She's cold as ice - What's happening...?

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I was winning Natalies' game. 

And nothing else mattered right now. 

Sadly, not even Sky. 

| | CHAPTER 11 :  WHAT'S HAPPENING...? | | 

Kyle Collins 

I was probably driving like Sky right now. Speeding through the traffics like I owned the road. Many chauffeurs were shouting profanities at me but I just gave them the finger and kept driving. I knew I was being careless but Natalie was getting what she deserved right now. Soon a familiar sound of an engine was closing up on me and I could see the yellow bike with a certain black headed girl speeding past me with a smirk. Sky was in no condiotin of driving right now, not only did she have broken ribs but also a broken leg and arm. How she even could drive was incredible and so Sky. I knew that she was hurting by the way her bike were swaying almost like she was going to fall anytime soon. Lucky her we were right infront of the station, while i was running she was currently jumping with one leg as she tried keeping herself up. 

When I walked in, I was directly thrown into the mass with all those crazy paparazzis. I guess that's the down side with having almost famous parents. I mean her dad is a judge and her mom a lawyer. That isn't being famous right? 

''Kyle?'' I heard Natalies' mom call out as she approshed me. ''Hi Mrs. Park'' I greeted quickly as I tried going to a desk. ''Why is Natalie here if everythings good between you two?'' she asked. ''Uhm, Natalie and I, we're over a pretty long time ago now'' I answered as I finally found a police officer. ''What can I help you with?'' the officer asked me as Mrs, Park were about to lose her breath. ''Mrs, are you okay?'' then out of nowhere she fainted getting all the attention from the paparazis. ''FOR GOD'S SAKE I'M NOT A CELEBRITY LET ME THROUGH YOU DAMN IDIOTS GO AND DIE'' well that was no one other than Sky herself. The paparazzis were gone as quick as she had started the shouting, I guess she had a much bigger effect on people then I could imagine. 

''Someone send her to hospital'' a man shouted as he pointed at Sky. One glare from her and he was frozen. ''Kyle I can't let you do this'' she said weakly as she tried looking at me but it was like her body gave up and she was about to fall to the ground. It didn't even take me a second before I threw myself towards her to catch her before falling. I was about to catch her when a pair of strong hands held onto her and I fell right infront of who ever shoes that was. 

''You must be Kyle'' he spoke and I directly knew who that voice belonged to, Wade. ''And you are?'' I asked as I got up. When I got a look at his face I relized that my question must had been really stupid. He even laughed at me. ''Oh.. you're her brother I assume'' There was no doubt in that actually. His hair was dark, maybe even darker than Sky's. He had a strong jawline and his muscles were showing off as he carried his sister. ''Do me a favor, stay away from my sister, you're only making everything worse'' then he turned around, looking all cool as he walked out of the station. He stoped for a second as he turned around to say one last thing before walking away. ''I have no idea why she would risk her life for you but if she dies for you, I will come after you'' That even made my knees weak not in a passionate way. I was shacking so badly I thought I would fall. Did that guy not realize that we were actually in a police station? 

''So what did you want to tell us, young man?'' the officer asked me as I sat down and then I told him everything. 


When i got home, I was quickly met by a big hug. This was of course no one other than my sister. ''Oh, Ky alawys looking so cute'' she squeeled as she patted my head like I was a little kid. ''Hey Lola'' I said and walked past her into the kitchen. ''Michael'' I greeted Lola's fiance. He gave me a nod as he handed me a cola. ''Where's the girl my mom kinda adopted?'' Lola screamed as she ran into the kitchen. ''hospital'' I simply answered which somehow caused Lola to gasp. ''What is it honey?'' Michael quickly rose up from his chair as he held her in his arms. ''The girl my little brother is in love with is in hospital!'' she shouted and then she was crying. ''Are you PMSing?'' I asked bluntly as she sat down with her hand in her face as she cried her eyes out. She gave me a quick glare  that would have killed me if her fiance wasn't there. ''It's probably her hormones'' Michael said as he gave me a reasuring smile. Then after he said that another death glare was sent but it was directed at him instead. He then realized what he had said and when it struck me as I was sitting there completely shocked. ''Don't tell anyone yet'' I wanted to ask about it but Michael was quick to cut me off. 

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