The Announcement

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Sara's POV

Shortly after they sat down headmaster Collins came over the loud speaker, "Attention all students. Please be seated at a table for this years announcements." As students hustled to find a seat, I turned to see my mom walking over to our table. 

"Why hello Sara, Jason, and friends," She started. All though my mom knew all our friends names i could tell something was up by the way she talked. "Sara and Jason can I speak to you before announcements?"

"Yeah! Guys we will be right back" Jason said to the rest of the group.

As we followed my mom up to the front of the hall, Jason and I both could feel our friends watching us to see what was happening. It wasn't often that our mom needed us in the morning.  Typically when she saw us at all, we knew why. But this time felt different. 

"So I needed to talk to you both before announcements. Unfortunately..." She was then cut off by the noise of Headmaster Collins' entrance.

"Students, welcome to the 2015-2016 school year!" At the sound of that the entire room went crazy. We are a very energetic school when it comes to sports or even the simplest things like breakfast. "I hope you have all had a wonderful summer visiting your families or even staying here on campus." she continued "and I would like to give a special shout out to our new freshmen. We hope that you all adjust well and you enjoy your time here!" 

Everything seemed to be going well. I looked out to see my friends listening attentively as usual. As I was looking at them I couldn't help but notice Jennifer and her group of friends across the room. They were all in a huddle talking quietly. I couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about. But i didn't have time to worry about them. I quickly changed my focus back to Headmaster Collins.

"This year we have decided to have some rule changes." At the sound of that Jason and I became excited. "You may leave campus between the hours of 5 and 11pm on weekday and between 8am and 11pm on weekends. However there will be days where you may not leave campus for safety reasons. More announcements will come later to your rooms. Have a wonderful day and good luck this year." 

I turned to my mom to find out what she needed only to find that she had left. 

"I guess it wasn't as important as we thought" Jason said 

We walked back to our table to meet everyone. As we approached the table I saw that Carter was the only one finishing up her breakfast.

"Last one as usual. Somethings never change do they?" Jason said 

After we all finished, we went back to our rooms to find that our schedules had arrived. I grabbed mine and went one room over to Soni and Carter's room. 

"Are you ready to open them?' I asked walking in 

"Absolutely!" Soni replied 

I heard my phone buzz only to look down and see that Jess had texted me

'We are waiting for you in the main hall'  

"Ready to go? They are waiting for us" I asked 

"Yeah, lets go!"


Authors Note:

So i have ideas for bits and pieces of the story just idk how well they are going to fit together. 


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