The Night

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Sara's POV

Soon enough it was 11pm and Soni gave me a look signaling that we had to get Luke and Ashton out of the lab so we could get ready. "Well I think we should start closing up for the night." I started. "We are sleeping in here again right?" I asked Soni.

"Yup." She replied

"I agree." Ashton said. He was laying on the cot basically already asleep. "Luke lets go. You two stay safe. Okay?" He asked us.

"Okay." We both replied. They got up hugged us goodnight and left. As soon as they left I looked over to see that Soni was on the verge of tears already. I walked over and hugged her.

"I know you are scared but we need to do this, for both of them." I said. She started crying. "We need to get ready to go okay?"

"Okay." She went over to the closet and got us both a small weapon to have just in case. When we finished getting our things together. We still had about 20 minutes before we had to leave. We sat in silence for a bit until our phones buzzed. It was Jessica in our group chat.

'Meet in the Main Hall for one last night together.'

We both ignored it and decided that we didn't want to be late for what was about to happen. We walked out of the lab and toward the North Corridor avoiding the Main Hall. We walked in silence until we arrived at the North Corridor with 5 minutes to spare. "We still have 5 minutes before they told us to meet them." Soni started. "What do you......" She was cut off by someone putting a bag over both of our heads. It was happening. We were being kidnapped by the same people that kidnapped our moms. We both struggled to get away from who ever was taking us but it was no use. We were thrown into a black room. The door closed and it went silent. The silence lasted for a few seconds before we heard a gas filling the room. The last thing I remember is the door opening then everything went dark.


Ashton's POV

Luke and I walked back to our rooms after we left Sara and Soni. I was super tired so as soon as I got back I laid down and fell asleep instantly. Around 2am I was awaken by the sound of someone beating down Mikey and I door. As usual I woke up and Mikey didn't budge. I got up as the knocks continued and got louder. I opened the door to find Luke freaking out in the hallway. "Why are you here?" I said annoyed that it was 2am.

"Their gone!" He said panicking

"What do you mean their gone?" I asked really confused

"Soni and Sara. They aren't in the lab or their rooms." Luke starting pacing. "I knew we should have stayed with them. WHY DIDN'T WE STAY WITH THEM?" He yelled.

I grabbed Luke's shoulders causing him the stop pacing. I looked Luke dead in the eyes. "Where do you think they are?"

"I don't know probably somewhere stupid where they will get hurt!" He yelled

"Calm down." I said. "Lets go back to the lab and look for any clues they may have left. You need to think like Soni, and I'm going to think like Sara. It's the only was we can figure this out." I stayed calm so Luke would too. We walked down to the lab and starting looking through the computers. I went through all the messages she has received, It wasn't long before I came across a message for both Soni and Sara from an unknown. I clicked on it to find a message that read, 'This is my final offer. Both of you come to the North corridor tonight at midnight, alone. Otherwise I kill them both. Your choice. -YWN' "Found it. They went to the North Corridor at midnight...." I started

"But that was two hours ago!" Luke said stating obvious.

"Thank you Luke for stating the obvious!!!" I said with a sarcastic tone. "Don't you think I knew that?" I said giving him a look. He looked at me and waved his hand telling me to continue with what I was saying. "Anyways, As I was saying, my guess is that they took them and brought them to the house we went to the first time they saw them."

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