Chapter 17 - A bit of teasing

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''Guess we forgot to fill her in on that too, brother'' Wade said to Quentin and why was his voice shacking when he said that? Was Wade Dennis Kunis nervous about the next thing he was going to say? Oh no way, this was intersting, my brother was never nervous of my reaction.  


Sky Kunis

She betrayed me.

My hands were shaking, my legs were trembling and my heart was thumping. 

My vision red, my nose filled with the smell of blood and the taste of my tounge like metall. 

I knew not to trust anyone except she was fucking family, family is the only thing you can trust and she betrayed me anyway. I had never felt such a hatered towards anyone before and now when it was directed at her, there was no excaping it. 

I was going to kill her and that my friend won't be a pretty sight to see. 

''Sky calm down'' Quentin tried once again to calm me down, his hands up in surrender, reassuring me he would not try anything again. 

''Don't tell me to fucking calm down, Quentin'' I growled. 

He took a few steps away from me, sharing a look with Wade before trading places. Wade stood infront of me, his cocky smile on his red lips. How many girls haden't melted at the sight of that smirk and how many girls had even had their lips pressed to his. I cringed at that thought, my brother was sometimes too much. 

''Sky, baby, look at me'' My eyes locked into those familiar blue eyes and stayed their ice cold. Wade flinched at first till he laughed right at my face. And when Wade laugh, I automatically laugh too cause that's how it's always been and we're weird like that. 

''What just happened?'' Quentin speaks up, sharing glances with Jake and Luke, who looks more confused then him. 

''We settled the plan'' Wake said  and just like that everyone started to talk on each others. 

Kyle Colllins 

''Sky?''  I breathed out. 

Seeing her made me feel safe and more relaxed but it was clear that I was confused. We were standing infront of each others in what seemed to be a hotel room for honeymooners. She was only wearing a pair of white lingeri that filled my junior with lust. 

She was getting closer, backing me up against the wall, her eyes locked on me. Her once ice cold eyes were now dark blue and her long dark hair was up in a bun. The desire to unloosen her bun and run my fingers in her hair was getting to me. 

Her breathing was becoming heavier with every step she took and I could tell mine was too. 

Suddenly she was right infront of me, ripping my shirt of with one motion and admiring my abs. She ran her cold fingers down my chest and feeling my abs. I found myself twitching at the anticipation that I was radiating. 

I sucked in a huge breath as her lips left tinderly kisses down my abdomen, soon to reach the very low part of mine. Her eyes were never leaving mine and the blur were suddenly slowly fading away showing me a pair of green eyes that did not belong to Sky. I knew those eyes, I had seen those...

''Are you seriously taking advantage of him while he's druged?'' 

My vision was foggy but clear enough to see Rose straddling  me with nothing but lust and anger in her eyes. Her hand was still on my abs, exploring every detail while I layed on the bed defenceless and handcuffed. 

''If it isn't Sky'' She turned around with a evil grin, Sky's face totally blank. How could she not cring at the sight? It was terrifying. 

''Your brother finally told you'' Skys' fists tighetened, her glare hardened and her nostrils flared in anger. She casually took threatening steps forward, not taking her eyes of Rose. To my discomfort Rose was still straddling me which in my case was starting to feel very awkward. Lucky me it didn't last long till Sky had pushed Rose down to the basement floor and straddling her. My eyes closed on their own accord as blood spluttered everywhere, unfortunately their was no way for me to shut out the earpiercing screams and groans. It was hard not to cringe at the cracking sounds as the two girls kept fighting against each others. 

I could hear how one of their breaths were heavier and soon to be out of breath. That's when I opened my eyes and saw Sky beating the living life out of Rose, who was on her way of being unconcious. ''Sky, stop it'' I yelled at her but her fist kept hitting and blood kept pouring out of Roses's nose. ''You're going to kill her'' I whispered, my voice trembling. She stoped, quickly glancing my way before she smirked at Rose. ''Rosalina Maria Aquino, you're screwed'' Sky said in a sexy spanish accent as she handcuffed Rose who struggled in her grip but wasn't strong enough to break lose. Wade and another guy, looking just like Wade and Sky  walked into the room and escorted Rose out of the room but threw a key at Sky before completely walking out. 

She tossed me the key and slowly made her way out of the door. Realizing that she was playing with me I quickly shouted out for her to come back. Cause how would I possible be able to break out of these handcuffs when I couldn't even use my hands nor feets. She came back with a smile on her face as she watched me struggle on the bed. I could tell that she was trying not to laugh as I layed there glaring at her with a smile on my own lips. 

''I remember you doing this to me'' Her legs around my waist and her hands trying to tickle me but failing miserably. What she didn't know was that i wasn't tickelish at all. I watched her smile falter to a frown and I couldn't help but laugh at her. 

''Oh really'' she whispered as I kept laughing at her. I should had stoped when that mischiveous smirk formed on her lips but could you blame me for not taking that as a threat. Her hands traveled through my abdomen and going dangerously low, I even found myself feeling dissapointed that she didn't get all the way down. But as her butt rubbed against my buddy, I regretted even feeling that kind of feeling. She was teasing me and mocking me in a game she knew I couldn't win. My eyes were only on her but her eyes were anywhere except for me. She suddenly stoped and uncuffed me but before she could excape I turned us around so I was on top of her. 

''Look at me'' I said, my voice demanding not taking no for an answer. Her gaze slowly met mine, her blue ice cold just like the first day we met, not one single emotion sipping through. ''Thank you for saving me'' I whispered against her lips before giving her a light peck and walking out of the room my little buddy already budging through my jeans. Realizing that I had no idea how to get out of the basement I groaned and walked back to a smirking Sky. 

She safely led me out of the basement before turning around, looking at me unsurly. ''Don't freak out now but'' Her eyes locked into mine hesitantly and before she could stop herself the words were already out of her mouth. And I was surprised cause never in a million years would I had thought that Sky would say that. 


I think it's the shortest chapter that I've ever written but please vote and comment. 



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