She's cold as ice - Meet Sky Kunis

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Kyle Collins

I woke up to the feeling of freedom. I was finally the only kid left in this house with my dad and mom. Only yesterday had I said goodbye to Marcus, the last one to leave us all to live with his girlfriend in Washington. As I made my way down the stairs and our marble floor I found myself suddenly infront of a girl. Okay, so this girl couldn't see me cause her back was aganist me, but her figure was really petit but still surprisingly gorgeous. ''stop starring at me'' her voice full of venom spat at me as she turned around in that slowmotion way when the girls hair just floats around? Don't get me? Then go and watch a girly teenage movie that your sister might force you to watch. 

My breath caught in my throat and the only thing I could do was to stare. She was breathtakingly stunning in a beautiful way. Her dark hair made her ice cold eyes stand out. ''what are you doing in my house? I don't remember deciding a time with a stunning girl like you?'' I asked with my morning voice which was a bit husky by the time. I couldn't see one tiny little emotion from her and then she slapped me across my face. ''I'm not a fucking h**ker'' she whispered before heading out the door without a single word. 

What the hell was that? 

I grabed a glass and poured some milk in it before gulping it all down. Then walking into the kitchen again was her but with my mom... 

''Oh good, you're awake'' my mom said, putting down the groceries on the table infront of me. She then gestured for me to put it away. 

''Kyle, darling I want you to meet Sky Kunis. She's going to live with us for the time being, you know I talked about taking care of kids that don't have a place to stay? Well here's one'' she simply said like it was no big deal for me. But it was a big deal for me because now I'm not the only kid in this house. ''And hurry up, you'll be late for school and take Sky with you''

I waited till I was in my room before I groaned and got dressed. She just had to destroy everything didn't she?  

''KYLE, I SAID HURRY UP!'' my mom shouted from downstairs. I quickly putted on my favorite Nike sneakers and went downstairs. ''Take care of Sky'' was the last words my mom said before closing the door behind us. ''I will follow you'' she simply said and that's when i saw her bike. Not a bicycle if that's what you wonder but a smashfaced BMW bike that's yellow. She looked hot on it and my eyes was glued on her. 

''Are we going or not?'' she asked with a polite voice but you could still here the venom in it. ''uhm yeah'' I mumbled before running a hand thorugh my hair. I drove away in my Audi and she drove right behind me. 

When arriving at school, I could see all the glances she got and of course the girls gave me their best flirtious faces. It was kinda disgusting how they would unbotten ther shirts to show some clevlage or put extra make up on because they thought it would look better. Some guys were already surrounding her but I could see how she pushed them away easily. 

''So who's that girl you arrived with?'' my on and off going girlfriend Natalie asked as she gave Sky her evil glare. Sky of course saw it and gave her the finger before entering the school halls. ''That's Sky and she's going to live with me'' I answered her and ran after Sky. 

I could easly make out who Sky was because she was the only one with that brown kind of hair and everyone else in this school either had blonde hair or really dark hair. She was walking in her own kind of style and elegance, ignoring all the perverted stares she got from the boys. I saw how Jay's hand was on his way to touch her ass but like a reflex she griped his hand and twisted it. He let out a girl piercing shrieck which made all of his friends to laugh. Then closing the space between them she whispered ''don't you ever dare try touching me again'' even making the hair on my arms to stand up. Jay sure must have been peeing his pants by now, he was all pale and the sweat dripping from his forehead gave everything away. Then the liquid stain that suddenly formed on his crotch made it all clear about wat I just thought. And the laughing sound from all the students in the school that was seeing this ecohed throughout the halways like carzy! Everyone were going to talk about this for at least a week till something new happen. 

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