Chapter 21 - A burden

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''Do we know who killed him?'' Quentin asked breaking the silence that had settled over all of us. ''I think Sky is the only one who know, that's why everyone think it's her'' It didn't seem like Wade believed his own words by the way he was shaking. Though that was a better clue than what anyone had right now.

| | CHAPTER 21 : A BURDEN | |

Kyle Collins

''That means we have one week to fix a reliable plan'' Wade voiced out after I told him about my threat. We had been discussing for hours about what to do and the only thing Wade could think of was to fix this 'reliable' plan of his.

''Man, you've said that already'' Quentin groaned out, the dark circles under his eyes made me wonder how long he had been awake. Had it been hours or days? The redness in his eyes wasn't good either, he almost looked like a crazy person.

''Shut up I'm thinking''

This was not working at all, the three of us sitting in this dark small room with Tricia occasionally coming down to scold us. Apparently we stink like pigs and should go out to take a nice walk as she has put it. I knew that she only wanted the best for us, to not dwell on this way too much but how could we not? I was probably going to die and who knows what will happen to the rest of us.

''Let's take a rest'' Quentin said as he rose up from his seat ready to leave. I, being too tired to even think followed his move, both of us waiting for Wade to copy our moves. It took some seconds before he too got up and walked out of the room and the diner with us. What we had not expected was a girl coming for an attack as soon as the wind had hit us. Quentin was quick to push her away with the energy that he had left before any damage was made.

''What the hell Ivy?'' Wade shouted in pure anger, his eyes the same ice cold as a certain someone. The fiery red haired girl took a stand glaring at all three of us as she pointed a gun right at me. My breath was caught in my throat as I watched her confidently holding that gun in her hands. Wade's arm flew to protect me but what could it really do?

''Ivy, put down the gun'' Quentin said calmly his hands up in the air. Her green eyes didn't even glance his way, her only target was me. I could feel my palms sweating, not daring to wipe the sweat off on my jeans. I was very aware that one moment could be the end of me.

''Tell me why I shouldn't kill the one person Sky holds dear to her heart?'' Her voice was full of venom just Like Sky's the first time we had met. I could tell that this wasn't the first time that she had used that gun and I knew that she wouldn't even hesitate to kill me. Only the thought of this made me quiver more in fear as I gulped.

''Who's the one Sky holds dear to her heart?'' Quentin asked out of nowhere as if he actually didn't know...

Her eyebrows wrinkled in confusion for one second before a irritated look crossed her face. ''How stupid are you? Obviously she has a thing for that little coward standing next to you'' she gestured to me with her gun as Quentin laughed his ass off. This didn't seem to go well with Ivy as she directed the gun to the sky and pressed the trigger. The sound caused me to jump and Quentin to stop laughing.

''Do you really think my sister likes this guy?'' Quentin pointed at me, his face full of disbelief which also caused Ivy to question what he had said. ''I mean have you seen my sister? Why would she want someone as dumb as him?'' I no longer could tell if Quentin was playin or actually saying the truth and that seemed to be a question in Ivy's mind too. Her stand wasn't as confident as before and her gun was now more directed at the ground than on me. She was too conflicted in her thoughts that she hadn't realized Wade sneaking up behind her and when it was too late, he already had her gun in his hand pointing at her.

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