The Lab

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Sara's POV

Could this really be from them? I thought. Should i tell Soni? If I did she might just want her mom back and she could stop helping me after she gets her mom back. All these thoughts ran through my mind. But most of all I wondered, What does YWN mean/stand for? I knocked on Jason's door and waited for an answer. After a couple minutes of standing there waited, I heard the door start to unlock. His roommate Steven opened the door.

"Hey Sara! Can I help with something?" Steven asked. I have known Steven ever since Jason and him became best friends in the 8th grade. He was a tall guy with dark brown hair and green eyes. I always thought that he wasn't bad looking but he was best friends with my brother and I knew that those feelings were not good, so I always push them away.

"Hey Steven! I was actually looking for Jason. Is he around?" I asked. I looked behind and saw that Mikey was in the room playing video games.

"Um, no he went to breakfast this morning and that was the last time I saw him. Sorry!" He answered

"Its fine. Ill just call him. Oh hey Mikey!" i said waving to him.

"Hey Sara!" He said in response.

"Okay well thanks anyways. If he drops by would you mind telling him just to call me. I really need to talk to him." I asked

"Yeah! Of course no problem!" He answered with a smile.

"Okay great. I'll see you around!" I said walking away.

I started to walk to the lab to meet Soni. I still hadn't decided wether or not I should tell her about the text. I decided to not think about it and just call Jason to see where he was.

As I called him, I heard it ring once before going straight to voicemail. "Hey Jason, Its Sara, Its really important and I need to talk to you as soon as possible! Thanks! Bye." I hung up the phone just as I approached the Lab. I scanned my ID card which unlocked the door for me to enter. I walked in and saw Soni testing the hair we found for DNA.

"Well I found Steven and Mikey, but no Jason." I said walking over to the lab table.

"So I looked more closely at the note and found out that it was written in code by our moms." Soni said

"Did you decode it?" I asked looking at the letter.

"Are you doubting me?" she asked giving me a look.

"No, just answer the question!" I demanded

"Fine. Yeah I did. It says 'Girls, if your reading this then you have found the first house of theirs. Congrats! We knew you could do that! Whatever they say or do you can't give up. We have faith in you. Love you!'" She said reading the note.

"Okay sounds good. I wasnt planning on giving up!" I said with a little laugh. 

I walked away from where she was standing. Our school was very big on science. Our labs were extremely nice and expensive . I knew how to work with most of the things in the lab, but my strong suit was computers. Since my mom was the assistant head master, Soni and I have our own personal lab. We are both really big into science so my mom pulled some strings and got us the lab.  "Have you hooked the phone up the the computer yet?" I asked walking over to the computer.

"Not yet. Ive been in here decoding and testing DNA." She answered.

I logged into the computer. "Can you hand me the phone please?" I asked.

She was in the middle of the DNA test. She gave me an annoyed look. "I'm kinda in the middle of something." She said with an annoyed tone.

"Fine then." I said getting up. "I just have to do everything myself don't I?" I said in an annoyed sarcastic tone. I got up and walked over to the table the phone was on. I picked it up and walked over to the computer. I plugged it in and as soon as all the files started transferring, I remembered the text. "Um, I have something to tell you." I slowly started saying.

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