

I stir awake, but I brush it off as just the weather disturbing me.

But then I feel something shake my arm lightly.

I open my eyes to see Strippin crouching in front of me.

His cheeks are red and seem to be covered in tears, he stutters and whispers, "I-I can't sleep."

I reach out and touch his cheek with the back of my hand.

He whines, holding back more tears, "I-I had a nightmare."

I struggle to speak as i have just woken but I manage to say, "it's okay."

I sit up, pulling the blanket off me. I signal Strippin to lay beside me.

He sits on the sofa, laying down.

I wrap my arms around him, breathing hot air onto his neck.

He shudders.

We lay in silence for a while until he turns his body around to face me.

"Smith.." He whispers.

"Strippin, stop, you'll ruin the moment, just shush." I whisper.

"Thank you." He whispers back kissing my chin.

I kiss his head, "it's my turn to protect you."

He nods, "my knight."

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