Chapter 18 - Does it matter

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She safely led me out of the basement before turning around, looking at me unsurly. ''Don't freak out now but'' Her eyes locked into mine hesitantly and before she could stop herself the words were already out of her mouth. And I was surprised cause never in a million years would I had thought that Sky would say that. 


Kyle Collins

''Why woud you even do that?'' I asked her in disbelief. She wanted to help Nathalie?! 

''Because what she said about Mr Tendsie is true'' Those eyes, her eyes held so mych truth that I couldn't back away, I couldn't tell her how wrong this was and how stupid this would be. Me helping my ex-girlfriend who I blamed was lying directly to my face. 

Well this will be fun, please not the sarcasm. 

So here we were standing outside Nathalie's balcony and there is nothing more wrong with taking the girl that you currently might like to your crazy ex-girlfriend's mansion. And it's even more wrong to be throwing small rocks at her balcony door, yet we were currently doing that. Her garden was pitch black, all the lights had been turned off due to it being close to midnight. 

The door suddenly opened revealing Nathalie in a pink rob looking confusely around in the dark. ''We're coming up'' Sky half whispered-shouted and then she started to climb up on the house towards the balcony, and in some seconds she was standing next to a shocked Nathalie. ''What are you doing here? Get out of my house'' she shouted loudly in a high pitched voice. The window to the right lighted up and a shadow made it's way out. 

''Nathalie, honey is somethign wrong?'' I heard Mrs Park ask and then she screamed. I had never heard Mrs Park scream before and I never wanted to hear it again. It was awful just like in a horror movie. ''Call the police'' she said with a panicked voice as she fumbled to open the door. I hurridely tried to climb up to the balcony but whatever I did, I failed miserably leaving Sky to laugh her ass off at me. I sent her a glare which she didn't seem to see before she entered the room with Nathalie behind. 

''I'm not going to hurt any of you'' Sky said with a calm voice that I didn't even know that she had. It was soothing and reassuring, calming every nerve in my body. ''I will call the police'' Mrs Park yelled and then she spotted me hanging at the edge of the balcony,  almost losing my grip. The scream echoed all throughout the house and I swear to god my ears were bleeding by now. My heart was thumping loudly in my chest as my breath was getting heavier. When I was about to lose my grip a hand grabbed me and just like that I felt the ground beneth me. Sky stood infront of me with a smirk on her lips, her eyes shining brightly by the moon. 

Mrs park was now lying on the ground, the shock had finally worn her out but Nathalie was only starring at her with her mouth wide open. ''Carefull sweetheart don't want to catch flies'' Sky pinched Nathalie's jaw and sat down on the bed with a exhausted huff. Nathalie and I only stood still starring towards her. 

''I can help you'' Sky broke the silence after a couple of minutes of  calming down. Nathalie was now sitting on her armchair as far away as possible from Sky and I was standing somewhere in between them. If Nathalie wasn't confused before she sure was now. 

''What do you mean?'' 

''I can help you with Mr Tendsie'' 

Nathalie stiffened, she quivered in fear at the name. For the first time in my life I was seeing Nathalie being so afraid that she might even faint. She was shacking so badly that if you asked her to take up a piece of paper she would drop it. It didn't take long before the tears were strolling down her cheeks and down her jaw. Her eyes were locked on Sky, the hope that shone right through was astoniching. It made me feel guilty of how I had accused her of lying when she was infact telling the truth. 

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