She's cold as ice - Fast and furious happened

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''Sky?'' She was standing right infront of me ready to go somewhere. She gave me a cold look as she only walked past me. ''Where are you going?'' I asked. She stoped for awhile before answering ''it's better if you don't know'' then she disappeared into the dark.

It made me wonder if what Natalie had said was true after all. 


Sky Kunis 

Why did my brother have to be so damn stupid and I always had to fix the things for him. As my heart was pounding heavily, I could feel the adrenaline through my veins as I started the engine. All these attention seeker girls were cheering as loud as the could at their boyfriends in the cars next to mine. Then there was my brother standing in the crowd with a confident smirk on his lips as he gave me the thumbs up. Then I flew away by the speed and the race was on. 

I was drifting and driving as fast as I could, I was currently in the lead but I saw the other cars quickly coming after me. I could practially feel the pressure by now and my lungs were soon closing in on me and then everything went black and gone was I. 

Kyle Collins 


Sky had been gone for three days and Natalie wouldn't leave me alone after what she told me. Her sentences were stuck in my mind as her fake vulnerable face were coming up in my mind all the time. ''Kyle, just listen to me'' her disgusting light voice was always following me where ever I went and I was getting sick and tired. ''I don't want to hear your lies anymore Natalie, I'm done with you, I don't ever want to see you ever again. I'm so damn tired, leave me alone'' I could see the tears streaming down her face as her heart were probably broken by now. I didn't care though, I was done so I walked away with a smile on my face. 

The smile quickly vanished when my mother was running as fast as she could towards me with the tears streaming down her pale face. Her chest was rising up and down in seconds as she tried catching her breath. ''Mom, is everything okay?'' I asked her but she didn't even look up before draging me out of school and into her car. No words were exchanged as she drove crazily through the different blocks and then when we stoped at the hospital, time stoped. I glanced at her but she only shock her head. ''She was in a car accident'' my mom managed to squeeze in between all those sobs. It didn't even take me a second before I was running through the whole parking lot and into the hospital where my dad was sitting with his face in his hands. I knew he was crying by the way his shoulders were shacking. 

''WHERE IS SHE?!'' I shouted and everyone were only starring at me like I had lost my mind. The truth is I had, I wanted to see her, I wanted to hold her and never let her go. ''She's in surgery son'' my father spoke up as he gave me a look of pity. 

All this time Sky needed me and I didn't even know what was happening and now she's lying in a hospital bed. All this time I had been giving Natalie the cold shoulder instead of giving a thought about Sky. If she was okay, if she found a new place to live in. But all this time she was hurt and she needed me more than ever. 

''Don't beat yourself up'' my mom said as she sat down next to my father. 


''Mr and Mrs Collins?'' a man in a white coat asked as he stood their with a note in his hand. I tried to blink a few times to get my vision clear from my sleep as I sat up. ''Where is she? Is she okay?'' my mom asked in panic as she glanced all around the room waiting for her to just yell surprise, but nothing happened. The doctor looked at us for a second before clearing his throat. ''You can go and see her know, only two at a time, she needs her rest'' All of us could finally let out the breath we all had been holding as we hurried us towards room 108. ''Go in first'' my father said as he held tightly onto my mother, who was crying so bad I wanted her to just go inside instead of me. 

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